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The American Psychological Association

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1 Basic Form and Appearance 5 Margins 5 Spacing 5 Font Styles 5 Page Numbers 5 Page Headers 6 Title Page 6 Headings 8 Numbers 9 Lists 10 Abbreviations 10 Tables and Figures 10 CHAPTER 2 SUPPORTING DOCUENTATION FOR ACADEMIC PAPERS 13 In "Text Citation 13 Direct Quotations 14 Works with no Author or with an Anonymous Author 15 Work by Two Authors 16 Work by Multiple Authors, five or more 16 Paraphrasing 17 Do Not Plagiarize 18 Using Block Quotations 19 Reference List: Basic Rules 20 References within the Reference List 20 Reference Examples for Periodicals 20 Reference Examples for Non-Periodicals 21 Electronic Sources 22 Examples for Internet Sources 22 Miscellaneous Sources 24 CHAPTER 3 ADDIT


The National Health Service in Britain

The National Health Service (NHS) has been was formed on July 5th 1948, by Health Secretary Aneurin Bevan. The NHS was intended to be universal and free for all to use, as before the NHS the majority of individuals were unable to access free healthcare. The service was aiming to be comprehensive in the sense that it would cover all aspects of healthcare, "medical, nursing and other specialist services; hospital and community services; mental health and physical health problems; personal and public health services; curative and preventative services" (Kendall, 1995). The NHS was founded on three core principles and these principles have guided the NHS since then, however they have since been developed. These core principles are: 1. That it meet the needs of everyone 2. That it be free at the point of delivery 3. That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay (NHS, 2011) The NHS has changed over time and there is a greater demand on the services that the NHS provides. Th


English and Spanish - Required Classes

There are over 6,000 languages in the world and over fifty are widely spoken. In the United States, English and Spanish are the most widely spoken. All schools in the US require that students study English in order to graduate and many school systems are now initiating programs to require all graduates to speak Spanish, too. This paper is am argument to prove


Thai and American Culture and Cuisine

America is the land of possibility whereas Thailand is still a developing country. While most people in America are expressive and speak their mind, people in Thailand are humble and tend to keep things to themselves rather than discuss things openly. Thai people get embarrassed easily and generally have low self-esteem because Thai's are brought up knowing that there are others in the world that are superior. There are many differences between the culture in Thailand and in America with one being cuisine. I researched the Thai culture to better understand their ornate decorations in the restaurant and found my understanding of this culture was misconstrued. I will discuss the Thai culture and how it was represented at the restaurant and discuss how my experience could be beneficial in the healthcare setting. The Thai Thai II restaurant is located in downtown Bethlehem. It is a small restaurant that offers traditional Thai dishes to the general public. The restaurant decor was vivid


Human Resource Management (HRM)

Every day we go to work and we will cross path with someone who works for Human Resources or if we walk pass the HR office. We get a bit nervous especially if we get a call from HR. Don't you ever wonder, what they really do, what goes on in HR office or what is HRM or Human Resources Management. Yes, we all know they fire and hire people but do we really know the functions of HRM? Bakke (1996) wrote that; "The general type of activity in any function of management...is to use resources effectively for an organizational objective...The function which is related to the understanding ,maintenance, development, effective employment, and integration of the potential in the resource of 'people' I shall call simply human resources function." So, what is HRM? According to Heathfield, Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work


Mozilla Firefox vs. Internet Explorer

Here in the United States, every household should have at least one computer or a laptop. I find two web browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer to be the most popular. However, between Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, there are some differences such as tabbed browsing, security, performance, and cool new features. First, let's talk about security. I tried and used both Mozilla and IE and I found Mozilla was better than IE in security concerns. When you enter a website with pop-ups, Mozilla Firefox tells you that a pop-up for that website was blocked, but if you want to see that pop-up, you have the option to allow pop-ups for that website. Besides, Mozilla Firefox doesn't install straight from the operation system and anything you stored or bookmarked in its cache will not directly change your computer. Internet Explorer is less secure than Mozilla. It comes automatically with most Windows installations, and people usually don't switch to a non-Internet Explorer brow


Election Day 2012

November 6, 2012 will be the most important day of the year in the United States. It's very important for all eligible Americans to get out and vote for the person they believe should become the next president of the United States. The last ten years the United States has struggled with a many things, so choosing the best man for the position is even more cr


Figure Who Defines His Own Horizon Line

This piece of art I saw it at Miami art museum. Even though the whole floor was made by the same artist, something that I was not expecting, this piece of art caught my attention. Maybe because of the size of the art, this piece of art covered pretty much the whole room. The room had 3 regular walls. I started to read the significance of the art and the history behind the figure which was really interesting. The author's name is Jose Bedia. He also had a lot of different paintings in that exhibition. Once I started searching in his life and work I found that he is well-known for that kind of exhibition. Jose Bedia (Cuban, b.1959) is an abstract painter who illustrates ideas of spirituality and indigenous cultures. He studied at the Escuela de Artes Plasticas San Alejandro in 1976, and at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, Cuba, in 1981. Four years later, in 1985, Bedia became the artist-in-residence at the State University of New York in Old Westbury. The artist also spent t


California vs. Greenwood

The case California V. Greenwood in 1988 was a case on Greenwood being arrested for narcotics trafficking. The evidence obtained was a result of a police search of his trash. There was a search going on which was declared unconstitutional. Police got a tip that Greenwood was engaged in narcotics trafficking, and an officer had the garbage collector bring her the garbage he left on his curb. She searched through it and found items indicative of narcotics use and she used that info to get a search warrant. Warrantless search and seizure of the garbage bags left at the curb outside his house does not violate the fourth amendment because there's no legitimate expectation of privacy bags are readily available to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public no expectation of privacy in trash left for collection by a third party in an area accessible to the public. Some of the facts were that the police with the Laguna beach police department received informa


Analysis of Dead and Buried

The play helps communicate how relationships are two sided. It also helps illustrate how people come from different walks of life. Several examples of how this was illustrated throughout the play is when Purdue lies to Bid about where she's staying and why she's there. When if she would have told her she was living in the woman's home may have offered her a place to live sooner. Also, when Bid did what she thought was best by letting her ex-husband take her daughter away It seemed like the best option. However, when you saw it from Purdue's point of view, as a daughter who was left behind it didn't seem to be the best solution because of the emotional effects it had on her. One of the design techniques used in this play is the use of costume design. Costumes are the most personal element of design. They help provide background and depth to a character by hinting to their status, occupation, and other aspects of their persona. These costumes help define the characters such as Bid; the d


The Dead Zone Debate

In class, Professor Popejoy assigned us partners, where we are supposed to come up with a debate of whether we were pro or con of our topic of any choice. My partner, Tanya Lapatina, and I chose dead zones as are topic. I will be talking about how dead zones will be good for our environment, and how they are a positive effect for the land all around us. A dead zone is an area of an ocean (or lake) that has too little oxygen to support marine life; it is hypoxic. This is a natural phenomenon that has been increasing in shallow coastal, and estuarine areas as a result of human activities. The processes that are involved in the formation of dead zones are increased nutrient load in the water, eutrophication equals nutrient-enhanced primary production, decomposition of biomass by bacteria on the ocean floor, and depletion of oxygen due


How Should Schools Handle Bullying?

Some people wonder if schools actually discipline bullies the right way and if it's an effective method. The lack of discipline can really cause an increase on this type of abuse around schools. These actions causes the victims to perform poorly in school and in their personal lives. Schools lacking system on disciplining bullies is affecting other students physically and mentally. Schools need to make an improvement in a rapid manner by providing a faster and efficient corrective action plan for the problem and by implementing new regulations on the problem. Many students every year continue to be abused by another or other students so called "bullies " among their school. This problem continues to happen due to the fact that the school discipline is not very productive and need to put more emphasis in the actual problem, by not ignorin


Three Women by Sylvia Plath

The birth of a child may be one of the most astonishing experiences in a women's life. For many, it changes their lives in many ways based on their experience throughout the whole process. There are many ways to conceive a child, however in Sylvia Plath's "Three Women", the three most common scenarios are portrayed along with their experiences. It's important that we appreciate the struggles that women go through, as not all of us have to endure it. Giving birth can be a blessing and a curse for many women at different stages of their life but for many of us it's always seen as a great milestone. The first voice gives the perspective of what it is like for most women as they give birth. Like most women, she awaits her child and believes it is the best thing that could have happened to her. As the typical woman she portrays what most women would imagine their pregnancy turning out. Furthermore she describes the pains she has to go through during the time she is giving labor but nevertheless it is all worth it at the end. It seems to be her f


The Life of Black Jack Ketchum

Thomas Ketchum later known as "Black Jack"" Ketchum was a notorious train robber from about 1895 to 1901. Thomas was a cowboy and cattle driver who eventually turned to horrible life of crime. Thomas Edward Ketchum was born October 31, 1863 to Green Berry Ketchum Sr. and Temperance Katherine Wydick Ketchum in San Saba County, Texas. Thomas was the youngest out of eight children, six boys, and two girls. One of Thomas's older brothers, Samuel Ketchum, left his wife and kids to become a cowboy along with Thomas. Both cowboys worked throughout west Texas, northern New Mexico, and eastern New Mexico, and were on many trail drives so they knew the territory, the settlers, and ranchers very well. Black Jack's first crime was the murder of his neighbor John N. Powers; he was shot down December 12, 1895 by Black Jack and several other men. In 1892, Black Jack, his brother, Sam, and several other outlaws learned that an Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad was on route to Deming, New Mexico with a large payroll. The gang set up to rob the train just outside


Overview of Today's Germany

The principal assets of Germany include natural resources which include are: iron ore, coal, potash, timber, lignite, uranium, copper, natural gas, salt, nickel, and arable land. Germany's absolute advantages are the high percentage of arable land, which is 33%. Germany's comparative advantages are the iron ore and the coal. Since Germany is rich in these natural resources, there quantity is greater than many other countries. Germany has many export partners, including EU, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium/Luxembourg, United States, and Japan. Germany exports many goods such as machinery, vehicles, chemicals, metals and manufactures, foodstuffs, and textiles. Germany exports a total of 578 billion dollars of products. Germany imports products with the same partners. They import goods such as machinery, vehicles, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles, and metals. The total of 505 billion dollars of products. Germany's industries are among the world's largest and most technol


Into the Wild and Grizzly Man

Reading the book "Into the Wild " by Jon Krakauer, a story about Chris Mccandless who goes off into the wild and decides to live his life according to the what the world dishes out at him comes across many tribulations that test his strengths and encouragement to continue his journey across amerce and eventually to Alaska, and then after reading this book as a class we watched the movie "Grizzly Man"" which was a story about Timothy Treadwell, a man who decides to spend his summers by going off and living in harmony with bears in Alaska to express his feelings on why bears are not our enemies and how the bears need our protection in order to keep them safe from poachers and other human activity. After watching and reading up on both of these two stories and men, I was able to draw a connection between the both of them not only through how they go off into the wild but through their passion for what they do. Both men separate themselves from society in a sense because they feel that th


Rain of Ruin and Hiroshima

In the New York Times there was a article "First Atomic Bomb Dropped on Japan; Missile Is Equal to 20,000 Tons of TNT; Truman Warns Foe of a Rain of Ruin"" by author Sidney Shalett that is closely related to the book "Hiroshima" by John Hersey. There are a few comparisons and contrasts between the book and the article. One comparison noticed was that both of the stories show that it was a devastating event yet there was good that came from the destruction brought by the events on that day. Another comparison was in both stories they talk about how big the explosives were. Some contrasts noticed was that the article was very factual and didn't really tell of ones emotions to the bombing and the book was about six citizens who experienced and survived the bombing. There was also one more contrast and that one is that in the article it seems like they made the warnings clear but in the book it seems like they were almost being toyed with. Starting off with the first similarity is that


Race and Identity

Janice Wilkinson is a 30-year-old African American female, born on May 18, 1982 in Los Angeles, California. Janice and I have been friends for about 5 years and had the pleasure of meeting each other during an internship program in Pasadena. Janice feels like she has had to deal with her race and the impact of prejudice and racism since the day she was born. She was raised in a single parent African American household. Her maternal grandfather lived with her most of her life and acted as a surrogate father. She saw her father pretty frequently and he gave her an allowance and took her shopping; however, she always got the feeling he only did it to please her mother. She viewed her father as being very distant and she never looked forward to his constant put downs and negative comments. Janice defines her ethnic background as a strong independent African American woman with strong ties to the church. This was not always the case for Janice; in her adolescent years she tried very hard t


Shall We Tell the President?

"At 7.30 p.m. one evening the FBI learn of a plot to kill the President - the 1,572nd such threat of the year. At 8.30 p.m., five people know all the details. By 9.30 p.m., four of them are dead." These lines had intrigued me to read this brilliant novel by Jeffery Archer. There is not much explicit action, but there is certainly plenty of intrigue, and several unexpected deaths. Archer draws on his own political experience and knowledge to portray the life of politicians, the work of Congress, and the difficulties in passing the controversial bill that forms the backdrop of the novel. "Shall We Tell the President" revolves around a conspiracy to kill the US President Edward Kennedy. This man has finally achieved everythi


Children's Development and Divorce

Many children live in the midst of divorce and many researchers are trying to understand how divorce affects children. The purpose of my study is to see how divorce affects children in their social development. Many researchers have come to theorize that divorce has many side effects to children. This research shows that social development can be altered in children when they go through divorce situations amongst their families. Researchers conduct studies to show families views on divorce throughout multiple countries. This study proves that individual's personal views on divorce are not approved of when children are involved. Children that grow up throw a divorced family start showing signs of poor social development and struggle to develop natural skills needed. Families that grow up in poverty are at higher risk of divorce. Poverty not only demonstrates financial issues in the parents, but issues in parent-to-child relations and social development skills. Researchers als


Managing Life Experiences

As the dull scent of chalk dust mixes imperceptibly with the drone of the teacher's monotone voice, I doodle in my tablet and try to stay awake. I notice vaguely that despite my best efforts in the shower this morning after practice, I still smell like chlorine. I sigh and wonder why the school's administration requires the students to take a class that, if it were on the Internet, would delight Mirsky (creator of Mirsky's Worst of the Web), as yet another addition to his list of worthless sites. Still, there was hope that I would learn something that would make today's first class more than just forty-five wasted minutes...It wouldn't be the first time I learned something new from the least likely place. I have three reasons to continue hoping. They are: my freshman physical science class, the manner in which I came to take calculus in junior year and my experiences with high school swimming. These incidents have, despite the odds against it, added to my confidence in my academic ability and have shown me that there is something to be learned from even the least likely situations. The first, my freshman science cla


Excellence in All Things

Chapter 6, "The Towel and the Cross " 1. From your reading of chapter 6, what is the difference between a servant and a slave? A slave puts their master first; they are owned by their master. Slaves were looked down upon in ancient times and humiliated for being a slave. A servant means "slave ". In the Bible, servants are described as God's followers who offer sacrificial giving by doing the will of God from your heart. God is the master but in this relationship the servant is willing and strives to obey the master and to glorify him. 2. How and why is it possible to "fake servant-hood " and what is the difference between faked servant-hood and the real thing? Faked servant-hood is a person who pretends to follow Christ, claims to represent and live a Christian life. This servant will help others to get the reward for themselves and not to glorify God. Other Christians are not able to identify the fake servants easily due to their nature to not judge and accept/receive


The Analogical Teleological Argument of Paley

William Paley's "Teleological Argument" states that you can compare God and the creation of the universe/the universe itself to that of a watchmaker and a watch, his argument from analogy. To explain Paley's analogy one must think of the universe as a watch. The watch is a complex object; therefore it must have some sort of purpose and a maker to have created it. Similarly, the universe is also very complex, and therefore must have some sort of purpose and a maker to have created it. One can then compare the watchmaker to God, the maker/creator of the universe. David Hume's "The Argument from Design" can be considered to back Paley's watchmaker/watch analogy. This argument states that the universe is "complex, varied, and workable. "A universe as such could not manage to come into existence with any plan or reason; therefore it must have been created by an intelligent, powerful creator, who can be named as God in such. There are also objections to Paley's argument that Paley re


Education and Freedom of Speech

Speech regulation has always been a controversial issue. We are supposed to be given the right to say anything we are capable of thinking of under our first amendment rights, but realistically some regulation will always be required. If anyone went around saying whatever they want in an attempt to aggravate others, there would be more issues than the protection of one's first amendment rights at hand. Eventually, hateful speech would bring forth more verbal abuse, and could easily escalate to physical violence. But first, let's go back a step and discuss how this whole topic came to be. There are three major incidents that happened on college campuses that brought this controversial issue to the public's attention. The first incident occurred at the University of Pennsylvania in 1993. According to the article written by Michael deCourcy Hinds, a reporter for the New York Times, she describes how a young man by the name of Eden Jacobowitz is being punished for calling a group of Afr


Socialization and Culture

Imagine a world where there are no unspoken rules or standards. Imagine being able perform obvious absurd actions such as swearing in church, belching aloud in restaurants, or even telling that one co-worker what you really think of them, and it still being considered a norm of society. Though at what point in the past did these actions come to be considered deviant? You may also have asked yourself that though these absurd actions are inappropriate here in the states, are they inappropriate with other cultures as well? The process of socialization is fairly simple and can also be thought of as learning culture. Through socialization we ultimately learn how to act in our surrounding environment and also develop each of our own personal identities. We learn the roles that we play in life and learn to adopt our cultures norms. For example, girls learn how to be daughters, sisters, friends, wives, and mothers, and "vice-versa for men. Learning the norms of a culture plays a big part i