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Japan and Lord of The Flies

One reason is that Japan has a great culture which has combined successfully between traditions and modern technologies . One example is Shibuya crossing town in a huge, and prosperous city that famous for its interesting daily activities. This example shows that Shibuya is considered one of the most crowded and modern in the world. It's so big that you can find almost anything that even relates to the most modern technology. On the other hand, I have learned that Shibuya have an interesting free market system which allowed the circulation of many amazing things around. Therefore, the very rare historical and traditional stuffs such as paintings and historical book can be found there. As a matter of fact, Japan has a amazing culture that mixed between traditions and technology. Another example is there are many shrines and castles in Japan which has been a thousands of years. This example shows that because Japan has a long history with great wars that has changed the Japanese culture over time and eras, its historical story and myth are wid


Three Short Stories

Story 1 A young couple, Ella and Thomas, were heading to a party one Friday night. The party was at their friends Jim's house, and they had heard prior that it was going to be a pretty crazy party. Thomas was a rather reserved man, unlike Ella who was much more outgoing and comfortable in social situations. Being that Thomas was an introvert, the idea of a big party made him very nervous, so he made sure there would be alcohol at the party. Both Thomas and Ella had just graduated from College 4 months ago, and they had been dating for 8 months. Ella was Thomas's second girlfriend, and Thomas's first relationship ended with his girlfriend cheating on him. Ella throughout college had numerous relationship, some of which only lasted one night. Thomas and Ella finally arrived at Jim's house to find the place absolutely packed with people. Immediately Ella ran into an old friend and sparked up a conversation while Thomas made it a priority to find a drink to calm his nerves. After he had


Neuropsychology and Human Behavior

"Neuropsychologists and clinical neuropsychologists study the connection between the brain and behavior. They apply theories and principles of neuropsychology to diagnose and treat disorders of higher cerebral (brain) functioning. Neuropsychologists test and evaluate patients to determine if psychological processes are impairing behavior or cognitive performance" (Career Information Center 181). Basically, neuropsychologists are psychologists who have additional specialized training (Career Information Center 181). "They are not physicians but rather assess internal processes that have to do with human behavior" (Career Information Center 181). "Like other social scientists, psychologists formulate hypothesis and collect data to test their validity. Research methods vary with the topic under study. Psychologists sometimes gather information through controlled laboratory experiments or by administering personality, performance, aptitude, or intelligence


Commercials and the Power of Persuasion

In a consumer world where businesses want you to hear their company names and slogans everywhere you go and as often as they can afford to shout them at you, it's easy to dismiss commercials as the background noise of parts of your life, as the equivalent to the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher. But commercial advertisements have a real and undeniable effect on people's choices, which accounts for why companies pay figures in the seven digits for mere minutes of advertisement, sometimes less, depending on the program. However, that's not to say that all advertisements are created equal. Their powers of persuasion can vary largely depending on a number of factors, and a comparison between two commercials in particular may help illuminate this idea. While a November 2010 ad "Trouble Never Takes a Holiday" by Allstate and a 2011 ad "Unsung Hero" by TVC Thai Life Insurance both aim to convince the audience to subscribe to insurance coverage sold by their respective comp


Commercials and the Power of Persuasion

In a consumer world where businesses want you to hear their company names and slogans everywhere you go and as often as they can afford to shout them at you, it's easy to dismiss commercials as the background noise of parts of your life, as the equivalent to the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher. But commercial advertisements have a real and undeniable effect on people's choices, which accounts for why companies pay figures in the seven digits for mere minutes of advertisement, sometimes less, depending on the program. However, that's not to say that all advertisements are created equal. Their powers of persuasion can vary largely depending on a number of factors, and a comparison between two commercials in particular may help illuminate this idea. While a November 2010 ad "Trouble Never Takes a Holiday" by Allstate and a 2011 ad "Unsung Hero" by TVC Thai Life Insurance both aim to convince the audience to subscribe to insurance coverage sold by their respective comp


A Letter to My Future Self

I am writing to you from the not to distant future of 2016, where we have reached the totally ridiculous age of seventeen (yes we really made it that far!) Although it may be strange to hear, life as an adolescent isn't quite as glamorous as previously imagined. A piece of advice kid, cherish this time. You've got a lot of talent, and you'll achieve things you never thought possible, but the unfortunate truth is that you're also an emotionally wrecked perfectionist. if you don't heed this letter and change the future, most of your young life will be a sort dark eclipse where you isolate yourself from a lot of people and fail to enjoy your own success. You'll dedicate yourself so much and work so hard on tasks that eventually your body gives in and school becomes a chal


Formal Analysis of San Giorgio Maggiore

The facade consists of two overlapping elements: the first one which is the central one is predominantly tall with a pediment which is supported by four Corinthian columns and the second is the wider and lower one. The Corinthian pilasters have framed it from the outer sides. In addition, it has its own broad, lower, triangular pediment which is cut on the top as the two main elements interlock. Two exposed wings of the brick transepts have framed the facade and it is entirely capped by a lead cupola. Moreover, there is a tall vertical element that is the campanile of the church. (R.Goy, 2010, p.434) The dome is higher than the temple gable. It is notable that the material and colour of the white ashlar, red brick and white roofs are in great harmony (Pape.T & Wundram.M, 2008, p.153). The ground plan and the design


Smartphones: The Greatest Invention in History

In this day and age, technology undoubtedly plays a pivotal role, thanks to the contributions of some of the great minds in history. Many adamantly conceive that the steam engine was one of the most paramount and imperative inventions of mankind as it enabled the advent of all motor vehicles, including cars, buses, and planes. All in all the perception that the steam engine was the most important invention has some merit and rings true to the ears of some individuals. However, in my humble opinion, I would say that the smartphone was the greatest and most influential invention in mankind's history for the following reasons. First and foremost, the majority of individuals would agree with the notion that the smartphone has already engendered a myriad of advantages for modern people. This is mainly due to the fact that this portable yet extremely convenient gadget essentially and successfully combined all useful electronic devices into one easy to hold product. As Steve Jobs famously sa


Crime Scene Investigations

Creating a set of guidelines on conducting the preliminary investigation for a criminal case is extremely important as it gives a baseline for officers to follow to help prevent errors in the investigation. According to Hess and Orthmann (2010), "The initial response is crucial to the success of an investigation. Although it is popularly believed that cases are won or lost in court, more cases actually are lost during the first hour of an investigation than in court" (p. 14). After containing the incident, officers upon arrive will begin examining the scene by taking photographs, sketches or videos. After the scene has been recorded visually, officers will search for evidence, and then collect it for examination and processing while documenting what has been found during the search for clues. The victims, suspects and any witnesses will be questioned. Officers will conduct neighborhood canvasses to locate any witnesses that may not have been on the scene. All information


Kinetic and Physical Learning Methods

In this course of study, I am interested in various ways in which people learn, preferably through kinetics or in a physical manner. I would like to see if students can embrace and improve their learning about culture and social studies through kinetics or is it just best to teach the student in a "typical classroom setting" with desk, books and a blackboard. I would like discover if there is any difference in the socio-economic status and how they learn and are accommodations in various learning are being met. According to Howard Gardner, there are multiple intelligence and various ways in which student can comprehend and obtain information. It would be interesting to see if socio-economic factors play a role in multiple intelligence and in which ways (e.g. a student who may not have pen and paper to retain information because they lack the materials, would creating a song help them remember – musical intelligence?) While exploring sources for my Literary Review,


Kinetic and Physical Learning Methods

In this course of study, I am interested in various ways in which people learn, preferably through kinetics or in a physical manner. I would like to see if students can embrace and improve their learning about culture and social studies through kinetics or is it just best to teach the student in a "typical classroom setting" with desk, books and a blackboard. I would like discover if there is any difference in the socio-economic status and how they learn and are accommodations in various learning are being met. According to Howard Gardner, there are multiple intelligence and various ways in which student can comprehend and obtain information. It would be interesting to see if socio-economic factors play a role in multiple intelligence and in which ways (e.g. a student who may not have pen and paper to retain information because they lack the materials, would creating a song help them remember – musical intelligence?) While exploring sources for my Literary Review,


Geography and Environmental Racism

Environmental racism is when a certain geographical area is degraded due to the racial group that occupies that area. African Americans are one of the specific racial groups that have health disparities in their communities. This can open up this racial group, to being more easily prone to contracting different types of diseases. Racial discrimination in education, housing, unemployment, etc- has played a major role in health disparities. According to Shavers and Shavers (march 2006), "discrimination remains a significant problem for racial/ethnic minorities." Environmental racism can be addressed through environmental justice. Environmental justice is when people, no matter their race or wealth have equal and good environmental protection. From 19


The Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror was a horrific event that occurred in France as a result of the French Revolution. The French Revolution, led by a powerful prosecutor named Maximillien Robespierre, was a movement that began in the late 1780's and ended in the late 1790's. The main goals of the revolution were to overthrow the absolute monarch, Louis XVI and make France a republic. While there were many supporters of this movement, there were also people who were against it. This caused a great conflict within France as supporters of the revolution feared that it may fail. The Reign of Terror began in 1793 with the execution of Louis XVI. Its goals were to kill all the rebels of the revolution. However, many citizens were murdered that were not necessarily rebels. This brings us to the question, was there justification for the executions during the Reign of Terror? The answer is no, the horrific events that took place during The Reign of Terror were in no way justified due to the unnecessary manner


Living an Ideal Life

A "good life" is a subjective term. It depends on the person that this question is asked, and the life they've lead up to the point of being asked. To a poor person with mental and emotional stability, a good life is just a life where you are financially stable and aren't threatened with starvation or eviction. To a poor person with a mental illness, a good life is one where you are happy, despite your financial position. A good life is to me, however, is a combination of both, where you are financially stable, emotionally stable, and mentally stable. So, in essence, the key to a good life is being able to make good decisions. The first step to the good life is financial stability. The key to this step is realizing the difference between wanting something and needing it. You need to eat breakfast, but you don't need to spend $5.50 on a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich and an iced coffee. You can just go to the cafeteria and get the free breakfast that is provided for you. You need clothes, but you don't need a $75 designer dress when you can get muc


Formal Art Analysis: Camel

The artwork that will be analyzing today is called Camel. Camel, a free standing ancient Chinese ceramic statue which is about 33 inches tall and 29 inches wide, now is being displayed in Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. It was found in an aristocratic tomb in the northern regions of China-Shanxi province or Henan province, and was made approximately 1300 years ago in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-906). According to the museum label, the sculpture is made from light-colored earthenware clays, partly using molds with added sections that were joined together. Funerary ceramics like this camel were popular during Tang dynasty, and most of them were made for the tombs of princes and officials in that period. The statue is in excellent condition except that its X-ray scan shows that it was broken into several pieces, but was conserved in a rather rough fashion that was commonly used several decades ago. There is no any obvious damage on it, but a metal coat hanger that is used as an armatu


The Rise of Technology and the Decline of Literature

Stepping outside, a person in the United States can instantly see how prevalent a role technology has in our lives. From the smart phones that connect people globally through a few touches on the screen, to the airplanes roaring across the sky, the astounding capabilities and convenience that technology offers is unmatched. In "Why Literature Matters", an article from the New York Times Corporation by Dana Gioia, Gioia explores how living in the high-tech 21st century has unfortunately deteriorated the percentage of Americans who read literature. Gioia is able to sway his audience to devote more time to the simple task of reading works of intellectual value through fearful diction and compelling consequences associated with being illiterate.


The Factory by Mary Dilworth

In the flash fiction story "The Factory" by Mary Dilworth, the factory owned and loved by the narrator's husband, Eric, burns down in the night while she does not call the fire brigade, and enjoys watching the beauty and grandeur of the burning sky. Although the narrator does not admit guilt, a close look at the analysis of the marriage between Eric and the narrator suggest that the mysterious fire had human causes: the narrator: the narrator. The narrator has a powerful hatred for the Factory. She has this hatred due to jealousy and lack of lack of communication with her husband. The Factory was sucking the life out of her husband and she wanted him back. The narrator's jealousy comes from the factory consuming his life and priorities. His colors slowly show how the factory has literally consu


Journey to Travel Home

When explorers travel for business, leisure, or permanent relocation, they often leave behind a place of comfort, one with which they have become familiar. This place is where travelers often call home-their comfort zone. Travel takes you away from home but one thing someone often seems to miss is to travel back home realizing the concept of home. We will explore the journey to travel home in Bryson's A Walk in the Woods which follows the writer's attempt to walk the two thousand miles Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine alongside his friend Stephen Katz. Despite their struggles throughout the trial, Bryson and Katz ultimately find it difficult to adapt the new ways of their life. First Bryson talks about his great experience purchasing equipment's at the outfitters store, second being his different views on AT whether to go on AT or not, and lastly realizing the concept of home after completing half way through the trial, but that was not his real intention or point of hiking in t


The Causes and Effects of Cyberbullying

Abstract This paper is aimed to address the different forms of cyberbullying, who cyberbullying typically effects the impacts of cyberbullying on victims, and the prevention methods against cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as bullying through electronic means, such as instant messaging, through the Internet, on social websites, through text messaging, and through phone calls. Also, there are various forms of cyberbullying, such as cyberstalking, impersonation, and harassment. There are differences not only between the occurrences of cyberbullying between males and females but also in ways that males and females cyberbully. It can also be based upon a person's race, religion, body image, disability, and sexual orientation. Cyberbullying is a crucial problem in today's society, and the aftermath of it can become fatal. It is becoming more aggressive than public bullying, and, as technology advances, it is becoming much more common. When someone in middle school, high school, or ev


The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project was an international research project to sequence and map out the human genome. A genome is the complete set of genetic material present in a cell or any living organism. In October of 1990, the National Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Energy went on a quest to sequence all the base pairs in a complete set of DNA in the human body. With the research they would gather they hoped to understand why genetic diseases occur, how to treat them, prevent them, and diagnose them. This research went on for 13 years and included biologists and genetic engineers from all around the world. The Human Genome Project was c


Reflection on Teaching Middle School Students

Standard 1: My Reflection on Child Development I am currently working with middle school students and I plan to be doing this in the future. Above all, I want to be committed to the learners, be able to make rash decisions intelligently, be reflective in all the lessons I carry out, and thoroughly understand my subject matter. I have learned that child development comes with maturation, as well as, the different stages of development. The thinking, social skills, and other characteristics of middle school students certainly do differ greatly from those of younger or older children. I have learned that a trait in middle school children is that they quickly realize they do not understand a subject. They are much more willing to raise their hands and ask for clarification during discussion. This knowledge will help make me a better teacher because it fosters great discussions and new learning, and can be intentionally used as a strategy for teaching new subjects. I have discovered t


Global Temperature and Thermal Stress

During the last century, the global temperature on the surface of the Earth grew for 0.74±0.180C, and climate projectional model summed up in the IPCC reports indicates that during the XXI century the warming (process) will continue to grow reaching the values of 1.1 to 6.40C (IPCC, 2007). In the parallel line with the global warming the number of scientific researches which demonstrate the negative effect of high temperatures over the production, morbidity and mortality of the animals is increasing. The weak performances, imuneosupression and the high rate of mortality which are results from exposures to high temperatures are a direct threat for the poultry production (Bottje &Harrison;, 1985; Young, 1990; Mujahid et al., 2005, 2009b) Although the hens are homeothermal animals which maintain permanent body temperature, in comparison to the other domestic animals, they are too sensitive to thermal changes in the environment. The thermo neutrality zone of the comfort ambience temperature for the hens is 18-240C and within its frames the excess of body temperature is lost by mea


Children and the Impact of Poverty

Even though there are many different cultures and ethnic groups in the world, many of those people may face the same problems. According to the book Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action, a social problem is be defined as "a social condition that has negative consequences for individuals, our social world, or our physical world" (Leon-Guerrero, 2015). There are many different problems that people may face, including trying to cope with mental or physical illnesses or financial problems. Society today has become adapted to particular social problems that sometimes people do not see it as a problem anymore. Poverty is just one of those social problems that some people may not view as an issue anymore. Poverty is a social problem alone, but poverty may also be connected to many other social or health problems and consequences for a family. Poverty alone carries multiple difficulties for children, but along with poverty, children may endure more problems. Accor


Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

T. S. Eliot's 20th-century poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," presents the irony of how young men perceive love as something very hard to express and understand while disagreeing to their confusion. The speaker of this poem is the title character, J. Alfred Prufrock. Prufrock is the short way to call this poem, and the composer is not named Prufrock. The author of this poem is T. S. Eliot and the speaker of the piece is Alfred Prufrock. The speaker Prufrock speaks about love in the poem, and how he experiences several crises while attempting to approach the woman he loves. The audience that Prufrock is addressing to in the poem is the woman he loves. It is definitely someone who he has or wants to get into a relationship with. The audience of this piece is not mentioned frequently, but the readers have clues of this woman by knowing details of her clothing and arms. The occasion of this poem is the speaker's love affair with a woman and his journey of approaching her. It is


Sacrifice in The Hunger Games

Often, people will perform selfless acts for the ones they love. This is true for the characters Peeta and Katniss from The Hunger Games. An examination of emotional, physical and spiritual sacrifice reveals several ways people often act to protect the ones they love. In Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games, the characters make many sacrifices throughout the novel, and this could ultimately inspire others to act the same. In the novel, Katniss and Peeta make many inspirational emotional sacrifices for the ones they love, and to help them survive. To begin with, Katniss saves her younger sister Prim and volunteers as tribute because she cannot stand seeing her name chosen at the reaping when she states, " 'I volunteer!" I gasp. "I volunteer as tribute'" (Collins, 22). This is true for all older siblings who always look out for their younger siblings and would usually act selfless in these types of situations. Katniss displays her willingness to risk her life and s