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The Infamous Gatsby"The Great Gatsby", is one of many great novels written by a lost generation "author. It exhibits the insanity and non-traditional qualities of the Jazz-Age" as Fitzgerald, the author, coined the rambunctious times of the Twenties. This narrative, which reminds so many of their own hopes and dreams, uses a story of lavish characters being analyzed by a war-hardened, middle-class man named Nick Carraway to portray the American Dream. The insanity, which is narrated by Mr. Carraway, is illustrated by the Buchanan's, Daisy and Tom, and by Mr. Jay Gatsby himself. And when reality finally shows the upper echelon of New York City what is really happening, people die, marriages are strained, and the enthusiastic carousing of the weekends will turn into the exasperation of actuality. As a revolutionary author, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates the character of Nick, with his drab, mid-western and World War I experiences, and puts him in the center of a neighborhood which holds the most extravagan |
1176 |
Dropbox and Cloud ComputingThe Cloud. For the past few years, it has been a term synonymous with the future. Edgy computer lingo that only the engineers at tech companies and your IT guy at work could understand. The buzz word has been making circles around the web, TV, radio, and main stream publications. However for the common man, it's a complete mystery. What is it? How does it work? Would it work for me or my business? What most people do not understand is that they have been using cloud computing for years, they just did not know it. Cloud computing's basic principles are to allow users to store files in a location that they are not physically present. Instead of storing pictures, videos, or documents locally at the machine they are present, the file is uploaded routed through the internet and dropped off at a secure location. For some, the act of uploading and downloading now sound simple. As mentioned, people have been using cloud computing for years. Gmail, YouTube, Picasa. These sites as well as tho |
1512 |
Herbivore or Carnivore?These days, we live in a world of instant gratification. If you're hungry, you need not wait more than 5 minutes for a meal. Is it possible that these quick fixes could also be leading to an even quicker demise for the human being? Many studies are pointing to yes. The biggest question I have to all of this is, can we fix it? Can we significantly reduce the heart attack and stroke related deaths in this country? Can we prevent childhood obesity? Can we stop cancer? That last one is a scary question. Cancer has become so prevalent and is so strong that it's hard to wrap your mind around the possibility of a cure. And what if the cure to these things wasn't in our modern medicines but in our daily diet? In the 1950's, it was believed that to maintain a proper diet one needs to consume plenty of protein. This consisted of meat products, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. To stay healthy, a person needed to try to include these in every meal. We've all seen plenty of commercials p |
1822 |
The Nature of Love in Wuthering HeightsIn Wuthering Heights, author Emily Bronte cleverly uses the literary technique of foils to highlight the various features of her characters' personalities. Throughout the novel, the minor character of Edgar Linton acts as a foil to the protagonist, Heathcliff. The two men's contrasting appearances, dissimilar behavior towards family members, and their distinct love for Catherine help to better understand Bronte's concerns about the nature of love. Bronte uses the physical appearances of Edgar and Heathcliff to represent their contrasting souls. Edgar Linton is depicted as a handsome man with "great blue eyes and even forehead" (58), "a sweet, low manner of speaking" (70), and a "soft-feature face [forming] a sweet picture the figure almost too graceful" (135). From the colorful description of his looks, Edgar does indeed represent a pleasant picture; he is painted to be a soft and gentle man, giving the impression that he is an exceptionally good soul worthy of love. In contrast, |
938 |
Close Reading - MedeaThe play "Medea" reminds me a lot of two movies - "The Diary of a Mad Black Woman"" and "Waiting to Exhale. In the movie "The Diary of a Mad Black Woman", the main character was cheated on by her husband and then put her out of their home and she was left with nowhere to go. In the movie "Waiting to Exhale', another woman was also cheated on by her husband and also went through a deep depression just like Medea. After she came out of her depression she set all of her husband's clothes and car on fire. Medea shares many similarities with both of these women such as going through a depression, seeking revenge, and having their trust betrayed. One passage that particularly stood out to me was lines 200 -220 on pages 849 and 850. Medea finally came out of her house but instead of crying and being deeply upset about Jason and Glauce, she was very calm and showed self-control. In beginning of the passage she spoke about how a person could be judged for being quiet. She went on to add that |
921 |
AboriginalityThe importance of Aboriginality within the community services sector is about recognizing and maintaining the cultural identity and connections which Aboriginal children and families require'. (Bridge, Freeburn, 2001). The concept of Aboriginality is the survival, identity, and the cultural diversity of Australian Aborigines. The Australian Aborigines have been on this Australian land for over 40,000 years. The word ˜Indigenous' refers of the Torres Strait Islanders people and Aboriginal people, though seen as the one word they both have different cultures and identities. Throughout it will explore the concept of Aboriginality of the Australian Aborigines, looking at the history of the Aborigines and exploring the culture of the Aborigines. In the 1930's, set the depression of the Australian Aborigines they were frequently not paid and if they were it was in rations, in the workplace Aborigines were the first people to be deployed. Aborigines were given set areas they were to live in, therefore it made it hard for Aborigines to find work; they were unable to leave the set areas as |
739 |
Venus of Arles and Queen Sembiyan MahadeviSculpture A is the Venus of Arles currently located in Musee du Louvre, Paris. The statue dates back to the 1st century BCE. The 1.94 meter high statue is made of Hymettus marble and is off white in color. The statue was found in 1651 in the Roman Theater at Arles. It is of the Roman era. Sculpture B is the statue of the Queen Sembiyan Mahadevi as Parvati located in the Freer Museum, Washington, D.C. The statue dates back to ca. 998. The 92.1 centimeter high statue is made of Bronze. The statue is of the Chola period. This paper is going discuss the similarities and differences of the two statues. Starting from the head, the Venus of Arles has curly hair that has been tied up with two bands of ribbons going across her head dividing her hair into three sections. The manner that her facial features have been carved suggests a neutral expression. This is seen by her eyes, which do not have pupils and sag down at the corners. The distinctive features of the face have been sculpted in a |
1749 |
Indian Migration to the United StatesMy ethnography field work is based on the immigration of people from India to the United States of America. My objective was to find out how difficult it was for people from the Indian culture to adapt with other cultures in the US or the American culture itself. There had to be a purpose of them coming to this country and I wanted to find out if that purpose was met. I was curious to know what their cultural traditions were and whether they were able to continue practicing the same traditions and rituals without difficulties. Although it may seem odd to an outsider like me, I wanted to see if there was any resemblance with my culture. The reason of choosing to do my Ethnography work on the Indian culture was because there are many interesting facts within this culture that made me eager to learn about it. Questioning the person for the interview, I felt a little uncomfortable as I am a stranger to their eyes as they are to mine. He opened up to explain their reasons and practices of h |
1758 |
Blanche Dubois - A Street Car Named DesireThroughout life, people use distorted and inaccurate information to either hide or protect other particulars for their own benefit or maybe someone else's. They try to hide the present, future, and normally the past. It became a way of life for some people and most of what they are talking about has falseness to it. In Tennessee William's play "A Streetcar Named Desire", the more Blanch Dubois tries to fit in with the new aged America, the more she is setting herself up as a victim to society. Blanch Dubois natural personality comes off as someone who is sensitive and vulnerable. She is introduced as a woman who seems to be defeated because her husband has died, her family fortune is gone and she has drinking problems. Blanche's sister, Stella, attempts to provide for her in every way possible but finds it diffi |
551 |
Drug Trafficking and Violence"In 2003 the UN report stated that illegal drug trafficking globally generated an estimated 302 billion dollars or about 8 percent of the world's trade revenue. " Although efforts against the use of drugs have long been employed by various governments and organizations, illegal drug trade seems to never go away. Experts reason that the illegal sale of drugs will always exist due to supply and demand. Others take on a more optimistic view saying that drug use and distribution can be minimized almost to the point of extinction through greater regulation and enforcement of anti-drug. As evident in it's extensive yet secretive history, the global black market of drug trafficking has proven itself up to this point to be both never ending and changing to the restrictions and laws of drug trafficking of the future. The drug trafficking does not have a definite beginning for it has existed as long as the drugs themselves. Being that the drug trade was legal before the introduction of drug |
2060 |
Politics of the Search EngineSince the mid 1990's when most households began considering computers as essential items, the Internet "has emerged as a dominant interactive medium "(Introna and Nissenbaum, 2000, p. 169). There were claims that telecommunications would be "a democratizing force that will give voice to diverse social, economic, and cultural groups, to members of society not frequently heard in the public sphere " (Introna and Nissenbaum, 2000, p. 169). The world was never more than a mouse-click away, and therefore the masses of all races and socioeconomic classes would be empowered by this abundance of information (Introna and Nissenbaum, 2000). In order to properly navigate the Internet, search engines were developed to more accurately 'Surf the Web.' Soon, search engines were being celebrated as "the great new gatekeepers of culture "(Gain, 2005). Back in 1995, when few people realized the Internet's infinite possibilities, Vice President Al Gore described the technology as representing a "Global |
1394 |
The Broken WindowsTheory"Broken Windows Theory" was introduced in the "Atlantic"" 1982 social science article, by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Since the "Broken Window Theory"" was presented it has been an issue of great debate. The main idea of the theory was policing and maintaining order. Signs of disorderly and petty criminal behavior trigger other disorderly and petty criminal problems to spread. This may cause neighborhoods to dwindle and the quality of life of its residents to decline. When people observe others violate a certain social norm or legitimate rule, they are more likely to violate other norms or rules. To prevent this from occurring, the article also mentions that, police officers were sent to walk around crime centered communities, to monitor and maintain town environments (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). The policing and neighborhood safety program was believed to be an effective way of deterring town disorder, bad social behaviors, and vandalism. The theory's introduction to Times Squ |
3152 |
Colors / Motifs in A Good Man is Hard to FindIn life we as humans would like to believe that there is good in every single person no matter what their past may have been like. What is the definition of good? Good is to be positive or desirable by nature. In the short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" there are predicaments that are presented to some of the characters when the act of good can be shown, but they turn out to do the total opposite. In the story the character named the misfit was presented with a chance to be good and help a family out in their time of need but instead he turned out to be bad news. This is an example of situational irony. In the story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" there were signs of foreshadowing, symbolism, irony and motifs that stood out to me more than others. In this story the colors red, gray, and black showed up a few times as motifs that |
564 |
Slavery in Revolutionary TimeSlavery was a method of owning human beings which was started in colonial time in America but initially land owner used indenture servants but as indenture servants declined due to harsh conditions, land owner started purchasing slaves who were transported from Africa. The populations of slaves started to grow after 1700's. Most political leaders consciously choose to ignore the relationship between political slavery to Great Britain and the enslavement of blacks for own economic well being, so slavery lasted for several decades. However, slaves were caught up in the drama of revolutionary idea, so they started to fight for their freedom. After the Revolution, there were efforts here and there to reduce slave trade. Thus, the Revolutionary War was a beginning of slavery movement. The Revolutionary War was fought, so there would be freedom for all, and there should be freedom for all no matter what race or color. During the revolution era, legislatures in the north abolished slavery |
1901 |
Recycling - The End of Plastic BottlesSpecific Purpose: To persuade the audience to stop using plastic bottles because of the health concerns and its harmful effects on the environment. Introduction: How many people know that in the Pacific Ocean there's a huge island consisting of plastic bags, bottles, and even toys that's estimated to be twice the size of Texas? For those you didn't know now you do, environmentalists refer to this island as the Great Plastic Vortex. As plastic use increases, the vortex will only grow more and more. In 2007 8.8 billion tons of bottled waters were sold, so the number of plastic water bottles is only increasing and ends up accumulating to the great plastic vortex. We can start helping the environment by stopping the usage of plastic water bottles. Thesis Statement: Plastic water bottles are being questioned about their safety to both our health and our environment as well. Preview: Today, we will discuss the problems that come about with plastic water bottles and the causes and solutions to help our health and our environment as well. Body: I. There are multiple problems with plastic water bottles, which include danger to people's health and th |
780 |
Women in the Middle EastWomen's rights in the Middle East are considered a phenomenon because they noticeably vary from country to country. Women have specified responsibilities within their family life and subsequently are treated differently in the workforce than men. Some countries govern mostly on religion, which in turn regulates women and their rights. Other countries that do not govern based off of religious law still leave certain issues to be determined by religious law. It is not uncommon for family members to punish their own family if anyone breaks these religious laws (Rivera 5). Women are expected to hold vital roles inside their families but then are denied a multitude of rights because of their job in society. Middle Eastern women are generally responsible for household work such as cooking, cleaning, doing household chores, and taking care of children while men are in the public sphere working and living freely. Thus exemplifying that a male dominant household bestows the power in politics |
2421 |
My Future Plans - Limitless!All my life people have told me have the potential to do many things with my intelligence. I may have slacked a bit in school but no one really thought that I would be like kids just repeating grades and dropping out of school - something I never did. I had my child young which never stopped me from continuing my studies. Determination, pride, and respect is what got me to where I am today. As I take this assessment, I see three professions that interest me; Pediatrics, Counseling Psychology, and Registered Nurse. In all these careers, you are to help the patient in assisting to their needs, you are working irregular hours and can possibly do many hours at any time of the day during the week. Pediatricians and Registered Nurses are always on the move, they are more than one-third of time on foot or standing. I love to always be busy on well productive day especially when at work. There's always |
607 |
Marxism TheoryIn order to determine if a country is a developed, underdeveloped, or developing country there are many factors that one needs to take into consideration. Its also important to determine why the country is underdeveloped or not, and why isn't developing the way other countries are developed. There four theories that many scholars use in order to determine why a country is underdeveloped, such as modernization theory, dependency, Marxism theory, and imperialism theory. These theories listed differ in explaining why certain countries are considered underdeveloped or developing countries. But for the sake of this essay, I will only be discussing Marxism theory and apply it to a small country located in Central America, Guatemala. It important to understand why according to Marxism Guatemala is underdeveloped country. There are many theories discussed by scholars in determining why a country is consideration is underdeveloped. A big theory is discussed a lot is modernization theory an |
1415 |
Human Rights Speech: Gay MarriageGay marriage is a topic that I am sure that most people frown upon on, and when hearing the news of a gay couple getting married, they would look at both of them in complete horror, with a look of disgust painted across their faces. There have been countless debates on gay marriage rights for many years, but it hasn't come to an end. People these days have lost track of the true meaning of marriage. Therefore, I put this question to you: What is the definition of marriage? I believe that it is a great bond of two people joining together to establish a particularly intimate friendship. Take into consideration how I didn't mention two words, 'man' and 'woman'. Marriage doesn't need to be a bond between a man |
479 |
Popular Rock GroupsOver the years, there have been many popular rock groups and musicians who have famous for being sensational in appearance and in presentation. A new era of flashy and overly produced music was gloriously ushered in. The beginning of the 1970's has provided the rock and roll industry with a visual gift. The on going gift of flashy, simply sensational, over performing artists who can actually perform music, has been bestowed upon us. A new look, a new sound has emerged. This has taken over the spot light from previous more traditional artists. Musical artists with talent equal to or greater than their sensational appearance, and show stopping performances they deliver. Performing artists and rock groups such as Aerosmith, Elton John and Poison, have ushered us into a new era of flashy, over produced, eye popping appearances and screaming musical talents. There is no shame it their appearance because their performance equals or exceeds the expressive looks. In the 1970's a new typ |
1122 |
Market Supply and DemandIn a market demand consumers is an important factor that contributes to the changes of the elasticity of demand. Demand means the quantity of goods that the consumers are capable and willing to purchase. Generally consumers prefers to buy goods when its price is lower, with a higher income and when the price of the substitute goods relatively higher and lastly they prefer to by goods with a lower price of complementary goods. This indicates the price is the main concern of the buyers which response to the quantity demanded. Therefore, relating to this concept there is a law of demand that refers to when the price of the goods decreases, then the quantity demanded for the goods will increase or vise versa. ( N. Gregory Mankiw, 2010) The definition of price elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of proportionate changes in quantity demanded to proportionate changes in price. In other words, the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price. Price |
886 |
End of Life and Quality CareWhen someone is headed toward the end of their life, there are vital issues that should be addressed, as well as recorded and notarized. This would avoid leaving these crucial decisions for your loved ones to struggle with. The physician's belief is important, one should understand that (a difference in beliefs can be a conflict of interest). The standard of medical care in the United States has been compromised, since physicians' beliefs interfere with treatment that is in the best interest of the patient. Once you are informed by your medical doctor that the end of your life is approaching, an Advance Directive (Living Will) is a good place to start with documenting your end of life decisions. Is euthanasia against the patient's moral values or not? Discuss organ donations, abortion, and lastly the discussion about terminating life support. Terminally ill patients must plan for their final days of life (with the assumption of quality care). Medical ethics is one of the most impor |
1297 |
The Dangers of Texting and DrivingTexting and driving has been a popular topic for the past couple of years. The National Council on Public Safety has recently issued a plea to ban all cell phone uses for drivers. They argued proof demonstrating an increase in accidents and fatalities because drivers were texting or talking while driving. Due to the serious harm cell phone use can cause while driving, laws to ban cell phone use while driving should be executed. In doing so, accidents will be prevented and lives will be saved. Teenagers are ignorant to the dangers of texting and driving therefore, it is the states responsibility to create laws for the people in order to protect its citizens. Texting or talking on a cell phone while driving is a huge distraction and can cause serious harm to not only to you but also to others on the road. Texting particularly, takes away the one thing that everyone uses while behind the wheel, his or her vision. The risk you take while taking your eyes off the road for a split second |
913 |
The Problem with Television and Processed FoodsIn today's society, the quality of lifestyle of youth is getting worse and worse. Mostly influenced by big companies and the media, young people have begun to fall under the influence of television and junk-food more than their own parents. In the article, "Television, Processed Foods Couldn't Be More Proud of the Child They Raised", t.v. programs and junk-food companies are portrayed as the parents of an obese child named Brian. This article uses situational irony, burlesque, and hyperbole to criticize television programs and processed food companies for creating an unhealthy lifestyle for youth. The article uses burlesque by portraying the serious subject of obesity and laziness in children as a positive lifestyle. For example, the article states that "Jo Ann Smith, board member of Tyson Foods was equally delighted with the dangerously obese young man her company helped raise." Obesity is a very [can't read word] and unhealthy problem especially in America, but this article makes it seem like a good thing. By questioning the importance of the damage that obesity can cause for people, th |
739 |
Renaissance HumanismRenaissance in England was a period of pomp, show and glitter, marked with growing sense of beauty and an increasing enrichment of life made through adventures, bravery and excess. The English period of Renaissance led to the breaking of the medieval knowledge and philosophy, infusing a new spirit of freedom, introducing a note of patriotism and national glorification, and also accompanying a revolt against the authority of the Pope. It was an age keeping pace with the bold adventures of men discovering new lands, and full of the work of scientists like Copernicus who had revealed man's true place and significance in the scheme of things. Renaissance culture set high value on the obtainment of knowledge and Renaissance Humanism assumed that human beings had the capability to use knowledge wisely. Although scholarship thrived, the literature of the period exposed the flaws of human nature and frailty that may accompany the acquisition of knowledge. The play 'The Tragical History of D |
4242 |