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My Mother's Sobriety

It was November 30, 1999. I made up my mind to do something that would probably change my family forever. I made the decision to have my mother admitted to an alcohol rehab center for a five day detox program. I had watched my mother drink for many years. I am one of four children, I have an older brother and two younger sisters. I can recall her drinking as far back as to when I was ten years old. It could be at a family friend's home or our home, the place did not matter. My mother was a pleasant drinker, she was never belligerent or sloppy. Her actions always left me feeling sad and disappointed. I moved out at 17 when I got married. I vowed that my children would never see me like that. I would warn my children when they were older, that they were not to get in the car if they thought my mom had been drinking. My sister and I would often talk about my mother's drinking problem but coming from an Irish Catholic family that's all we could do. We feared my father would be upset wit


America, Oil and the World

Americans are addicted to petroleum; because of this, our withdrawal needs to be a cautious one. For illustrative purposes let's personify the U.S and the oil rich Middle East. The relationship is comparable to that of a drug addict and a drug dealer. The drug dealer only has manipulative power over the addict as long as the dealer is the sole proprietor. By developing relationships with multiple dealers, the addict has successfully diffused the power of any single dealer. This way he can easily avoid destructive relationships. Similarly, the United States can subdue its dependence on the Middle East by exploring alternative sources of energy. Buying oil from Canada, using alternative transportation fuels, and pushing for a more domestic production of goods will lead the U.S to an energy independent state (Schroeder, 2011). Our relationship with the oil rich Middle Eastern countries poses many problematic issues. The U.S imports around 14 million barrels a day, which puts it in the


Types of Alcohol and Occasions for Use

Alcohol has been a part of the human experience for many centuries. More than half of all Americans aged 12 or older report that they are current drinkers. In the latest national survey, 51.9% of those surveyed said they were current drinkers, or an estimate 130.6 million people. Alcohol used to be something that people risked their lives to create, sell, and drink. Today we have the luxury of purchasing it at gas stations, grocery stores, and liquor stores stacked with bottles of every possible variety. The different alcohols consumed are usually used in different occasions. The occasion is what makes the moment of whether beer, wine, or liquor is appropriate to drink. Drinking beer is usually consumed in occasional enjoyment with friends, and loved ones. Beer is a worldwide, commonly known and used beverage that has become a part of our society. It is also the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. For example, when you are attending a barbecue or a family get-together, everyone will grab a beer just to relax, hang out, and enjoy themselves. Sharing a beer with friends or acquaintances is one way of sparking conversation and


Defining Child Labor through Illustrations

Children around the globe are suffering - being forced to work instead of getting the education they need and deserve. Sometimes, it seems that the media ignores such problems, but there are some people that make an effort to help these children by making people more aware of the problem. The two cartoons here show the problem of child labor and the effect of it on children. The first cartoon, the "Spider Web" cartoon shows a big spider web, and a little girl wearing a dress is trapped in it. A huge spider labeled "Child Labor"" is also on that web trying to control the girl. The spider web itself is connected through six words: profit, greed, indifference, poverty and luxury. The second cartoon or the "Big Hand " cartoon basically shows a big hand labeled "Child Labor Employer"". Also a shiny diamond ring is on the hand. The hand is pressing on a group of children, which are trying their best to keep standing. Cartoons are a good way to express any problem through a cartoonish way


Social Constructing - Race and Disability

The ideas of disability and race (much like the idea of gender used in previous discussions) are socially constructed. Many of the articles read in Women's Studies 302 discusses the idea in which race and disability are not biological issues but ideas prevalent in society only because of the modern day definitions around them. Many of the authors show that when using this kind of thinking it becomes more evident that social, physical, and environment play a major role in what gets defined as a disability or race. Depending on the definitions used, it leads to very different outcomes for these individuals included or excluded in each category. These inclusions and exclusions are the implications which make it important to discuss these definitions and social thought processes. During class we read the first two chapters of a book by Susan Wendell called "The Rejected Body". The first chapter we looked into was "Who is Disabled? Defining Disability"". In this chapter Wendell looks i


Social Influences and Abortion in Australia

There are numerous personal decisions we all make that are influenced by social patterns. Failure to make the right decision can often lead to criticism, punishment, or severe social marginalization. Abortion has been a long-standing phenomenon that has garnered extreme polarization in opinions over the past few decades. In Australia, although the precise numbers of abortions performed are unknown, when published, it was approximated that 70,000 to 80,000 were carried out in 2005 (Abortion 2012). As widespread as the issue of abortion is, there is insufficient research on factors that contribute to the decision to terminate or continue a teenage pregnancy. Through a sociological perspective, this essay will seek to explore how education influences the decision to abort or carry a pregnancy to term. An effective method of understand


A Summary on Ambien

Question: Is Ambien (Zolpidem) the right drug for treating sleeping disorders like insomnia? Insomnia is a distressing condition that affects not only the ability to sleep adequately at night, but also to function effectively during one's desired waking time that may affect their psychological and physical well-being. Population-based studies estimate that ten to forty percent of American adults have intermittent insomnia and ten to fifteen percent have long-term sleep difficulties.(1) It is also estimated that ten to fifteen percent of the adult population suffers from chronic insomnia; an additional twenty to thirty-five percent has transient or occasional insomnia. In 2008, a federally sponsored survey reported that over 600,000 Americans claimed to use sleeping pills and majority of the use linked to Ambien. It is the brand name for the drug Zolpidem which is a widely prescribed sedative that is recommended by physicians for the treatments of different catego


Student Housing in Malaysia

Introduction The following report will look at the case study of Student Housing Australia (SHA), Australia's first student housing real estate agency. SHA is a very successful business considering expanding into Malaysia. SHA has created strategic goals and objectives in order to enhance chances of success in Malaysia The report gives a detailed depiction of the background of SHA, discusses the expansion into Malaysia and an analysis of the political/legal environment, economic environment and the technological environment. The report concludes with a recommendation stating issues SHA will need to address and why SHA should reconsider their expansion to Malaysia in spite of the rapid increase in university industry. Background Established in 1998, Student Housing Australia (SHA) was the first student housing real estate agency in Australia. It specializes in providing fully furnished accommodation and housing complexes for students, in particular international students study



Today's society moves at a faster pace than ever before. Many of us get through our days by flipping back and forth between one task and another. But how does all this multitasking affect us? According to the article "One Thing at a Time"", many of us understand that some kinds of multitasking can be dangerous. But too many of us think that we can get by with multitasking because we just don't understand how bad it is for us. The article explains new research that proves that any multitasking is bad because it hurts our ability to focus. When we try to do many things at once, we do everything slowly and badly. I was very interested to learn how even regular kinds of multitasking


Marijuana Dispensaries

This paper is on Marijuana dispensaries and some of the unique issues they face. It will talk about the unique challenges of inventory. It will discuss how the inventory is controlled and how it is secured. It will also discuss some regulatory issues the dispensaries might face. Finally, this paper will discuss some legal challenges that the dispensaries face. Colorado is very unique in that Marijuana has been legalized for medicinal purposes. In 2000, the people of Colorado passed Amendment 20 which established a Medical Marijuana Registry. Although it has been legalized there are very strict rules that must be followed because breaking certain rules is still a federal offense. Ultimately, medicinal Marijuana is regulated by the ATF. In Colorado anyone can use Marijuana for medicinal purposes as long as they posses a medical Marijuana card and buy the marijuana from a medical dispensary. The Colorado Department of Health and Environment approves all applications and keep records of those registered to use medical Marijuana. The Colorado Department of Revenue is responsible for establishing the criteria for approval


Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Edmund Burke said "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing..." and I agree with that statement. In the real world, there are people who treat people badly just for fun. They feel no guilt for no hurting another person's feelings. For some, bullying another person makes them feel like a big person, superior to others. Why is it so hard for good people to stand up against these bullies? Sometimes it's because they're scared or maybe they're embarrassed that if they took a stand against the bully for either themselves or their friend that more attention would be drawn to them. More likely, it is because most bullies are popular people, and if you take a stand against them you could lose friends or not be included in that particular group. Being scared of a bully is normal. Their mean words and actions are scary


Piagetian Experiments

I wait for the arrival of 4 year old Yazmin around 6 p.m. on a Friday evening at the home of Yazmin and her mother. Yazmin's mother Diana introduces me as her friend as Yazmin hides behind her leg. As I set up Yazmin runs to the kitchen and runs back to her mom. Diana calls her back and she sits on the couch with me in the living room with me. Diana leaves and sits watching from afar, but close enough for Yazmin to feel comfortable. I. Conservation of Liquid Dialogue (A: Me Y: Yazmin) A: Yazmin do these cups have the same amount of water or does one have more? Y: They're the same. A: How do you know? Y: Cause they just are. I started to pour the water from one of the smaller cups into the larger glass. After I finished pouring the water from one glass to the other I asked her, A: Now which one has more? Y: The big one. (points to the big glass) A: Oh, Why is that? Y: Cause it's bigger. A: How do you know, Yazmin? Y: ˜Cause it's BIGGER silly. (she puts emphasi


Fighting Somali pirates with Science

Neal Ungerleiger's article, "Fighting Somali Pirates with Science", issued on January 1, 2012 is part of a blog featured in "Technoblog" on Msnbc.com. Ungerleiger reports on international innovation for Fast Company and also freelances for numerous other publications. His work focuses on international emerging technologies, international start-ups and innovations, cyber securities and military technologies. His works are also intended for the audience to think beyond the traditional boundaries which lead to conversations and new innovations for changing people's lives. In the article, Neal responds to the piracy problems in Somalia by promoting new advanced weapons and armed guards on board for the ships passing through the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. In the course of the article, he explains the new creations of anti-pirate defenses from various companies and introduces new defense technologies such as a wall of stink water, lasers, compressed air cannons that shoot n


The Sumerian Standing Female Worshiper

The object I have chose for this paper is Standing Female Worshiper(figure 1). This is a small votive figure from the Sumerian time period. The statue was carved out of limestone and inlaid with shell and lapis lazuli.1 Sumer was located in the south of the fertile land of Mesopotamia, which in Greek stands for the "land between the rivers". Sumer is located where modern day Iraq is currently located.The land of Sumer was prone to both droughts and flooding, which led to fertile land but also created the need to control the water supply. This led to the forming of the first cities. With these cities being formed it led to social hierarchies, with each city having their own governments and gods. The Sumerians were the first culture to invent writing, they are the culture credited with inventing cuneiform. The Sumerians were also polytheist


The Symbolism of Water in the Novel Annie John

Many writers use symbols to help them to develop a character or plot, and to make the narrative plot more vivid. The use of symbolism in a story can help the writer to explain a situation and feeling without the use of many words. In the coming of age novel, "Annie John" by Jamaica Kincaid, the use of symbolism is clearly visible throughout the book, and water appears as a symbolic element in multiple ways; to symbolize union or connection, healing, and transformation. Water is known to have healing and nourishing properties; it connects people and objects when it touches them simultaneously, and transforms by washing away the old and unneeded, and nourishing new growth. Annie loves and admires her mother. As she reaches the age of eleven, the closeness of the relationship is demonstrated by the bathing ritual they enjoy together. Jamaica Kincaid uses water to illustrate femininity and union between mother and daughter. For example, the part that shows a strong connection that exist


Cadmium Research Report

The Element Cadmium: Dangerously Useful Denver Jones SCH 3U Ms. Wannamaker May 5, 2013 The Element Cadmium 2 The Element Cadmium: Dangerously Useful Every day, people are exposed to numerous environmental elements that impact their health; some of which are beneficiary, while others are hazardous and may lead to negative health outcomes. While some of these elements are natural gases, others- such as lead, mercury and arsenic- are heavy metals. One of the most hazardous heavy metals of this group is cadmium. Research has proven that cadmium has very life threatening issues it can cause people, but it also can be very useful in our society. There are several topics that are drawn closely when it comes to cadmium. These topics are: 1. How/when does cadmium enter the environment? 2. What are the detrimental effects of the chemical? 3. What are the benefits of this chemical? 4. What are the properties of the chemical? This review of the element cadmium will be following these


Justice in The Oresteia

Justice is often taken for granted in the world we live in today with a judicial system that gives fair punishment for most crimes. In "The Oresteia" justice works much differently, where there are no judges or a court system to resolve disputes, instead there is revenge. Revenge is very messy because somebody will and has to get hurt first to desire revenge, and it leads to a cycle that cannot and will not end until everybody is dead. Justice does not and cannot only be revenge because in the end nobody would be left in that system. Aeschylus' Oresteia focuses on revenge as justice, with the old system that no longer works and that someone must fix, and a new system that has many advantages. The old system, one of revenge, leads to death after death; it also requires someone to kill the murderer and avenge the victim's death. Revenge is often spurred on my loss of a loved one. Clytemnestra is no exception to this rule; she feels that she must avenge the murder of her daughter by ki


The Issue Of Arranged Marriages

The process of arranged marriages is still in existence in many parts of the world. In Ghana, it is an issue of grave concern to many people, especially Human Rights activists; though the nation is aiming at increasing the rate of development, this issue still plagues them and not a lot is being done to curb it. A United Kingdom-based organization (Womankind) that promotes women's rights indicated that even though legislation prohibiting forced marriages exists in Ghana, little action has been made to eliminate such practices. Similarly, the Ghana NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child states that even though such laws exist, they are not enforced. Arranged marriages are set up in various ways and are frowned on because the youth are not given the opportunity to find their own potential life partners but rather have to go by what their parents have


Overcoming My Fear of Public Speaking

Being either the president or an officer of almost every club in school, most people would think that I am the perfect speaker. But in reality I am just like anyone else. To be honest, big presentations and speeches are my weak points. They often get me worked up and nervous, and force me to prepare more than I have to. However, it is now safe to say that with each passing year in high school, my confidence in my speaking abilities has grown. I only wish that my confidence had come a bit sooner, because as junior year arrived more and more public speaking moments presented themselves. One moment in particular stood out the most. It was the night of the Spanish Honor Society induction ceremony. One day before, my adviser had told me that as President of the society it was my duty to recite a speech and a pledge welcoming the new inductees. Once I heard what I had to do, my heart practically stopped and I imagined what it would be like to speak in front of hundreds of p


Witchcraft in Europe

Throughout all of Western Europe an extensive amount of witch hunts took place between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Within this time a development took place from that of a religious society towards one that was more educated and experimental, seeking to find logical answers to explain life disasters. Witchcraft was believed in every level of society therefore it was common to see every catastrophe as a result of the actions of witches. However towards the beginning of the eighteenth century witch hunts decreased dramatically. Reasons for the decline include a development in the intellectual mind of society, a stricter judicial system, changes in religion and the fact that quality of life increasingly improved compared to the life lived by those prior to the eighteenth century. All of these lead to a progression in society which no longer believed in persecuting witches meaning that, although the belief of witchcraft had not been completely stamped out by the year 1700, the


Feminism and Globalization

In "Douloti the Bountiful"" by Mahasweta Devi, the tribal people as well as women are marginalized simultaneously as India is experiencing its independence. To the bonded laborers of India this independence has empowered the upper castes to impose their interests onto the tribals. This parallels the promises of globalization and neoliberalism, which proposes to free, liberate, bring equality and riches to nations that adopt neoliberal practices. As defined by David Harvey in "A Brief History of Neoliberalism", neoliberalism is a "theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can be best advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms"(2). The normalization of this ideology has allowed it to be a hegemonic force "within global capital" which through studies of countries that have adopted these practices, has mainly ensured the concentration of wealth and power to the elite classes (9). Amy Chua's "World on Fire" demonstrates the effects of glob


The Downfall of Macbeth

Power feeds one's hubris more than any other existence in the world. Each individual, even a child, has a will to become more powerful in his nature but a trigger will make this ambition come out. Macbeth is a character who becomes a victim of evil aspirations hidden in him, which is a part of man's nature. He went through a change in the book: in the beginning we know him as the Thane of Glamis who is a strong, brave soldier and a virtuous young man; however his actions change a lot through chapter 4 where he becomes a tyrant who has lost his virtue and would stop at nothing to maintain his power. There are two main things, which led to Macbeth's wicked actions: three witches prophecies and Lady Macbeth's ambition. These are the main causes of Macbeth's ambition, its evil consequences and Macbeth's tragic downfall. In Scene 2, we are introduced to Macbeth by the praising words of a wounded soldier. Macbeth was really bold and courageous during that battle and every soldier took noti


An Animal's Place by Michael Pollen

There is no doubting the fact that animals do not have rights in the conventional sense, or in any other sense for that matter. The reason is because they are not moral agents; they cannot do things out of a sense of right or wrong and unlike humans, cannot use reason. Without reasoning, they are unable to have rights and therefore, are not responsible for themselves. In "An Animal's Place"", Michael Pollan points out the issue of whether or not it is right to consume animals. He goes to great lengths to research this topic to find a reason to eat meat. He does a great job supporting his opinion that we should be able to eat animals, by using narrative, compare and contrast, and exposition. Not only did his thesis recognize the problem of animal cruelty but, it also proposed a solution which strengthened his article. In the very beginning of "An Animal's Place"", Pollan introduces the reader to a narrative which will encompass most of his work. "The first time I opened Peter Singer'


Artist Statement on Personal Art Piece

The biggest quest in one's life is to find out who they are supposed to be. It's possible for someone to spend their entire life trying to mold themselves to what society expects them to be. This intent of this piece of art is to remind readers to find themselves, to break their outer shells and allow their real personality to show. This is a fiber art project, with fiber being the main material source. I chose fiber because it looks like a soft pillow, non-intimidating, inviting and comforting. There were many mediums used in this project including felt embroidery floss, fabrics and stuffing for the pillow. The techniques of felt applique embroidery and batik were all used to turn the raw materials into a finished and complete piece of art. I believe that many people d


Obama Healthcare Package

America's healthcare industry shows us one of the most revealing contradictions in the country's economy. Even though America claims to be the world's most advanced superpower, it is still unable to provide its entire population with healthcare and even worse, the quality of its healthcare overall is declining in many ways. Though many democratic nations provide their citizens with healthcare access, the United States tries to concentrate the control of medicine into the hands of big businesses like the insurance industry and pharmaceutical companies. The result is that the United States has a healthcare industry with a bad reputation that is getting worse. Large companies benefit but average Americans suffer from the consequences of the broken healthcare system. Overall, though healthcare should be a right to all Americans, it is treated more like a luxury only available for those who can afford it, creating an industry that cannot continue on its current path. This is why the Obam