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The Ox-Bow Incident by Walter Van Tilburg Clark"With the silencing of the innocent, the mob devours the blameless as ropes tighten and whips crack." This scene portrays the power emotions can have on people's actions. When passion and emotions cloud reason, people act on gut feeling and this often ends in disaster. Walter Van Tilburg Clark illustrates this point in "The Ox-Bow Incident". When people set their minds on irrational emotions, they typically act in an unjust, irresponsible manner. The state of a man's mind is established by his emotions, which become his reality - whether it is fact or fiction. When people choose to follow their emotions, no matter the cost, they are willing to kill in order to support their decision. As stated in the "Ox-Bow Incident", one member of the mob states, "I'd string any son-of-a-bitchin' rustler like that...[even] If he was my own brother, I would""(41). The mob is blinded by their passion to kill; their only thought is to hang those rustlers, even if it means killing their own brother. Their obsession to kill has made them like animals. As Gerald was explaining, "You c |
724 |
What is managementIn this essay, I will compare five different management theorists including: Henri Fayol (1841- 1925), Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), Elton Mayo (1880-1949), Daniel Bell (1919-2011) and Henry Mintzberg (1939-present). I'll also discuss the organizational functions of management and how their implementation affects the efficiency of companies. One of the most important authors who wrote about management strategies is Sun Tzu. His book, "The Art of War" emphasizes the efficiency of military strategy. "With the army focused,/ The brave will not/ Advance alone,/ Nor will the fearful/ Retreat alone./ This is the Art of/ Managing Many." (Sun-tzu, 2002:43). Henry Fayol was the first to formulate a theory defining six management functions; the necessity for a clear plan, effective commanding, operative co-ordination, efficacious organizing, forecasting and control within firms. Fayol's list of managerial principles: division of work, authority and responsibility, discip |
1123 |
Alexander: The Man, The King, The GreatAlexander III King of Macedon, son of Phillip ll King of Macedon, and his primary spouse Olympias, is widely known as Alexander the Great. Alexander III is widely known as great" due to his immense influence on his time in history and those that follow. While this is true, he should be considered great" for much more then that. Alexander III should be considered great due to his leadership and interaction with his army, his military conquests, and his influence on the world. When considering greatness one must first define greatness. The dilemma presented is how can one define such a word, as throughout history and culture the meaning of greatness changes deeply. When comparing the idea of greatness in Alexander's time and the current period the difference while not extreme is quite grand. In Alexander's time greatness was mainly reserved for soldiers, and men of higher birth. These men attained greatness through military achievement and through the conquering of foreign na |
2672 |
A Life Changing Day with My FriendsI opened my eyes and darkness surrounded me. I couldn't remember where I was. Everything was silent. I could hear the rain falling like tiny bombs on our car and felt frigid cold air brushing my face. Something soft, like a pillow, was below my right ribs. Am I dying? Where am I? My head was filled with questions. I could see black leather car seats and the smell of the leather made me dizzy. I was in a but there was something wrong with gravity. A powerful force was pulling me to the right. Are we tilted? Have we been flipped over? Am I upside-down? My memory kicked into gear and started to replay what had just happened... I woke up around 7:00 in the morning which was unusual for me on weekends. It was my first time going snowboarding, so I had a bag of instant noodles for breakfast and put on all my gear. My friend, Will, and I grabbed our snowboards and headed downstairs to wait for our ride. A silver Toyota RV4 drove recklessly into the driveway of our house and stopped. The front window rolled down, Guohao and Sam were sitting in the front of the car waving at us excitingly. We chatted a little and discussed which route was the best to take |
780 |
The Jilting Granny WeatherallIn her story, "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall", Katherine Anne Porter" talks about many different characters. The story has minor characters that seem flat and undeveloped but one character, Granny Weatherall, has been fleshed out and fully developed. She is a very strong and independent woman, but at eighty years old, is unable to do some things for herself. The reader is able to empathize with Granny Weatherall's feelings as she is nearing the end of her life. As Granny is being cared by a doctor named Harry, she really just wanted to be left alone. "I'll call for you when I want you", Granny would tell the doctor. She felt the doctor was too young to take care of her and could not relate to what she was going through. She was also being cared for by her daughter, Cornelia, whom Granny felt was a nuisance. Granny was only resting to please Cornelia and keep her from worrying about her. She wanted to go back to her house and not be reminded that she was old. Granny wished she could go back to the good old days, when she did everything her |
707 |
Two Authors Who Overcame Major Life ObstaclesAs young children, we are given certain opportunities and guidance to expand our knowledge of reading and writing. In certain cases, children have to work hard and face difficulties to achieve their goals. Two people who had to work hard to overcome their difficulties were Amy Tan, the author of "Mother Tongue"" and Sherman Alexie, author of "The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me". Tan and Alexie both had to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals of getting education. One of the obstacles they both had to overcome was their teachers. Another obstacle they both had to fight though was their language barriers. Finally, they both had to face stereotypes. Even though both Tan and Alexie had similar obstacles, Alexie's obstacles were harder to face. One of the obstacles Tan and Alexie had to overcome was their teachers not having confidence in them to be successful with writing in English. As an Asian American did will in math and science, but when it came to English Tan was over looked in school. In the essay, Tan states that "But those scores were not good enough to override the opinion that my true abilities lay in math and science, bec |
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Themes of the Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"" is exceedingly rich, both thematically and symbolically. Hawthorne uses these many themes and symbols to convey his story soundly and strongly. The themes of personal guilt and an individual's place in society are examined in this novel and the symbol of the scarlet letter A is used to illustrate the manner in which the main characters deal with this guilt. Hester Prynne bears this symbol on her chest for all to see. In the beginning of the story, the 'A' is a symbol of her guilt and shame. It represents the sin Hester has committed, and is a constant reminder of that sin to both herself and the community. In chapter five, Hawthorne writes "Another peculiar torture was felt in the gaze of a new eye. When strangers looked curiously at the scarlet letter, "and none ever failed to do so, "they branded it afresh into Hester's soul; so that, oftentimes, she could scarcely refrain, yet always did refrain, from covering the symbol with |
872 |
Three Short Stories that Demonstrate ChangeIn stories environmental changes often cause a big difference in the character. In "The Scarlet Ibis", by James Hurst, Brother acts out of pride and embarrassment towards his disabled brother, Doodle, and eventually causes Doodle's death. Mathilde in Guy Maupassant's story "The Necklace " wishes to be a member of the upper class, but her envy leads to devastating consequences when she loses the necklace she is lent. She end up lost everything and must work relentlessly for ten years to pay for the replacement, all because she didn't tell the truth. "The Most Dangerous Game, " by Richard Connell, demonstrates how fear can be a great motivator. Rainsford changes from a civilized individual into a murderous villain when he finds himself in a terrifying situation. These three stories clearly prove through the examples of pride, greedy, and fear, that the Environmental Changes played a big role in effecting people, and causes the change of the characters. In "The Scarlet Ibis"" by James H |
935 |
Self-Concept and How I See MyselfDescribe a time when you tried to bring about a change in your self-concept and were not successful in doing so. When I was a teenager, I would always worry about what others thought of me and I used to believe everything they said about me was true. I eventually learned to ignore the things that were being said, but after hearing those things for several years, I started to believe what they were saying was true. Later in my teen years, I tried changing the way I thought about myself. I tried convincing myself that all the names and things I was being called was just my peers picking on and bullying me. I knew deep down that none of it was true, but I couldn't make myself believe that I wasn't stupid or ugly and I gave up trying to change the way I thought about myself. I moved on. Summarize the guidelines for improving self-concept in our textbook and explain how each might apply to a change in self-concept. There are four guidelines for improving one's self concept. 1. The fir |
948 |
Alternative Energy for TomorrowWith the world economy growing at a fast pace, energy demand too has been witnessing a sharp rise in the past few decades, with demand mainly originating from the big developing economies of Asia, namely, India and China. Factors such as high population growth, growing urbanization and changing lifestyles in these developing nations are behind the increase in demand for energy. According to International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates, during 1990-2008, while world population increased by around 27%, energy use increased by around 39%. Consequently, average per person consumption of energy has seen a rise of 10% for the same period. The year 2010 has seen a further increase of around 5% in the world energy consumption levels. Most of the countries in the world use coal, oil and natural gas as their primary sources of energy. Around 90% of the total global energy requirement is met through these non-renewable energy sources. This heavy reliance on fossil fuels poses certain major conce |
2090 |
Marijuana - For Health and RecreationMention the word marijuana and nearly everyone has an opinion. From the depiction of marijuana use in the 1936 propaganda film "Reefer Madness" to more recent films such as "How High", there's an image of marijuana being painted by the media. Marijuana is illegal, and to many people, that makes less sense than prohibiting alcohol in the 1920's. Legalizing marijuana makes sense on so many levels, starting with easing the financial burden of the war on drugs. Also, marijuana has numerous medicinal benefits such as helping cancer patients while they undergo treatments and bringing relief to those who suffer from other painful illnesses. Perhaps it's time to leave the hysteria behind and acknowledge the fact that marijuana is harmless and has many beneficial properties. Not only that, but the revenue that could be generated through legalizing marijuana is staggering. Marijuana use was first documented in China in 2737 B.C., being used for medicinal reasons. From China, marijuana use |
829 |
The Concept of SelfThe "self" is an evolving part of each of us, responsible for thoughts and actions. Self is created by everything it is exposed to through feelings and thoughts. We are shaped by our surroundings: family, school, friends, music, and anything we experience in our day-to-day lives. I was born with a clean slate and my parents built a foundation on top of that. My foundation set up my knowledge of what's right and wrong and to understand the importance of protecting what is truth (that which is positive)". Self adapts and evolves with experience through sensation, imagination, emotion and dreams. What happens in our lives that make a clean, spotless slate (self) dirty? Descartes and his meditations are in search of the answer to this question and he takes on a rational and skeptical mindset to find the answers. In Descartes first mediation, he introduces the idea that a malignant demon" may be intentionally misleading him or that he may be dreaming, but either way he is imagining o |
1082 |
The Importance of NappingAmerican's are busy people! And whether we know it or not, getting plenty of sleep is necessary. The average adult sleeps 6.8 hours in a 24 hour period, but research has proven that the human body needs seven to nine hours of sleep per day.(Breus) Most American's are sleep deprived, causing the parasympathetic nervous system to kick into overdrive shortly after lunch by secreting digestive fluids. The overworking of the parasympathetic system causes the body to become fatigued. Many people call this "the afternoon slump". Sara Mednick, PhD, a sleep medicine researcher at the University of California at San Diego and author of "Take a Nap! Change Your Life!" supports this theory. Research studies on the effects of napping report that catching some extra "z's" ensures better psychological and physical health plus improved brain function (memory, accuracy, and overall "system recharge"). (Mednick) Some physical improvements are a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, migraine prevention a |
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Central Asia EconomicsJohannes Linn begs the question, what are the prospects for regional economic integration and regional cooperation in Central Asia? Simply put, the prospects are good...and bad. Central Asia's "land-linked" position gives it great opportunity for economic integration- as Austria, Switzerland and other European countries achieved - but even though the intraregional trade between Central Asian countries grew five-fold during 2000-2008, the share in total trade dropped dramatically, demonstrating the need of interconnectedness of Central Asia and their neighbors. The proposed solution to this "disconnection" problem was the introduction to regional cooperation, and with aid from multinational organizations and initiatives, this solution was set in motion. Even though these organizations, for example th |
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Macbeth's Bloody MurdersMacbeth, a play about a regicide and its aftermath, tells the story of the tragic downfall of Macbeth, a noble war hero driven by his overwhelming ambition to rule Scotland. It is both the shortest tragedy ever written by William Shakespeare, and arguably the bloodiest of his plays. From the first act of the play, in which King Duncan learns of how Macbeth has slain the traitorous Macdonwald, to the close of the play, where Macbeth falls at the hands of Macduff, Macbeth depicts one bloody murder after another. There has been much debate about which character is most responsible for the many acts of violence in the play. While the Three Witches' predictions influence Macbeth's thoughts, and plant in his mind the idea that he will be king, and while Lady Macbeth drives and manipulates her husband to murder Duncan, ultimately it is Macbeth, being of sound mind, and of his own free will, who does 'the deed', and is therefore the most responsible for the bloody murder of King Duncan, and th |
1315 |
What It Means to Be a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." (Douglas MacArthur) I joined the Marine Corp in December 2009 because I wanted to make a difference. At that time I was not sure where my career choice might take me but I knew that I would never give less than 120%. I strive everyday to bring honor to the Corp and ensure that my contribution is greater than what is expected of me. When I became a Corporal in November of 2012 I knew that the time had come for me to give back to others the discipline and education that my commanding officers had given me. The lessons I have learned and continue to learn can be administered at a new level. Since the War in Vietnam ended the focus of the military changed to being an Expeditionary Force in Readiness. The Marine Corp, being known as America's 911, this was no obsta |
694 |
What It Means to Be a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." (Douglas MacArthur) I joined the Marine Corp in December 2009 because I wanted to make a difference. At that time I was not sure where my career choice might take me but I knew that I would never give less than 120%. I strive everyday to bring honor to the Corp and ensure that my contribution is greater than what is expected of me. When I became a Corporal in November of 2012 I knew that the time had come for me to give back to others the discipline and education that my commanding officers had given me. The lessons I have learned and continue to learn can be administered at a new level. Since the War in Vietnam ended the focus of the military changed to being an Expeditionary Force in Readiness. The Marine Corp, being known as America's 911, this was no obsta |
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Decision Making and Significant ChoicesIn life, we are confronted with a steady stream of choices to make. Many of these are minor and of little significance. But the big ones, the really significant decisions can be life-changing. (unpacking prompt)These are the choices between important rights and wrongs, between what we know to be morally correct and ethical versus pathways leading us over to the dark side. It is also not always clear cut (point 1)what we should decide and these big" decisions require us to agonize over what our course of action will be. We know also that there will be consequences (point 2)not always positive and often not just for ourselves but for those who are dear to us. As the character of Atticus Finch recognizes in "To Kill a Mockingbird"", cases such as defending negro Tom Robinson against the charge of rape in his home town of Maycombe "come along once in a lifetime" (link to text/quote)and there is no turning away from such moments. Atticus knows deep down (point 1) that he has to represent |
817 |
Someone Very Special in My LifeI was in the third grade when I had the joy of meeting my teacher, Irma Jimenez. She was a person who made every child feel loved and successful in some way. She realized that children learn in different ways and knew our strength and weaknesses. As a result she gave us attention according to our needs. Back then I could not imagine the impact she was going to have in my life. By the time I was nine years old, my parents had already been divorced for four years. This situation made me very sad and I did not understand why I could not have a normal family. After the divorce, my father moved to the United States and my mom got re-married. After she got married, mom moved to a different city with her new family. When she moved away, we lost contact until I was nineteen years old. My sister Sandra and I went to stay with my father's mom. My grandmother was a cruel and strict person and her presence inspired terror in us. My grandmother was raised in a hostile and violent environment beca |
1163 |
Doctor Frederick BantingFrederick Banting was born on November 14, 1891 in Alliston, Ontario. He was born to William Thompson Banting and Margaret Grant who also had four more children. In 1911, after graduating from a public high school, he enrolled at the University of Toronto and decided to become a doctor. In 1915, he left the school to join the Canadian Army Medical Corps. There was a lack of doctors, so he was sent back to school to finished his Medical Bachelor degree at the University of Toronto, and graduated in 1916. Frederick immediately rejoined the Canadian Army Medical Corps and was sent to England. After the first World War, he returned to Canada and established his own medical office in London, Ontario. Banting was particularly interested in diabetes due to a fellow classmate who has died because of the condition. To do any research, Banting needed proper equipment along with financial support. He turned to the University of Toronto, and tried to convince Dr. Macleod to allow him the use of t |
856 |
Doctor Frederick BantingFrederick Banting was born on November 14, 1891 in Alliston, Ontario. He was born to William Thompson Banting and Margaret Grant who also had four more children. In 1911, after graduating from a public high school, he enrolled at the University of Toronto and decided to become a doctor. In 1915, he left the school to join the Canadian Army Medical Corps. There was a lack of doctors, so he was sent back to school to finished his Medical Bachelor degree at the University of Toronto, and graduated in 1916. Frederick immediately rejoined the Canadian Army Medical Corps and was sent to England. After the first World War, he returned to Canada and established his own medical office in London, Ontario. Banting was particularly interested in diabetes due to a fellow classmate who has died because of the condition. To do any research, Banting needed proper equipment along with financial support. He turned to the University of Toronto, and tried to convince Dr. Macleod to allow him the use of t |
856 |
The Evolution of Art During the RenaissanceEurope went through vast changes between 1300 and 1600 with astounding inventions in the disciplines of science, astronomy, exploration and art (painting, sculpture, architecture, and literature). This time period, known as the Renaissance, was seen as a new age of learning and thinking with a cultural movement in which art, literature, music, philosophy, and education contributed to numerous developments and influences. The Renaissance movement had its genesis in fourteenth century Florence, Italy with the notable writer Francesco Petrarca (or Petrarch) endorsing the idea of a reawakening of the literature and learning of ancient Greece and Rome. The word 'renaissance' means rebirth. Seen as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the modern era, The Renaissance also marked a cognitive shift from a religious perspective to a more intellectual and social focus. Classical texts previously lost to European scholars became readily available and included science, drama, poetry, prose, phil |
2474 |
The Boy Who Was Almost a ManIn the short story "The Man Who Was Almost a Man," by Richard Wright, depicts a boy who has the need to own a gun. In most cases you would think that someone wanting to own a gun is for protection, but that is not the case in this story. In the story, Dave, the main character, is trying to become a man, and in his opinion he needs to own a gun in order for him to be considered a man. When reading the story, we come to understand the respect he is looking for by looking at the primary male figure in his life. Dave asks his mother for a the money to buy a gun, and this act itself comes across as very immature and childlike. "He laid the catalog down and slipped his arm around her waist," and he began begging her to let him purchase the gun, which makes him look "like a child begging for candy at the store" (Wright 309). The manner in which he asks his mother to let him purchase a gun doesn't help him look more like the man he is trying to be. On the contrary, it makes him see more childlike, vulnerable and n |
683 |
Science and English Language Development (ELD)The Integration of English Language Development and Science Instruction in Elementary Classroom written by Susan Gomez Zweip, William Straits, Kristen Stone, Delores Beltran, and Leena Furtado is an article that examined the significance of blending Science with ELD classes. During the early 2000's we were hit with the No Child Left Behind Act, which ironically left ELL students behind, because states now had the right to set its own policies regarding ELL students. This meant that ELL students would not only have to test in a language they were not fluent in, but also be proficient in the subjects of math and English. Schools put the focus on teaching math and English to the ELL students in hope that their test scores would go up. This meant that Science content was at the bottom of the totem pole. If the students were low performing they would shamefully get little to no Science instruction and the students that were meeting their performance goals would be able to have access to Science instruction. With that being said an under-performing district with a high ELL population created a blend of both science and ELD, developing stud |
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Science and English Language Development (ELD)The Integration of English Language Development and Science Instruction in Elementary Classroom written by Susan Gomez Zweip, William Straits, Kristen Stone, Delores Beltran, and Leena Furtado is an article that examined the significance of blending Science with ELD classes. During the early 2000's we were hit with the No Child Left Behind Act, which ironically left ELL students behind, because states now had the right to set its own policies regarding ELL students. This meant that ELL students would not only have to test in a language they were not fluent in, but also be proficient in the subjects of math and English. Schools put the focus on teaching math and English to the ELL students in hope that their test scores would go up. This meant that Science content was at the bottom of the totem pole. If the students were low performing they would shamefully get little to no Science instruction and the students that were meeting their performance goals would be able to have access to Science instruction. With that being said an under-performing district with a high ELL population created a blend of both science and ELD, developing stud |
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