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The Contributions of Galileo

Galileo was one of the most significant contributors to the scientific revolution. Galileo recognized that there were many theoretical problems when it came to physical science. In fact, Galileo's interpretations were so contrary to popular theories that he was sometimes laughed at and disrespected - because the Catholic Inquisition in Rome viewed science much differently. Galileo's conflict with the church wasn't the first time science and religion had been on a collision course. Decades earlier, Cop


The Quarreling Siblings - Good and Evil

It's been said that within each of us, dwells good and evil. These two opposing forces battle one another for dominance in the minds and hearts of every human being on earth. In a way, they're much like inseparable yet quarreling siblings. When a person does something truly good, or undeniably heroic, it's evident that he or she has overcome whatever evil force they battle and have allowed the good within to dominate. This is one reason so many people like superheroes. Batman, Superman and even the Hulk allow their "good" inner man to overcome the "evil" forces they could easily give into. The decision to do what is morally right (or unselfishly bra


The Quarreling Siblings - Good and Evil

It's been said that within each of us, dwells good and evil. These two opposing forces battle one another for dominance in the minds and hearts of every human being on earth. In a way, they're much like inseparable yet quarreling siblings. When a person does something truly good, or undeniably heroic, it's evident that he or she has overcome whatever evil force they battle and have allowed the good within to dominate. This is one reason so many people like superheroes. Batman, Superman and even the Hulk allow their "good" inner man to overcome the "evil" forces they could easily give into. The decision to do what is morally right (or unselfishly bra


The Quarreling Siblings - Good and Evil

It's been said that within each of us, dwells good and evil. These two opposing forces battle one another for dominance in the minds and hearts of every human being on earth. In a way, they're much like inseparable yet quarrelling siblings. When a person does something truly good, or undeniably heroic, it's evident that he or she has overcome whatever evil force they battle and have allowed the good within to dominate. This is one reason so many people like superheroes. Batman, Superman and even the Hulk allow their "good" inner man to overcome the "evil" forces they could easily give into. The decision to do what is morally right (or unselfishly br


How Great was the Great Depression?

In 1929, James San Jule's father was a successful businessman in Tulsa, Oklahoma. San Jule graduated from Tulsa Central High School and had been accepted at Amherst College in Massachusetts and planned to go on to Harvard Law School after that. Because he was quite young, his father wanted him to wait a year and arranged for him to work as an office boy in the Exchange National Bank at Tulsa. "I didn't think much of money in those days. It was just something we had," said San Jule. "My father was probably a millionaire. We owned fancy cars, a fancy house, fancy everything. I led the ordinary life of a wealthy kid, nothing spectacular." He was working in the bank in October 1929, when the debacle began. "Of course, you didn't believe it. 'This is something that happens,' you thought. 'It will pass.' " The Crash of 1929 wiped out San Jule's father financially and physically. "It was a horrible, horrible period, about which I understood little. What's a kid to do? You have no worries ab


Aspects of Life in Of Mice and Men

Loneliness Webster's Dictionary defines the word loneliness as 'being alone and without companions'. That definition perfectly describes the feeling and atmosphere of John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men". Steinbeck describes brings his readers into the lives of two lonely farm workers and describes the negative, painful and destructive power loneliness can have on people. Three key characters in the novel exhibit true loneliness and each has a different reason for experiencing it: sex, age, and race.  One character in "Of Mice and Men" that represents loneliness is Crooks. "Guys don't come into a colored man's room very much"" (71). Crooks is a black man that isn't treated equally from the other workers because he is black. Because the other workers don't treat him good it turns crooks into a rude man. "I tell ya, he cried, I tell ya a guy gets lonely, an, he gets sick"" (73). Crooks is getting sick (mental) because he is always alone. Medicine for that kind of sick is a friend


Two Major Constitutional Challenges and Lessons

The Louisiana Purchase and national health care legislation were two historic events in the history of the United States. Both were huge steps forward for the county in different ways and both raised questions and controversy about the authority of the President of the United States or Congress. For the Louisiana Purchase, those opposed to the purchase and the treaty with France to make it possible for the United States to buy the land, claimed that the Constitution did give the President the authority to admit a new state to the Union, without the agreement of each state and the approval of Congress. The Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional, but was never challenged because it benefited the country. On the national health care law, many states have started lawsuits claiming that Congress did not have the authority to require citizens to buy insurance, an important part of the law that was passed to make sure that all people have access to health care. National health care reform ma


Auditing - IT System Risks & Controls

Introduction Many organizations and businesses around the world rely on information technology to help run their day to day activities. Computer systems are used to help assist the processing of financial information such as payables. Despite the fact that financial audits attest to the validity and reliability of the information, information technology will provide confidentiality for the information also will also add to the integrity of the information and finally can act as a contingency if something occurs regarding availability by being able to recover (ICAEW, 2012). Application Controls When processing payables, having controls for accuracy and completeness is very important. With the assistance of Information Technology systems this process can be done efficiently. Application controls refers to the transactions and data relating to each computer based application systems with an organization. The main objectives of application controls, which ca


Second Chances in The Spitfire Grill

"America is the land of the second chance -, and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life", said George W. Bush. A person who has made mistakes deserves a second chance to reinvent him or herself. Although not every second chance will make someone be a better person, it is still worth a try. In the movie "The Spitfire Grill"", the main character, Percy, wants to begin a new life after she comes out from jail, and the little town of Gilead in Maine becomes her second chance. Sometimes, a second chance is not only for those people who made mistakes, but also for the ones who want to change themselves. For example, in the movie, Shelby's husband thinks she is a stupid and useless woman. However, at the end she begins to speak her opinion and becomes more independent. A second opportunity helps a person to start a new life because it rebuilds a person's value, makes one gives up his or her personal shortcomings and put down a sad past. If a person w


Our Current Macro Economic Situation

The U.S. recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009; however, we are still experiencing post-recession effects. The current macroeconomic situation in the US is that there are worries about the national debt, rising interest rates and a double dip recession. The rising national debt is troubling, because this will have a direct impact on the financial markets and interest rates over the long term. The value of "Dollar " is depreciating every other day. Recently, there have been concerns that if the debt ceiling is not increased, the US government will begin defaulting on its obligations. This is problematic, because it means that interest rates for any kind of Treasury securities will be higher (as a downgrade in their credit rating would be inevitable in this situation). (Watkins, 2011) Rising interest rates are a possibility, because the Federal Open Market Committee was focused on: purchasing Treasury securities, commercial paper and providing ample amounts of li


Indian Givers

It may look today that the modern world doesn't revolve around the sun but around the natives of the America's inventions and societies. The natives are everywhere in regard to the modern world; from drinking a cola drink to Italian lasagna and sauces, from creating incredible wealth in the old world to creating the foundation of a nation in the new world, from the noses of cocaine users to the hands and machines in the surgeon rooms. No matter what part of the world one lives, traces of America will be there. And even though these "Indians" are the true enlighteners, the world looks at Indians as uncivilized savages that the Europeans liberated and enlighten with the old world customs when in reality is the other way around. Throughout the years, history hasn't given proper acknowledgment to the American Indians. All the way from the conquistadors to today, natives have been consistently exploited and forgotten. But what is really disappointing, is that for the longest time these p


Survival and Purpose in Life of Pi

1. I am a Hindu because of sculptured cones of red kumkum powder and baskets of yellow tumeric nuggets, because of garlands of flowers and piece of broken coconut, because of the clanging of bells to announce one's arrival to God, because of the whine of the reedy nadaswaram and the beating of drums, because of the patter of bare feet against stone floors down dark corridors pierced by shaft of sunlight, because of the fragrance of incense,...the same word-faith. (p.52, Chapter 16) The author goes on for several paragraphs describing all of the rich, sensory experiences that being a Hindu brings, and explains that all of these are embedded in him, as a part of who Pi is. So, he is Hindu because the sensory experience of being one feels right to him, and is ingrained in him as memory.He states that he is also Hindu because of the rites and rituals that explain the universe to him. He loves the stories, rituals, explanations and rites that the Hindus practice; he is moved by their beau


Theodore W. Richards (USA, 1868-1928)

Theodore W. Richards was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on January 31, 1868. His father, William T. Richards was an artist known for land and seascape painting and his mother, Anna Matlack was well-known author and poet. In 1914, Richards was the first American scientist to win the Noble Prize in Chemistry, receiving the honor for his work on determination of atomic weights of Cesium, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel, Uranium and some twenty more of a large number of the chemical elements on periodic table. During his childhood, he traveled to England and France and because of that he was home educated by his mother until the age of fourteen. His scientific interests grew stronger when he was in England. After his family returned to United States he enters Haverford College at the age of fourteen. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in 1885 there he pursued further education at Harvard University, where he spent his career. Richards spent twelve months in Germany where he studied u


Philosophical Position on Adult Learning

Learning Theories in Practice Philosophical Position on Adult learning Table of Contents Introduction p 3 Identifying my philosophical orientation . ...... p 4 Beliefs and aspects that shape my teaching practice .. p 6 1. In order to learn, individual need to have motivation to learn p 6 2. Learners are all different . p 8 3. Learning through reflective thinking .. p 9 4. Experiential learning p11 5. Learning through problem-solving .. p13 Conclusion p14 References p16 Introduction Human learning is one the most complex areas studied in our academic world. We can very easily demonstrate how little we know, however, we can, on the other hand, acknowledge that we have access to an immense volume of research to draw from. It seems essential to have a good understanding of the basis of learn


The Digestion Process

Digestion is responsible for the physical and chemical breakdown of food into small molecules so they can be absorbed by the cells in order to function properly. The body needs all the vital nutrients for the cell functions. From food we get biological molecules such as carbohydrate, proteins and lipids however they are too large to digest and absorbed. The process of digestive system helps the food to travel down the alimentary canal. The digestive system is mostly the alimentary canal which is continuous tube running from the mouth to the anus. The organs which play the part in the digestive system are the mouth where the ingestion starts, oesophagus where the food as bolus travels down the gut with help of peristalsis movement into the stomach. The chemical digestion of food takes place with hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes are produced by glands which line alimentary canal. Then comes the small intestine and large intestine. The first part of the small intestine is known as duoden


Torvald and Martha in The Chest

In the book "The Chest", Torvald and Martha live an unhappy and boring life, often fighting over minor issues. One day, Torvald finds a chest and it changes their lives. His response to the chest is very religious, to the point that he worships it. Martha is not pleased with his find and the that becomes problematic for them. Torvald is no longer interested in his wife. He would rather be with the chest. While Terije Stigen conveys the chest as a holy female goddess, I interpret the chest as a beautiful woman seducing Martha's husband, Torvald; thus Martha's jealousy over the chest is a natural human tendency that should not be in object of contempt. From the author's perspective, the chest represents a religious point of view. Torvald had continuous religious faith in the chest and says "it really won't matter if it is empty, and [he] can go on thinking there is something in it."" (121, Stigen) Religion is an essential component in Scandinavian culture and consistently influences how people think, set their values and establish norms. He "took a new lease on life" (121, Stigen) by having something to worship:


Aristotle - Substance and Essence

When Aristotle says substance in the truest and primary and most definite of the word, is that "which is neither predicable of a subject nor presents in a subject", he is saying that physical things are a substance and there would always be something to describe them in other words a predicate from a subject but substances themselves cannot be predicates with other substances. Primary substances can have predicable and present things for example an apple can have a predicate "apple" and something is present in it, the colors. Aristotle talked about secondary substances which were characteristics of primary substances. The secondary substances need the primary ones to exist and some of them are unique identities rather than describing the primary ones. Another thing that he believed was that if primary su


Radiology and Medicine

Radiology began with the invention of the X-Ray machine in 1895. Though before this date others had seen x-ray images, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen of Germany was the first to recognize the importance of the images he saw. Roentgen discovered the X-Ray by accident States Robinson. The first X-Ray ever taken was of Roentgens wife's hand. In 1901 he won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on the x-ray machine. Today he is considered the father of modern diagnostic radiology. Since Roentgen discovery of the X-Ray, the field of radiology has greatly evolved. Very quickly after the invention radiation began being used for cancer therapy. In the 1930 tomography was developed. Tomography was the main pillar of diagnostic radiology until 1972. Sir Goodfry Hounsfield of Great Britain invented computer tomography imagining. Ultra sounds technology became available in the same time providing 2-d imagines and soon 3-d images. Radiological imaging is constantly evolving as computer te


Experiencing a Different Culture

After living in America my entire life, I've witnessed many different cultures. One that I recently was able to experience in a recent trip with my family was the Salvadorian culture, my parent's homeland. I was able to witness many different relationships between family members and neighbors. I was also able to experience just how different a simple shopping day can be. Traveling has given me a new perspective on different cultures in relations to mine. It was June 15, 2012 when we took our family trip to my parent's homeland. It was my first time going to El Salvador and I was very nervous and scared, I didn't know what to expect. I had all these thoughts and emotions running through my body. I had heard a lot of different rumors about El Salvador and didn't know what to believe anymore. The only fact I knew about El Salvador was that the air was extremely hot and I had to be prepared for temperatures of 100 degrees or more. I was already used to hot weather but not to extremely h


Hero's Journey

Dr. Heinrich lived an ordinary life. Every day he would go down to his lab and try to unlock the secrets of the human mind. His cognitive science position was a very complex job, of course. It often was frustrating work. His world was at a very competitive age and the government he worked for had wanted to know more about the abilities of a single human being. Dr. Heinrich had been selected into a special program where he would experiment with the mind in all areas. But, the mind was a very fragile thing and he would find himself having multiple patients due to fatalities and irreversible damage that would stop his searches short of success. Dr. Heinrich was a very thankful man of course. His whole project was sponsored entirely by His government. His only commitment was to search for any answers not known to the world. But, His only restraint was to keep those answers hidden in the hands of his country's secret services. One day Dr. Heinrich was looking into the human response to pa


International Law & Cyberspace

Abstract Presently, the internet is considered the ultimate bastion of freedom throughout the world. The ability to participate in social media and write/say anything one feels is almost exclusive to the internet. Anybody can be anything they choose within the laws of their nation with minimal repercussions. A person can transport themselves to another country in mere seconds. The ability to research unlimited amounts of information exists at the touch of the keyboard. Other than outer space itself the internet or "cyberspace " is limited only by a human's ability to expand it and the data that it can process and store. It is a area that is enjoyed by more people in the world than any other and as technology advances so does the internet's worth and importance to all. So why is it that recently in Dubai, the International Telecoms Union (ITU) which is a UN agency for information and communications technology, holding meetings to consider regulating it as well as cellular ne


Loving versus Virginia - Interracial Marriage

Prior to the 1967 United States Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia, many states had laws that banned the intermarriage of whites with black or other minorities. Since then, the number of interracial marriages has increased and the attitudes of society have shifted. Americans born in the 21st century will shake their heads in disbelief on learning that 40 states once had laws prohibiting interracial marriage. The Supreme Court struck down the last of these statutes in the 1967 case of Mildred and Richard Loving, a black woman and a white man who were arrested and banished from Virginia for the crime of being married. Before Loving v. Virginia, there had been several cases on the subject of interracial relations. In Pace v. Alabama (1883), the Supreme Court ruled that the conviction of an Alabama couple for interracial sex, affirmed on appeal by the Alabama Supreme Court, did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. Interracial marital sex was deemed a felony, whereas extramarit


The Spread and Prevention of Malaria

Drug-resistant bacterial infections pose a significant challenge to public health and sometimes can lead to fatal consequences. Malaria is frequently regarded as one of the world's deadliest tropical parasitic diseases. It claims more lives than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by protists (a type of microorganism) of the genus Plasmodium. It is transmitted via infected female Anopheles mosquito bites, which introduces the protists through its saliva into the circulatory system. From there it makes its way through the body with the help of the blood and travels to the liver to mature and reproduce.1 In the recent years, most cases of malaria that have been found in the U.S. as well as in other first world countries, have been found in people that have contracted the disease after travelling to tropical and sub tropical areas, including Asia, South America and Sub-Saharan Africa. 2 In 2010, the World Health Organisatio


Violence in Classic Tragedy "

Aristotle who comprised his poetics through the analysis of plays and poetry was highly interested in Sophocles' work and the concept of tragedy as a whole. "Tragedy, then is an imitation of an action that is serious , complete, and of a certain magnitude in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action , not of narrative: through pity and fear effecting proper purgation of these emotions. " (Aristotle Chap.VI) Aristotle goes on to examine what he thought were the most important elements in a tragedy, "it is not the function of the poet to relate what has happened, but what may happen, what is possible according to the law of probability or necessity. "(Aristotle Chap.VI) This idea of the law of probability and necessity fit perfectly with Oedipus the King in terms of the on-going struggle with fate which proves far more effective over the physical struggles that arise. In relation to G


A Perfect Distribution of Like Attributes

Pay attention to what happens when a line is drawn directly from the center of a right angle to its subtended line in a right-angled triangle: it divides itself towards its hypotenuse, creating two additional right angles within each side. Coincidentally, these two new figures have common features of each other as well as of the original or given triangle. This leads to Euclid's mathematical assertion that ˜if in a right-angled triangle a perpendicular be drawn from the right angle to the base, the triangles adjoining the perpendicular are similar both to the whole and to one another' [Proposition 8, Book 6]. Similarity between figures enables one to make comparisons utilizing proportionality. The following are pertinent propositions and an important definition which enhance this theorem. Proposition 32, Book 1: In any triangle, if one of the sides be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles and the three interior angles of the triangle ar