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The High Price of IlliteracyHave you ever felt left out? In many situations, we experience a lot of ways that we cannot achieve. Illiteracy can be defined as the inability to read and write. There are surprising facts about illiteracy as pointed out in Penni Wild's passage, "What illiteracy means is that millions may not be able to understand the directions on a medicine bottle, or be able to read their telephone bill, make correct change at a store, find and keep a job, or read to a child " (431). Wild's quote shows various impacts of serious social problem in America, which the illiterate. This leads to destruction in economic loss, and students fall behind in school. Also, illiteracy often passes down from parents who are illiterate to their own children. However, there are solutions to prevent an epidemic. How can we handle this social problem for the America's future? As regards concerned illiteracy, there are explained companies efforts, such as offering training classes to the illiterate, to reduce errors, |
954 |
Product Placement in the MoviesYou're watching a movie, and for no apparent reason at all one of the characters pulls out a Pepsi and a snickers candy bar, both with their labels pointing straight at the camera. These may have absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the movie, but is becoming more and more common in television shows as well as movies. Product placement is becoming a given when it comes to film production. Most of the time it happens without many people even realizing it. Does this kind of product placement in movies and television shows take away from the film? Or is it perfectly fine for companies to pay for their product to be seen in films? I believe that product placement in today's films is becoming so overwhelming that it is taking focus away from the actual film, and something needs to be done to fix that. In today's film industry, there is a great shortage when it comes to money to produce films. Film corporations are becoming more and more desperate in order to find ways to get their f |
1178 |
The Dolls House essayIn the short story, ˜The Doll's House', written by Katherine Mansfield, the main character in the story was Kezia Burnell. Kezia was the main character in the doll's house as she is the one who is 'different' to the other girls at her school and as most of the events in the story are created by her actions or seem to involve her in some manner. In the story we get to see glimpses of Katherine Mansfield in Kezia as the story was set in Wellington where she used to live for a short period of time when she was young until she decided to move back to England. During this period of time, who you were to associate with was based on your social class. As this story was set in the early 1900's, the class system was still in place. When there are social classes, there are people who are t |
532 |
Joesph Stalin vs. Napoleon - Animal FarmPropaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, or movement. Stalin and Napoleon both used propaganda to help themselves gain power. Joseph Stalin used propaganda because he had to keep the Russian people under his control. Stalin was afraid that the people of Russia would rebel against him. He knew that he needed to convince them that he was the best leader they could have. Stalin had the Russians convinced that he was a great leader. Napoleon also used propaganda in the same ways that Stalin did. He had to instill fear in the animals to make sure that he was in control. Napoleon wanted the animals to think that he was a better leader than Mr. Jones was. Both Joseph Stalin and Napoleon used the following types of propaganda: Fear, Slogans, and Glittering Generalities to prove their power. First, Joseph Stalin used propaganda to control the people of Russia and to gain more power for himself. Joseph Stalin was in control from |
1041 |
Overcoming a Horse Riding InjuryIt was a cool spring morning. In a couple of months, the California Gymkhana Association would be holding the state show. I had been practicing and participating in district shows all year long to get ready for the state show. A gymkhana consists of timed events on horse back. My pony's name was Sunny. A ten year old Pony of America. Sunny was a birthday present from my parents on my ninth birthday. Sunny and I had competed in numerous shows, rodeos, and Gymkhanas. On that nice spring day, I had been practicing for the upcoming shows. There was one event Sunny always hated and we never did very well on. It is called Hurry Scurry. In this event, the horse and rider have to jump over a one and a half foot jump three times. Seeing that this event was always a struggle, I decided that would be the first event to practice that day. As we went over the first jump, Sunny lost his footing. As he tired to gain his balance back, he attempted to jump over the second jump. Due to being off bal |
804 |
The Rules of Warrants and SearchesThe Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution strictly limits the power of law enforcement officers to make searches. With a few very limited exceptions, you can conduct a search only if you have probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime is located in the place you wish to search. The probable-cause test for a search is similar to the probable-cause test for an arrest. It requires a reasonable belief, based on a reliable source, that contraband or evidence of a crime is in the place to be searched. It must go beyond mere suspicion or an educated hunch. On the other hand, probable cause is less than an absolute certainty. The evidence you need to conduct a search does not have to amount to proof of guilt. It must show that evidence or contraband is probably in the place to be searched. As a gene |
547 |
Lower Class, Working Class and Social ClassThe Poor Amendment Act of 1834 (promoting both individualism and capitalism within 19th century Britain society) withheld a heavy impact to the country's poverty relief system. It stipulated that the poor could only receive government assistance if they moved into government workhouses. Although propitious in theory, the law contained many flaws within its structure, and in return, its detriment towards the British working class inspired many forms of social criticism. Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South, and Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist for example, provide a contrast to the portrayal of different people relying on these government institutions, while also staying true to the cruelties and struggles they had to face against their authorities. Both Gaskell and Dickens share similarities between their criticisms of the Poor Amendment Act, however, the two authors differ in their choice of tone between the depictions of the types of people within the working class. For example, in Oliver Twist, Dickens supports more naturalistic characterization of his characters (notabl |
726 |
Mixed Gender Roles in Native American CultureThe movie, "Two Spirits" takes a look at the world in a time when gender was not simply divided into male and female among Native American cultures. It explores the traditional Navajo belief in four genders and how it have changed over time. Fred Martinez was a male-bodied person with a feminine nature which was honorable according to his ancient Navajo culture. However, homophobia from European settlers tainted Indian perceptions of multiple genders and Martinez, like so many other gay and transgendered people became a victim of a hate crime. Over time , Navajo people have become somewhat acculturated with Western ideas of gender but there are still many differences when comparing the views of gender identity between Native culture and Western culture. 'Two Spirit' is the term used to describe |
543 |
Freedom of Speech: Snyder vs. PhelpsIn Snyder vs. Phelps, the Supreme Court of the United States addressed the issue of "whether the First Amendment shields the [Westboro Baptist Church] members from tort liability for their speech."i In Snyder, the plaintiff, the father of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, sought to recover damages on the grounds of intentional infliction of emotional distress, a claim known as IIED, resulting from picketing at his son's funeral. The members of Westboro Baptist Church ("Westboro"), led by Fred Phelps, picketed near the funeral to demonstrate their view that "the United States is overly tolerant of sin and that God kills American soldiers as punishment." In court, the defendant, Phelps, attempted to prove that the signs were meant to express a public concern, rather than target the Snyder burial itself, and that his group was exercising its First Amendment right of free speech and expression. The Supreme Court's decision in favor of the defendant was one that could possibly set the t |
3341 |
How to Classify a MineralA mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a definite chemical composition and crystal structure. In order for a substance to be called a mineral, it must have all of these five characteristics, and must be completely inorganic meaning not formed from living things or their remains (Marshak 123). A mineral may be made of a single pure substance, or element, such as gold, copper or sulfur, but most are made of two or more elements chemically combined to form a compound (Marshak 122). Minerals can be found everywhere, because all rocks have some form of mineral contained in them. It is very useful to know how to identify minerals when looking at different rock types because they are the basic building blocks of many of the everyday materials we use. Minerals have certain physical properties that can be used for identification, such as color, luster, streak, hardness and breakage, crystal shape, and other special properties. The color and luster of a mineral are t |
1179 |
Effective Teaching MethodsAfter reading and discussing effective teaching methods with right and wrong teaching strategies used by two teachers I witnessed the same in our library session where the librarian effectively presented and taught us a lesson on APA style citations, showed us books and articles that are most relevant to our course and gave us handouts about the same. She asked us about the topics that we were interested in researching was attentive and answered our questions satisfactorily. The following day I worked as a third grade substitute teacher and observed a Spanish teacher who made the lesson an interactive and fun learning experience for the children with pictures of a customer talking to a bank teller while withdrawing cash at a bank with dialogues written at the end. The teacher asked the students the meanings of the words that they were familiar with and translated and explained the meanings of new words. She then repeated the dialogue in English and told the students to |
657 |
Polygamy in South AfricaEvery person is different, as are the many cultures around the world. Being married to only one spouse at a time is known, as "monogamy " is extremely common for most cultures. However the practice of monogamy is not representative for all. There are several groups in South Africa that practice polygamy "the practice whereby a person is married to more than one spouse at a time". "(Zeitzen 3) Research revealed two groups residing in South Africa the Zulu, and a small population of Muslims who practice polygamous relationships. The Zulu culture has practiced polygamy for decades and it has become a symbol of the male's social status as well as wealth. Interesting enough even the president of South Africa: Jacob Zuma is involved in a polygamous relationship. President Zuma has three wives and two fiances. Polygamy has been a long held tradition for the natives of this culture and continues to be upheld by a bulk of South Africans. South Africa is one of a few countries where polyga |
1726 |
Making Sex Offenders Known to the PublicShould sex offenders be named and shamed? Absolutely. These criminals gave up any right to privacy and living a normal life when they committed these unforgivable crimes. There should be more databases to let people know when a dangerous individual moves into a community and where he lives and works. Most people would want to know when a sexual predator is living in their community. Everyone needs to take every precaution available in order to keep our children and ourselves safe. Megan's Law according to the Columbia encyclopedia "is a state or federal statute that requires the notification of public organizations and private citizens when a convicted sex offender has been released from prison and is present in the community. Megan's Law was created after the 1994 rape and murder of seven year old Megan Kanka. Megan Kanka was a seven year old girl from New Jersey who was lured to the house of a twice convicted sex offender. He then brutally raped and murdered her and then |
972 |
Segregation as an Obstacle to Human DreamsRacial discrimination is a crucial element of American civilization. Even after African-Americans gained their freedom from slavery after the end of the Civil War, they still faced a strong racial prejudice from the majority of white people throughout the nation, since the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution only outlawed slavery, but did not provide equal rights and citizenship's to African-Americans. "In A Raisin in the Sun", Lorraine Hansberry wants to portray segregation "the self-enforced separation of the whites and the blacks in housing neighborhoods that were legal and widespread throughout the Southern and Northern states of America. The plot in this play is a depiction of Hansberry's personal life, where her family received threats of violence and legal actions from their neighbors when they moved into an all white neighborhood. She tells her mother that "A Raisin in the Sun" is a play that tells the truth about people, Negroes and life and I think it will help a |
1609 |
Performance Management and the LawRecently, the interest and importance of legal issues in performance appraisal (PA) has grown (Malos, 1998; Werner & Bolino, 1997). A properly designed and implemented legal performance appraisal is valuable when an employer wants to motivate employees and increase their job performance so that both organizations and employees can benefit from it. The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission's (EEOC) regulations require that any measurement, including PA, used to evaluate employees, must be fairly administered to be valid (the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures of 1978). These measurement instruments must be clearly and timely communicated and should reflect specific job behaviors (Malos, 1998; Werner & Bolino, 1997). These are just top of the iceberg to determine that PA conducted in the organization are not only effective for administrative and developmental decisions but they are legally defensible. This paper considers some recommendations the organization should follow to ensure fairness and accuracy of the PA process and compliance with the USA regulations. Recommenda |
739 |
Organizational EffectivenessOrganizations are developed or ruined based on how well they perform. According to Yelken, Kilic, and Ozdemar (2012), organization effectiveness is closely tied to strategic planning. Strategic planning requires organization leaders to consider the implications certain business factors will have on their organizations effectiveness, and ultimately, the organizations sustainability (Gelfand, Leslie, Keller, and de Dreu, 2012). Educational Enterprises (a pseudonym) is one organization that must assess its effectiveness for sustainability. To gain insight into the culture and climate of the organization, the author interviewed three employees at different stages of employment within the organization. This paper will reveal the summaries of the interviews, share the findings, and recommend appropriate actions to ensure sustainability of the organization. Management Team Member Interview Summary According to a member of the management staff, Educational Enterprises is an organization tha |
1429 |
Picasso and PollockPicasso (Pablo Ruiz) born in Ma` laga Spain October 25, 1881 he was a Spanish painter. This Spanish painter was born to Jose Ruiz and Maria Picasso Lopez. He was their third child. 99 His father was also a painter and an art teacher. Pablo Picasso was very talented and sent to a fine arts school at the age of 14. When he was 16 one of his paintings named Science and charity received a special award at a national exhibition held in Madrid. He continued to further his talent in other art academies. Now out on his own he moved in with his friend Carlos Casagemas and painted. He was happy but poor. He moved to Paris after his friend Carlos Casagemas died. His artwork at this time changed at this time the colors he chose to paint with, he started color scheming his colors and was painting with his emotions. Then Picasso went through a time that he painted with a lot of blue. This time was referred to his "blue period " He was still very poor at this time. His first exhibition was held a |
808 |
Imagery and Symbols in "Facing It" by Yusef KomunyakaaFor a soldier coming home from the Vietnam War, and for many years later, it must be a life of constant relief, sadness, and guilt at having survived the dangers of combat. He must feel sadness for the friends and fellow soldiers who lost their lives. He must feel relief to be home to be alive. Finally, and most sadly, he must feel guilt over having lived through the war while other did not. In Yusef Komunyakaa's poem, "Facing It"," the poet uses conflicting images and symbols to express these conflicting feelings. The speaker of the poem, whom the reader can assume is Komunyakaa himself, faces the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall with all of these feelings. Komunyakaa uses the wall as a backdrop to express these feelings. In the poem, the wall is used as at times a window into the speaker's grief about the war, a reflection of his sadness. At other times, the poet uses the wall as a mirror into his feelings of guilt. The poem begins with the use of color to introduce the speaker and |
1018 |
Problem Solving CourtsDue to the overwhelming caseloads processed through the court system, the needs of the offender for additional treatment (i.e., drug addiction, mental illness, alcohol abuse) find themselves incarcerated in an already overcrowded jail or prison with little or no treatment programs to address their issues. One point of view to take is offenders do not have constitutional right to treatment. They committed the crime; they can do the time. On the other hand the view point of balancing prison and jail overcrowding, public policy, the right to fair and equal treatment, and assessing those who can be rehabilitated have the opportunity to additional resources. Every taxpayer should care about it. Taxpayer money is spent housing, clothing, feeding and medical care on offenders in jails and prisons that are not providing much in the way of being a productive citizen. In essence, by researching about problem-solving courts in whether they are effective and any policy implications, we might be |
4011 |
The Pirates of Silicon ValleyBefore viewing the film, "The Pirates of Silicon Valley", I didn't know much about the computer world. All I knew was that there was Apple and there was Microsoft. I knew Apple was way expensive, and out of my price range, and Microsoft, although highly more affordable and for the most part more popular, there were and still are constant complaints on the programming problems. I didn't know the half of it when it came to the highly competitive nature of the two companies, nor did I know any of the "nuts and bolts " of how these companies came to be. After viewing this film, I learned that although exceedingly intelligent, the richest man in the world today is a college drop out! Bill gates dropped out of Harvard University to pursue computers. Did this venture work out in the end yes; he created Microsoft, and is now the richest man in the world. Does that make his decision to drop out of Harvard good, personally, I don't think so. Fortunately, he was lucky that it worked out the w |
1095 |
Traits of the Mountain GorillaMountain gorillas are descendants of ancestral monkeys and apes found in Africa and Arabia during the start of the Oligocene epoch, which was approximately 34-24 million years ago. The fossil record provides evidence of the hominoid primates found in East Africa about 18-22 million years ago. The fossil record of the area where mountain gorillas live is particularly poor, which makes the evolutionary history somewhat unclear. Approximately 9 million years ago was when the genus Gorilla emerged. Evidence shows that the early relative to the mountain gorilla is Proconsul Africanus. The genus gorilla was first referenced as the genus Troglodytes in 1847 but then renamed to Gorilla in 1852. Taxonomist Colin Groves proposed that all gorillas be regarded as one species (Gorilla gorilla) with three subspecies: 1. Gorilla gorilla beringei (mountain gorillas) 2. Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Western lowland gorilla) 3. Gorilla gorilla graueri (lowland gorillas found west of the Virungas) |
909 |
World War II Supplies and TransportationWorld War II was the beginning of tactically and technological advancements, every allied nation dumping millions of dollars in development. New means of weapons set to protect and to destroy. Advanced ways of getting said weapons to the troops overseas. Far more advanced computer technology that was soon introduced into the battlefield created a new era of war. All put forth into providing the Allied forces with substantial amount of supplies to win the war. To fight a war countries need supplies ammunition and munitions, to blow each other's skulls apart, tanks to do just that, and thousands of small sized condoms to dump over the skies of the enemy. Why? To prevent the spread of STD's of course. Every country on the brink of war can quickly turn the whole labor force into a military production line; about as quick as the 1920's American stock market can crash. All the cooperation's within America, whether it was a car factory, tire factory, or just a steel company were basica |
1105 |
Dahl's Concept of Participation and ContestationPage 7 of Robert A Dahl's book "Polyarchy-Participation and Opposition" (1971), provides a figure conceptualizing liberalization, inclusiveness and democratization with the help of which countries can be termed as either inclusive or closed hegemonies, or competitive oligarchies or polyarchies. On this figure, Nigeria falls in between competitive oligarchies and polyarchies and China falls under competitive oligarchy. In this essay, I would like to compare these two countries on the basis of Dahl's concept of participation and contestation with reference to two other institutions-the executive branch and the electoral system of both countries, in order to discuss the practicality of his concept of polyarchy " in comparing political regimes. My initial thought after reading Dahl was that his theory of polyarchy gives a very clear definition of how a near perfect democracy should be and his strategies of Polyarchy " definitely helps to understand the political system of different countri |
2103 |
High NoonI have chosen to write my paper on the movie "High Noon " starring Gary Cooper. This movie is timeless in its moral messages and can be relative to many different times in our country. Even though the content of my paper does not specifically address complacency per-se, I believe that a large part of the message brought to light by this movie is how insidious and dangerous this action or non-action can be on even everyday life. Will Kane is a town marshal. It is his wedding day and his last day as a sheriff. He was about to leave town with his new bride to start a new life when some men come to town who tell him that a man he sent to prison some years ago has just been released and is arriving on the noon train. Kane and any of the townsfolk, who remember him, know that he is coming to town for one thing; to get Will. Will's friends tell him to leave town which he does but Will feeling that running away is not a solution returns and intends to face him. Will tries to find support fr |
1004 |
A Religious Perspective on AbortionAbortion is a highly contested topic that is in the mind of all American. The pro-life vs. pro-choice debate about abortion have the power to affect the outcome of presidential election. There are different type of procedures such as hysterectomy, uterus and the salt poisoning, that some people think it's safe and clean procedures that is non-maleficence to the patients. There were about 50 million legal abortions in US from 1973 through 2008. New York had the highest numbers abortions and Wyoming had the lowest numbers in 2008 (CDC). The number of abortions in US was approximately 1.21 million in 2008, 1.29 million in 2002, and 1.31 million in 2000 (www.guttmacher.org). The US abortion rate is similar to those of Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden but higher than those of other Western European countries (CDC). In 2008, the abortion rates in US was higher than recent rates reported for Canada and Western European countries and lower than rates reported for China, Cuba, the majority |
918 |