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Martin Luther: Medieval and Modern

Few, if any, men have changed the course of history like Martin Luther. Luther started a revolution known as the Protestant Reformation. He sparked the reformation based upon his own values of religion, education, and faith. Martin Luther valued religion first and foremost. Martin Luther came into a world dominated by the Catholic religion which held spiritual dominion over all the nations of Europe. The church's promise of salvation, and Luther's terror of the possibility of imminent death led him to become a monk. After joining the monastery Luther became fearful that the church could offer him salvation, and his trip to Rome only further this fear. He realized that the church and city had been overcome with corruption. He discovered in the bible that it religion would not guarantee salvation but his own individual faith could. Luther knew he had at least attempt to change the church, or at the very minimum speak up. He ended up writing ninety-five theses attacking the corrupt ways of the Catholic Church and posted them on the doorstep of the Catholic Church. The theses set a rage all across Europe, Luther remarked "I would never have thought that such a storm would ri


Protection of Human Rights in Research

This paper will describe four human rights of research participants and how they might be violated. It will discuss the role of the professional nurse relation to the protection of research participant rights. It will identify the Code of Ethics of American Nurses Association (ANA) that guides the role of the professional nurse as a protector in human research participant's rights. It will give you a brief understanding of the protection of human rights in research. There are four basic rights that will be described in this paper. Human research participants have the right to confidentiality (Haber, 2011). The research participants' identity will not be shown publicly, the information provided by the participant will not be used in any other way besides the study. Confidentiality may be violated for the participant when the researcher allows another person to gain access to the study that contains information about the participant (Haber, 2011). The information could be about his


Tackling NFL Head Injuries

Head injuries are becoming a very dangerous aspect to professional football. The constant helmet to helmet collisions on the line may not do much, but it only takes one hard hit to potentially ruin not only a player's career, but his life. "The No. 1 issue is to take the head out of the game "(Bloomberg.com). In the past several decades players have been using their heads to make tackles and ram through defenders more than they ever have, and it is leading them to painful consequences. The NFL needs to reconstruct the way the game is played by enforcing rules that stop the hits, giving the players better post-retirement insurance, and preventing future concussions. The problem needing to be addressed is obviously that too many head injuries are occurring and not enough is being done about it. The case that really put this head injury crisis into a full scale problem was the case of Junior Seau, the NFL linebacker that killed himself in Spring of 2012. Seau suffered from degenerative


Laws in the United States

Examining and evaluating the creation of laws in the, United States of America. Laws have existed since the beginning of civilization. The majority of laws have binds to the spiritual beliefs, and even in the United States the ten commandants are etched on the wall behind the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court (Snyder, 2012). In the United States, laws are made at different levels, usually in connection with a governmental entity (Snyder, 2012). Cities, counties, states and federal government all make laws. At the legislative level, laws are created through Congress and or state legislative body (Snyder, 2012). However, the President of the United States could also utilize an executive order to create a law. Laws usually begin as an idea or an issue, and at the city and county laws it can begin as an idea or discussion at a city council meeting and county commission meeting. The proposed law is usually read once, and then a date is set for public input a


Accultration Process for Immigrants

For new incoming immigrants living in a new society they will begin the acculturation processes, adaption and assimilation. Acculturation can be defined as groups of individuals having different cultures that come into continuous first hand contact with subsequent changes in the original culture patterns (Berry, 1997). When describing acculturation processes it is referring to the changes that a group or individual will encounter by getting accustomed to a new culture change. Assimilation means that when immigrants have fully integrated themselves into a new culture such as the socioeconomic status, geographic distribution and second language attainment. Many immigrants such as the following being discussed are the Koreans and Iranians have certain acculturation strategies to help them cope with a new culture change. However, by discussing and researching adult immigrants researcher would like to understand the immigrant children by being accustomed and exposed to the new culture chan


Text Books and Tablets in Classrooms

Robert Huber (2012) maintain, "I learned easily and had time to follow my inclination sports (light athletics and skiing) and chemistry, which I taught myself by reading all textbooks I could get ". Most people like Huber, believe that books are very important for students especially from the beginning of their age. The statistics shows that 83% of Americans between the ages of 16 and 29 read a book in the past year. Some 75% read a print book, 19% read an e-book (Zickuhr, Rainie and Purcell, 2013). Based on Pew Research Center, these statistics, it can be seen easily, indicate that not all students and parents are in agreement about using textbooks. Nevertheless, schools should require textbooks instead of tablets for the benefit that student might get to develop their creative abilities and to avoid some problems such as, health problems and the extra expenses. First of all, tablets will create serious health problems such as vision, backbone dislocation, etc. Most importantly, it


The Movie Gran Torino

In Gran Torino, the central social problem is racism and gender stereotyping. All conflict of from the movie derives from the racial discrimination between the characters. In the beginning of the movie, it is obvious that Walt is blatantly racist, especially towards those of Asian descent. This is made most clear through his relationship with his Asian neighbors, constantly referring to them as "fish heads and chinks" (Gran Torino). As the movie progresses, we learn that Walt is not the only one that has racial prejudice towards other races. From the brief encounters between the racial gangs, to the Asian grandma next door, almost every interaction in Gran Torino is affected from some type of racial discrimination. Everyone appears to be satisfied with the racial group they identify with, and have no interest in experiencing the values and beliefs of a different culture, which is the cause of huge cultural gap between the characters. The Gran Torino symbolizes Walt's belief that hard work and integrity earns you what you want in life. He exp


The Gap Of Destruction

In the world today there is a growing gap between the rich people and the poor people. However, the act of globalization is not new and for thousands of years big corporations have been buying from and selling from each other. This process affects the environment, political systems and prosperity in societies around the world. Globalization has shaped our economy in both a positive and negative direction. Some of the negative influences are that technology is taking over economic life, income inequality and symbolic analyst. The U.S. economy is at loss for routine production jobs. Many of these jobs have been replaced by technology and machinery. Due to this advanced technology it closed many plants and factories as well as jobs getting laid-off. In Robert Reich's essay "Why the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer" he describes how these big corporations have to lay off their employees. This caused a decrease in union membership which


Health Care in America

Health care in our country has been widely debated for many years now. There is an overwhelming disagreement about whether health care is a right, or a privilege for those who have worked hard enough to afford it. The United Nations long ago established health care as a human right, but the United States government has sided differently. While there's evidence for either side, it seems inhuman not to include health care in a list of "human rights ". Our current government requires individuals to go out and select a health insurance company, which they will pay a monthly fee to, and then in the case of a medical need, that insurance would cover almost the entire bill. This system has worked for years in building a commercially strong insurance branch of


Why I am a Hindu

I wake up to the sound of bustling cars and rushing crowds. The sun that is coming through my muggy window warms my face and I am grateful for another day. My name is Avani and I am nineteen years old. I live right near our sacred Ganga Ma in Varanasi India. When I walk out my door I am accompanied to the sight of street merchants and busy crowds. The air is rich in heat and moisture as it is most days. I make my way to my family's local business; we sell a variety of foods mostly vegetables and breads. My father has owned the shop ever since I could remember and since I am not yet married I help my parents in running the store. Our shop is right off the Ganga and I am fortunate enough to be able to go and visit it every day when I get off work, it gives me the opportunity to clear my head and continue in meditating on how I can continue to lead a good life, and sacrifice to ensure a respectful rebirth. This has always been a huge part of me and my family's life. My parents have alway


The Assasination of Abe Lincoln

It was early Friday morning, April 14th 1865, and Abe was off to an unusually fantastic day. He was in a happy and cheerful mood, and everybody saw the difference in him. For months, the President had looked pale and haggard. Lincoln himself told people how happy he was. The first lady Mary Lincoln was worried about Abe, because she felt that it was bad luck to say this kind of stuff out loud. Late Friday night, Abe Lincoln and his wife went out for the night to see Our American Cousin at the Ford Theater. There was about 1700 in attendance that night. But it only took one of those persons to make history. Early on no one ever expected history to be made from a man named John Booth. Booth was a famous American stage actor that had some very strong political views. He was greatly opposed to the abolitionists who sought to end slavery in the US. After Abe Lincoln was named president, Booth wrote out a long speech that decried Northern abolitionism and made clear his strong support of the South and


2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah

The Winter Olympic games held every four years athletes train all their lives in there anticipation to get their chance to compete in these games. In 2002 the Olympic games head to Salt Lake City Utah, The state known for having " The Greatest snow on earth." Some of the Events held are, Alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating as well as freestyle, ice hockey, and luge. The Alpine Skiing results were so close as "Austria's Fritz Strobl Took the gold one of Austria's only three gold medals with a time of 1:39.13, second place came in with a time of 1:39.35 and third with 1:39.41"(data base Olympics) Snowboarding however is a totally different story for the United sates. In the Snowboarding Half pipe (Men's) The USA swept the floor with all three medals Gold going to Ross powers, silver to Danny Kass and the bronze medal going to Jarret Thomas; In the Woman's Half pipe the USA's "Kelly Clark took the Gold winning by 4.9 points just above France's


Snowboarding vs. Skiing

Snowboarding is more fun and easier to learn than skiing. When asked the question, do you learn to ski or snowboard? Or what is the difference between skiing or snowboarding? Which one is easier to learn or which one is more fun? Most people would say there is not much difference. But there is a huge difference between the two. Skiing and snowboarding are so different yet similar in many ways as well. In my opinion snowboarding is easier to learn and a lot more fun. Although both are fun and a great way to spend your spare time there are many factors involved in making a decision on which one to choose. First let's talk about skiing. Skiing involves strength and energy, and it can be easy to get the hang of if you have not skied before. There are a lot of factors in learning how to ski, first of all balance is very important, staying upright is always a good thing, then you have to learn not to cross your skis unless you enjoy doing a face plant in the snow. Onc


Final Analytical Report

Completed by Meaghan Kenney, Prospective Branch Manager For Donna Kelleher, President, CEO and Founder Dear Ms. Kelleher, Enclosed is the complete analytical report I have compiled per your request. The essence of the report is to highlight the importance of providing quality child care to busy working families as described in the NGCC's mission statement and two major amendments that can be added to the NGCC's business model that would increase the benefits that NGCC contributes to Massachusetts. The report focusses on; 1. Implementing a financial assistance option to families who qualify, and 2. Opening branch locations in low-income areas of Massachusetts As you know, there are many studies focused on the impact Early Childhood Education has on children as they enter elementary school and even on through their adult lives. It is important to remember, however, that the impact is greatest on those children coming from low income homes and communities. Many efforts have been made


The Story of Dr. Seuss

"Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done, there are points to be scored. There are games to be won, " From: "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" (Geisel, Audrey). Written by Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known to the world as the beloved children's author Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss is the world's most popular writer of modern children's books. He wrote and illustrated forty-four children's books filled with wide spread ideas, logic, witt and clever rhymes. The creatures that he illustrated are widely loved by younger generations worldwide. His books use satire, words described in the English language as nonsense, characters that can be related to modern society, hypocrites, and demagogues. Dr. Seuss changed American culture by making reading enjoyable for everyone, his clever ideas changed how people think and act towards bullies and other conflicts in life. His books made reading fun and exciting. Full name Theodor Seuss Geisel, born 1904 on Howard Street in Springfield, Massachusetts is


Abortion and the Bible

When does life begin and who has the right to take a life? According to the Annual Abortion Statistics, "In 2008 approximately, 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S.; down from an estimated 1.29 million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996. From 1973 through 2008, nearly 50 million legal abortions have occurred in the U.S.(AGI). I believe that choosing to bring a life into the world is a wonderful feeling and knowing that a life is growing; thriving off of you is amazing. According to the Bible, (Exodus, Chapter 20, verse 13; it states that "Thou Shalt not Kill "; it does not limited killing to a certain age or trimester; does it? It is also against the laws of the land to kill; does one life outweigh another one; which is why I believe that having an abortion is wrong because it undermines God's true design for human life, it has become a legalized way to kill and regardless of when society feels that life begins; taking a life is wrong no matter what stage o


The American Recession

Since the Great Depression ended, the Great Recession was the longest and deepest economic downturn. According to the economists, the Great recession has ended officially on 2010, but the impacts of the Great Recession still remain and threaten the world economy today. The recession is a period of decreasing economic growth because of the economic cycle in process. It is not a rare or unusual occurrence under capitalism; it will always inevitably happen under capitalism. The circular motion of the economy, which can be defined as the recession, has a goal to maximize the profits for the capitalist class. To maximize the profits, they have to minimize the cost, which the cost of labor or the wages for the workers takes most of the place. If the wages of the working class decrease, the purchasing power of the working class, who have the wage income as their primary or only source of income, diminished over time. So the capitalists start cutting back productions, leading the labors to lose their jobs eventually. Then, again, purchasing power of the working class will decrease furthermore, and the capitalist will again cut back the production


White Oleander and Ellen Foster

Have you ever been in a new surrounding that ended up changing the way you look? Think about all the places you have lived even if it was just only one place. Did that surrounding of where you previously change the way you dress, act or even communicate with other people? As well as growing up in certain schools can change even the most reserved kid to an outspoken individual. Being in any surrounding for an adequate amount of time can change your whole identity without you even realizing it. One of the themes in "Ellen Foster" and "White Oleander" is sometimes our surroundings can change your identity. In "White Oleander", we see a change in Astrid's identity when she is living with her new foster mom Starr. Before, Astrid came in to this home she was not a very religious person at all. Ingrid never talked about religion to Astrid when she was living with her. When she is living with Starr, Astrid is baptized in her pool to become a born-again Christian and starts to wear


Victims of Progress

By eliminating different civilizations and cultures, progress weakens life and favors death. Small-scale societies are one of the first victims of this transgression. John H. Bodley guides the readers of, "Victims of Progress" to the subjectification to cultural change, modernization, and economic development. The indigenous people had a culture which should have been idolized for striving to satisfy basic human needs such as nutrition and security; was instead, a victim of ethnocide. This ancient civilization understood the importance of life in all aspects of the word, and valued the family and household which resulted in maximum social equality; something that the current society today is still nowhere near. Small-scale societies upheld a way of life in which they respected their resources, the earth, and only took from it what was necessary. The society was therefore adaptable to virtually all aspects of the globe and remarkably stable for 500,000 years. Developing western nations maximized rapidly in the growth of their population and consumption and their ethnocentric ways lead to an attack on the indigenous


Autocracy and Dictatorship in Russia, 1855-1955

To what extent were the forces of reaction successful in using terror to preserve autocracy and dictatorships in Russia and the Soviet Union 1855-1955? Ironically, the imperial system of rule tried to preserve autocracy through reform, whereas it is clear that the soviet system relied completely on terror to preserve authority. The irony lies in the fact that reform failed whereas terror sustained the soviet system for seven decades. Reforms like the Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861 and Army reform in 1870 under Tsar Alexander II seemed successful in preserving autocracy for a limited time only, as these reforms didn't mean better living standards, this led to the growth of discontent and oppositional threats. The establishment of the secret police, the Okhrana was successful to an extent in preserving autocracy during 1855-1900 as they prevented earlier assassination attempts on the life of Tsar Alexander II but did not achieve complete control on revolutionary movements who used t


Scared Straight

The 1978 MTV program Scared Straight' was a juvenile crime deterrence effort whereby kids of varying ages visit inmates and experience a front-row into the "realities " of prison life. The basic is premise is simply how it seems; hopefully, hardened criminal inmates can scare children who are labeled at-risk for future jail time enough to prevent them from committing future crimes " "to scare them straight ". There are different theories in sociology which offer different perspectives or models of understanding for society. In other words, there are many way with which to view the world. Conflict Theory asserts that people are engaged in a constant struggle for power. Groups compete for advantages and social disorder would ensue if not for a proper legal structure and enforcement. It also holds that notwithstanding, individuals and groups engage in conflict every day to gain power at the expense of others in society. Conflict theorists believe that the conflict between differ



Symptoms of Pancreatitis include steady, sudden-onset abdominal pain radiating to the back and epigastric tenderness, fever, and tachycardia. Associated with nausea and vomiting. A history of gallstones or alcohol intake is often present. Initial treatment includes IV fluids and correction of electrolyte abnormalities, analgesia, and glucose control. The main goal is to prevent complications, which may include coagulopathy, respiratory distress, ascites, bowel obstructions, sepsis, and renal failure. Lipase and Amylase are the two hallmark lab tests for pancreatitis. Lipase is more sensitive for detecting nonalcoholic and alcoholic pancreatitis. The lipase is considered more diagnostic. Lipase is more sensitive and specific than amylase and is therefore preferred and considered more diagnostic. Its use can also be helpful in patients presenting with suggestive symptoms


Acceptance Letter to Columbia University

1. I like people. I believe in networking more than anything in the world of business. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to visit different summer camps, in different continents, meeting new people from different cultures and ethnicities. 2. I'm flexible, balanced and well rounded. I play squash daily. I've run marathons. I've executed business deals and delivered results. Ask about my academic record, even though it wasn't stellar, I've made the impact that counts; Ask about me at Suffolk University, Bahrain School or the working environment in Boston and New York. My CEO at Kapitall (Jarrett Lilien, former CEO of E*TRADE), employer, and CIO couldn't agree more. I have been honored to have such influential mentors enter my life and share their past experiences with me. I have been top of the squash association in my hometown. I've run 5 marathons in my lifetime. This, I crossed off my bucket l


The Impact of the Internet

We know that the WWW and Internet have had a tremendous effect on our lives, the United States and the World economy. As professionals in the field of technology, we are constantly seeing areas of society that are being changed, exonerated or improved in some way as a result of it. Currently at forefront are the areas of the print media, social media and healthcare information media. This paper concentrates on these areas where technology continues to leave its mark. Today, January 31, 2012, the U.S. Post Office issued the long awaited postage stamp to honor Johnson Publishing Company mogul, John H. Johnson. Mr. Johnson used the services of the USPO to deliver his print media to subscribers of renowned magazines, Ebony and Jet, from the onset in 1942 throughout the years he managed this successful business until his death. John Johnson's magazines broke cultural ground, but its deliverance had to endure the tremendous expense of postage like many other publications. The same for


British Realism in A Taste of Honey and Trainspotting

The British social-realist film movement originated in the 1930's and stemmed directly from the documentary movement's desire for the cinema to play a positive role in society beyond entertainment for profit. A pioneer in the movement, John Grierson, wanted to capture the the 'creative interpretation of actuality' in an attempt to allow the scientific capture of living patterns that would be beneficial for state planning and control as well as to educate those in charge and artistically enhancing a public sense of national unity. British cinema has become renowned for its social realist films; they are seen as an ˜unbroken tradition' of the British cinema experience. (Hill, 2000: p.178) The term 'social realism' is one that is broadly used to capture the essence of the films' content, concerns and visual style. (Lay, 2002: p.5) British social realist films are representative of real life, with all its difficulties and have shown audiences themselves for decades through the por