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Advertising Beats by Dr. Dre

Beats by Dr. Dre is a business venture between Monster Cable, a company specializing in high definition media, Dr. Dre, a celebrity rapper and sound engineer, pop idol and "media gangsta " and Jimmy lovine of Interscope Records. This product has become very successful due to the advertisements that are shown wherever someone goes. It is very rare to find headphones or audio equipment in general to be advertised like how Beats have been advertised. This is because those companies that operate the audio industry have taken the headphone as a very simple accessory to listen to music and enjoy it. Recently, people who listen to the most famous songs of rap and pop and has also seen their videos must have noticed the glamorous Beats by Dr. Despite the over price of this accessory, Beats has become one of the most desirable devices to most people due to its high performance and looks. One of the techniques used in their advertising campaign is the principle of authority. The authority h


Globalization and Connecting the World

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, globalization makes the connection between different countries become more closely, and impacts the economic activities all over the world. However, it is an issue that the native workers and industries are affected negatively in some countries, especially in developing countries. In this circumstance, governments should make some policies to protect the rights of local labor and manufacturing. It may be true that the local workers and industries would be protected by relevant policies effectively. In order to substantiate this argument, this essay will evaluate how much the problems of free trade, employment and lacking of innovation could be solved by policies. First and foremost, making some policies, which limit import products, could avoid the threats of foreign companies. One study found that China ,as the third largest importing country and the second largest exporting country around the world Luo and Zhang 2010, its protective trade policies "eliminated potential threats from the inside; while through improvement of the system


The Nile River and Ancient Egypt

How the Nile River shaped the society of Ancient Egypt is a question that has always been discussed over time. So imagine if you had to depend solely on a river in order to survive? Well in Ancient Egypt, that's exactly what they had to do. They lived because of a river. Without the Nile River the civilization of Ancient Egypt would never have existed. Ancient Egypt consisted of the three kingdoms of Old, Middle, and New, the Old and Middle Kingdoms consisted of the time of the pyramids but when the New Kingdom came around pyramids had been broken into and looted. Thus came about the Valley of the Kings and Queens, this valley was full of the tombs of that ages Pharaohs. This ancient civilization would never have been born if not for the Nile River. In this essay I will be talking about the Nile's great impact on their means of transportation, farming, and religion. The Nile River helped shape their culture, way of life, their religion, their art, and it inspired every grand thing we s


Sophocles and His Precursors

Other than Sophocles, before him, were Aeschylus and Euripides. These play writes, apart from Shakespeare, were the founding fathers of the Greek tragedy. All of these play writes were from Athens (GreeenhavenPress), but contributed their own special piece to Greek theater. The Greek Tragedy began in the honor of Dionysus, who is the god of wine and fertility. The performances that would take place were among the first forms of theater; their singing and dancing were included in the rituals. These theatrical performances soon resulted in competitions in current day Turkey (Damen) There were three categories of Greek theater. Athenian had more concepts of religion and was in a simple space with wooden benches; at this time, all plays were performed outdoors (Inglert). Hellenistic included an orchestra, skene, and parados, and had painted back panels known as pinakes. The area was in a circular shape and had pillars. Roman and Greek theater come into play with Graceo-Roman theater. This


First Would War and July 5, 1914

Several crises almost led to general European war in the decade before 1914. Two of these, in 1904-5, and 1911, involved the North African state of Morocco. France had been working to annex Morocco, which lay next to its territory of Algeria; Germany with no vital interests in Morocco, threatened war if not consulted and compensated. Although it agreed only reluctantly to an international conference at Algeciras in 1906, the conferees awarded France most of what it sought (1). In 1908, another crisis, this time in the Balkans, almost brought war between Austria-Hungary and Russia, when the dual Monarchy, authorized only to administer Bosnia-Herzegovina, annexed it. Russia, still reeling from its defeat by Japan, backed down and the crisis passed, but Bulgaria took advantage of the situation to declare its full independence from the Ottoman Empire. The assassination of Achduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire on 28 June 1914 and the so-called 'blank che


The Business of Developing New Cancer Drugs

As many cancer sufferers are aware, a continued need for new cancer drugs is essential to continue to reduce the incidence of a variety of cancers. While the incidence of some cancers like lung cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer have declined over the last decade, other cancers have increased. Most notably pancreatic, renal and esophageal cancer incidence has increased, and this has in part been associated with the obesity epidemic throughout the nation (Eheman, et al., 2012). Unfortunately this continued need for innovative strategies for developing new drugs has been met with economic constraints as well as regulatory and commercial constraints. As a result, new cancer drugs have actually declined annually over the past several years. And even those produced have been offered at increasing costs to patients (Goozner, 2012). As a means to remedy this situation, developing new business models toward more effective cancer drug therapies are required. Critical pathway initiati


The National Industrial Recovery Act

From the very beginning in his career, Franklin D. Roosevelt was critical of businessmen even if he himself was trying to get higher in business before his political career started. He said in 1911 that "business must get out of politics" ". The twenties confirmed the belief in him that the government should have taken over the control over the American economy from the businessmen. By the year of 1933 when the NIRA became law, it was a firm belief in the United States that Roosevelt was a traitor to his class. However, he never went straight against the leader of the bigger industries in his campaigns. His aim was as his Brain Trust advised him to be a collaborator: "The New Deal of 1933 had relied in great part on government-business co-operation (Schlesinger, Jr. 271). This behavior in the Roosevelt administration had worked until the President confronted with new business moods in the end of 1934. The main cause was the person in control of the National Recovery Act. Indust


Metaphysics: Plato vs. Aristotle

Plato's thoughts on reality were "heavily influenced by Heraclitus, Parmendes, and Socrates " (Silverman). Plato's metaphysical view, for example, has us divided into two worlds: the becoming and the reality. The becoming is the physical world that we are in, and the world of reality is a population of forms. These forms are best described as "ideal archetypes (Chaffee 199). For example, there are a thousand different designs for chairs which exist in the real world. However, according to Plato there is, somewhere, the idea of a perfect chair in which all woodworkers base their flawed chairs off of (Cox). Plato illustrated his concept of reality with his divided line analogy. Below the line is the realm of becoming, which includes images and sensible objects. An image pertaining to a chair would be an idea about the chair based on one's experience. It is a product of the imagination, and information that is not thought of critically. A sensible object would be the chair itsel


Development in Human Resources

Organizational development can influence other human resources practice areas, and those areas will also shape organizational development. First OD is a potential tool for dealing with how people are socialized into an organization. In this sense it influences transmission of cultural beliefs and affects recruitment and selection. Second OD is a potential tool for influencing the learning needs that people identify-thus affecting training. Third OD can help individuals plan their careers and help managers implement management programs. Fourth, OD is a tool for helping individuals deal with changes in organizational or work group structure, and changes in work methods and procedures. Fifth, OD influences the climate of a work group. In this sense, OD i


Early Childhood - Reflective Learning Stories

Child development theories seek to describe, explain and predict behaviour based on the relative influences of nature (heredity and biological makeup) and nurture (interaction with the environment) (Berk, 2013). Explaining individual differences, therefore, depends on the weight of a theory's position on the roles of nature and nurture (Berk, 2013) and the influence they have on children's learning, growth, and maturation (Allen & Morotz, 2010). For example, both Piaget's cognitive-development theory and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory agree that development occurs as the brain grows (nature) but the course of development differs depending on the type of experiences children have (nurture) (Berk, 2013; Nixon, 2005). Behaviorism and social learning theory, however, emphasize the roles of conditioning and modelling (nurture) in children's development (Berk, 2013; Allen & Morotz, 2010). So, if I have my father's blonde hair and my mother's brown eyes, then that's biological, inherited


The Benefits of Industrial Hemp

Industrial hemp should be legalized for commercial growth in the U.S. because there are many uses and benefits we can gain from it. Hemp can be used for anything from plastics, to rope, to biodiesel; it is a very versatile crop. Some benefits from growing hemp in the U.S. are it would create jobs, farmers would again be able to grow the cash crop and products produced from crude oil can also be produced from hemp oil. But this is all something the oil companies do not want you to know! There are many environmentally friendly commercial uses for hemp. Hemp can be used for making plastics, ropes and creating a bio-diesel. Hemp oil can be used to create biodegradable plastics.The process by which hemp plastic is made is very similar to the process by which other plastics are made using crude oils. But the difference between the two is that hemp oil based plastic can decompose at a much more rapid rate in landfills whereas crude


Religion and the Ethical Life

I've asked myself many times what I cannot live without in order to live an ethical life. Is it something physical that we cannot survive without? Of course, we need food, shelter, water and so on, but so do wild animals. What makes us different from an ape? There was one thing missing that we need essentially in order to live ethical lives. It is a religion. A religion is a cornerstone for spirituality which helps us to develop a grasp of moral characters and ethics that animals do not have. Yet, some people might argue that they don't need to believe in something that doesn't exist to live a good healthy life and they don't need something to believe in to give them hope because they are not weak. In my opinion, we don't really need it as a necessity to survive, but religion helps us to get along, and it guides us towards a new understanding, insight, or perspective when we feel lost. Thus, I believe that we cannot live without religion t


The Effects and Consequences of Gun Control

"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. " The right for of all Americans to bear arms is a right even the Founding Fathers held to equal importance as the Constitution itself. Whether or not gun control laws work, the fact of the matter is that these kinds of laws directly violate this right and therefore should not even be under consideration. Even if that issue is overlooked, gun control advocates state that in order to reduce firearm related violence, gun control laws must be implemented to remove the violence caused by firearms. Although this may seem reasonable, the consequences of such laws are ironically counterproductive; they exacerbate the problem instead of fixing it. Besides the fact that the American Constitution guarantees its citizens the right to bear arms, the idea of restricting gun ownership in order to reduce firearm-related violence would ultimately fail given


The Future of Saving Our Planet

With the increase of anxiety towards the idea of global warming, there has been a boom in hybrid cars, as well as a lot of money spent on researching the issue. Even with all the money put into researching the issue of global warming, there are articles that claim global warming is an actual growing problem, and uses statistics along with examples to provide credibility ushering the audience to believe what they say or write is proven, and therefore is a fact not an opinion open to interpretation. In addition, there are article that claim global warming is completely false using only current stats and not stats that date back a far time. This issue prompted me to research ways to reduce global warming. After doing research I no longer supported the theory of global warming, but I thought clean renewable energy is something that should be greatly expanded. If properly collected the natural energy produced by the sun or wind can power the entire earth with just a very small percentage of


Heroes in Literature

The concept of hero conveys to mind various images to different people. But for me, the true meaning of hero is someone who has done something to the human race and not after personal gain; someone who is just performing his job and the process has created a difference in the community. These are not mainly the thought with regards to the notion of heroes in both the ancient societies and in today's world. As the world evolve, the meaning and the ideal model of heroes change as well. However, ancient heroes such as Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Oedipus, Rama and present heroes such as our military service members, firefighters and policemen do share similarities; similarities that function as a foundation of heroes regardless of individual's perception of heroism. Given this, to be considered a hero, one must be marked as a courageous one, someone who intentionally embarks himself or herself to defeat and overcome hurdles for the sake of others. Courage I think is by far what separates heroes from ordinary persons. It is possessing the mental strength to undertake, overcome, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. In the epic story of the Odyssey, Odysseus the main character was


Plato and Aristotle's Differing Views on Religion

Plato and Aristotle, two world renown philosophers lived more than two thousand years ago. Aristotle was Plato's student, and they were good friends for 20 or so years. One would therefore assume that their views would be very similar, due to the long amount of time they spent together. However, this is not the case, and even though the basis of their ideas has some small similarities, their take on religion is quite different. Plato takes a dualistic approach in his work, and Aristotle settles for a semi-dualistic, semi-naturalist approach. In the following essay, the theories and beliefs of the authors will be analyzed individually, and then they will be compared. To begin with, Plato (428-347 BCE), suggested that there was one God, guided by the Forms (Irwin 112). For one to understand what Plato meant by this, it is important to analyze the way Plato viewed the world. Plato claims that there are Forms, and that a Form is the one and only, in which all other examples of a virt


Why All of America Should Support Gay Marriage

A debate is taking place across the country: Should the government allow gay marriage in ALL 50 states? The answer to this well-known debate is simply "yes." Marriage as it looked fifty years or so ago looked very different to what marriage in America is shaping up to be now. If America says "no" to gay marriage, then the "land of the free" that supposedly upholds the right of its citizens to follow the pursuit of happiness, in actuality, discriminates against people, denying them freedoms and the full pursuit of happiness. How can legislators say they are trying to "save traditional families" if more than 50 percent of of heterosexual marriages end in divorce? What DOES traditional marriage look like any more? Living in America, the land of the free, people who are homosexual should not get the short end of the stick. They are human just li


Anorexia Nervosa in Children and Teens

Anorexia Nervosa is a rapidly growing issue in today's society. The disease is identified by the refusal to maintain a healthy weight, an irrational fear of gaining weight despite weighing too little, loss of the menstrual cycle in women, and an inaccurate view of one's body, often referred to as dysmorphia. At one point in time, this illness was mainly associated with adolescents. Now, children as young as five years old are being treated for Anorexia (Borland). The DSM criteria for children are slightly altered, and consist of "determined weight loss abnormal cognition's regarding weight," and a "morbid preoccupation with weight (Khan). It is shocking to find children so young focusing on their weight, counting calories and deliberately exercising with the goal of ridding themselves of fat. I believe that the media, biology, and a child's experiences and personality all play a role in the development of Anorexia Nervosa. Children are exposed to so much more these days. Rather than


Water in the Wrong Places

Everyday we obtain water in a wide range of ways varying from agriculture uses to the common everyday cleaning. We have excessive clean water without even the thought of where it comes from. "The water that is available here in Southern California comes from the rain and snowfall and the Klamath and Colorado rivers at the opposite ends of our state. The rain fall occurs in the northern part of the state and flows through a river system that includes the Sacramento, Feather and Yuba rivers as the largest tributaries."(California Farm Water Correlation) For the rest of the US and other countries the process of retaining water is generally the same, it comes from the rain fall or a river of some sort. What people don't ever think about is how much water we can or should use. In a sense people take advantage of water. Will there always be an abundance of water at our fingertips? Although water is returned to us through the rain, it does not always fall in the spot that is needed most. Throughout the world there continues to be a use of uneven distribution of water. "More than two billio


Homelessness in New York City

Homelessness is something that is very real for a lot of Americans especially in the city that never sleeps, New York. For these people who face this as an everyday reality sleep is one of the hardest things to come by, along with food, drinks, security, feeling safe, shelter and having that family bond or friendship. Things that people like us have no problem obtaining are an everyday struggle for them. While most people are upset because maybe they want more of this or that, these people are grateful to get anything at all. Most times scavenging through garbage for their next meal or begging for change on the train. In New York City alone, not the state, the numbers are astonishing for the amount of homeless people. Each night more than 55,000 people -- including more than 21,000 children -- experience homelessness. Currently 50,100 homeless men, women, and children bed down each night in the NYC municipal shelter system. Additionally, more than 5,000 homeless adults and children


GMOs and Industrial Farming

Most Americans live under the assumption that food production companies will produce a humane and safe product supplied to the local grocery store. If not the U.S. government will step in to protect the public and correct any harmful methods or additives used in the process. Unfortunately the U.S. Government is failing us, and the food companies only provide consumers with risky and unhealthy choices without correct labeling. The growth of our food is made for mass production, as cheaply as possible, using chemicals and genetically engineered crops, with only one main goal, money. Even though food prices are low, the actual costs are kept from buyers, by the food industries which poison Americans and the natural habitats surrounding us. To turn this around it is our responsibility as consumers to look at every dollar we spend as our personal vote for the food production we support. "We must stop poisoning ourselves now. We must remove chemicals from the process of growing, harvesting,


The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Ivan Ilyich is the protagonist of the novel "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy. Ivan Ilyich is a person who admires and wants to imitate other people who have high social standings. Tolstoy describes the people in this story as materialistic who show little emotional connection and sympathy toward each other. Ivan Ilyich went to law school and was one the judges in the state. Ivan Illyich got married to Praskova Fyodorovna who has some money and was attractive. "Ivan Ilyich married for both reason: in acquiring such a wife and did something that gave him pleasure and, at the same time, did what people of the highest standing considered correct." (Tolstoy 49) He was not in love with his wife. He considered in marrying her because people thought that it was a good idea for him to marry her because she had money and she worked. Ivan Ilyich was pleased because he thought that they both would bring equal amount of money to the household. When his wife was pregnant she changed a


Richard Wright and Frederick Douglass

There are many similarities and differences between the two intellectual authors, Frederick Douglass and Richard Wright. Some notices are deep within, some stand out. The main focus is not only to understand the differences and similarities of the two, but also the qualities and characteristics of these writers consist of. Each author displays powerful qualities that illustrate their identity. It is important that we, as readers, understand the authors' inspiring and intellectual words that portray who they are on the outside and the inside. I believe Frederick Douglass and Richard Wright show similarity and difference to each other in many ways. Family, desire to learn, and the way they portray people, are some of these ways. Both Douglass and Wright have the uncontrollable urge to learn; with their experiences, it made it difficult for them to succeed. There are many examples of this struggle. One example would be when Mrs. Auld had to stop teaching little Frederick h


Sybil Analysis

This is an analysis on the movie "Sybil," an incredible adaptation of a real-life case of a woman who suffered from dissociative identity disorder; formally known as Multi-personality disorder. I will be giving a brief summary, discussing the diagnosis, some of the signs, the symptoms, and the treatment involved in helping a person who is diagnosed with this disorder. I will also be sharing my personal thoughts on the movie and what message I think it was trying to convey to its audience. Summary of movie Sybil Dorsett is a lonely and shy woman working as a substitute teacher in New York City who without realizing it is living with sixteen different personalities; all she knows is that she experiences constant blackouts. After one of her blackouts, she ends up in a hospital emergency room with a cut on her palm and meets a psychiatrist on duty, Dr. Cornelia Wilbur. After Sybil opens up to the doctor, she informs her that she is suffering from a form of hysteria and encourages her to


Early Explorers and the Spread of Disease

In the beginning stage of American history, explorers' motives for coming to the new world was typically to find land and provide a better life for their families and themselves. The only problem with this thought is that people were already living on this land. The only option of owing the new land was to take it from the people who were already settling there. Many wars were fought and many people died or even were captured and turned into slaves. At the time this was the only way they knew how to acquire the land. As strong and organized as these explores were war was not the only way of gaining control. A secret weapon that Europeans held was diseases. Smallpox, yellow fever and measles were diseases that assisted in killing off the Indians. Their bodies were not immune to the diseases it was easily contracted