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Sperm DonorshipSperm donorship seems like a harmless activity right? Well this may not be the case, because the repercussions can be devastating. There are many reasons for this. The major reasons are; potential of fatherhood to many children, lack of fatherhood of children, a possibility of incest, possibility of genetic mutations, finally there is a lack of care and love in the conception of the child. In the discovery article we read for class, there are many regulations and limitations for sperm donorship in other countries, with exception of Canada and the United States. This is for a very good reason as well. This is because a man who acts as a sperm donor can end up being a father to many children without even knowing it. In the discovery article it discussed that there was a play called "Starbuck"" about a man who had 533 children without even knowing it, but what is even more intense is that this play was based on real research from his own personal experience, where he found out that t |
851 |
The Importance of TeachersWho in their right mind would want an incompetent heart surgeon? Probably the same people who would want an incompetent teacher. Far too many students today slack their way through: they don't show up to class or do the readings, and then they complain that assignments, papers, or exams are not fair. There is a difference between hard work and dedication versus slacking. For that reason, pointing fingers towards the instructors is misguiding considering that the individual does not contribute to his success. Instances such as these illustrate that the pupil is leaving it all to the professor. Davis Guggenheim suggests in his film, Waiting for "Superman, " that teachers are to blame for the failure of students while Diane Ravitch disagrees with him in "The Success of Charter Schools Is a Myth ". Therefore, firing a teacher for failing students is untenable particularly since it is the student's responsibility to seek help if he/she does not understand the concept and since there are unc |
1361 |
The Home-Schooling IssueNow a days many parents are considering home schooling their children. There are more and more young people being educated at home today. This trend comes from parental concerns about violence, peer pressure, teacher/student ratio, and the fear that children are not learning by poor teaching. Home school is a viable alternative for parents seeking adequate education and a safe environment for children. (NHEN, 1999). It is much like the ongoing debate regarding government run healthcare versus private insurance, there are benefits to each of these educational choices. Some accused that government run insurance of offering one size fits all coverage with participants often having to wait for important procedures and more impersonal relationship with doctors. Whereas private health insurance allows the insured to choose their doctors and tailor their healthcare to their personal needs. Similarly, opponents of public education fear that their child will be shuffled into a classroom |
1774 |
Aging and Late in Life RelationshipsSince the birth of the human race, people have been focused on learning, both from experience and from research. This focus on and capacity for learning has increased exponentially with the increase and development of human intellect and the accumulated body of knowledge. Today, it is not sufficient merely to study an area of knowledge or experience. There must also be strong grounds for such research. Age-related issues are no exception. When examining the literature, it becomes clear that this is a good field of study, primarily because of its increasing relevance in the world today. Because of a greater focus on overall health, preventative care, and developments in medicine, human life expectancy today is higher than it ever was in history. One excellent way to devise ways to effectively manage the needs and concerns of older people, and how they function in relation to others, is to study the phenomenon of aging in all its aspects. One very important constant when considering t |
1456 |
Henry David Thoreau and Breaking Away from the WorldHenry David Thoreau was a man recognized for more achievements than one. Thoreau lived under the roof of the leader of Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, as a handyman, although their relationship was also one of master and disciple. (Walden) Transcendentalism was a new way of thought that filled the thoughts and imaginations of the masses through the greater part of the 19th century. It is not so much a religion but more so a way of life. The definition of Transcendentalism according to www.ushistory.org is a relatively simple concept that basically allows a man or woman alike, to seek knowledge beyond the human senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, feel), such as through intuition or imagination. It is very hard to maintain a biased opinion on the matter because much of what I have experienced in my time in the U.S. Army enforces what Henry David Thoreau wrote about nearly 200 years ago. I do understand that propaganda is an effective was to move the masses, but Thoreau saw it |
1218 |
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT): Matteson, IllinoisThis paper explores a SWOT analysis for the Village of Matteson IL. It evaluates the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of this community's health system in relation to the Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objective. The Community that Team DEAA chose to do our SWOT project on is the Village of Matteson IL. Matteson's geographically located 41 degree 30ft. 35 inch N 87 degree 44ft. 21 inches W. According to the United States Census Bureau, the Area is 7.2 square miles, of which 7.1 square miles consist of land: 0.1 square miles consist of water. Matteson borders Park Forest & Olympia Fields to the East,(Olympia Way), Flossmoor and Country Club Hills to the North(Volmer Road), Richton Park to the South (Old Plank Road) and Frankfort to the West(Harlem Ave.). The median age of Matteson restate is 31 years old. There are 7,086 housing units in Mattson. 95% are occupied and 5% are vacant. Renters make up 13.60 % of that re estate. The median home value is 194,000. Most o |
3462 |
Analysis of Obama's First Inauguration SpeechOn Tuesday January 20, 2009, President Barack Obama announced his Inaugural address outside the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., as the forty-fourth president of the United States of America. Obama's Inauguration speech was a noteworthy moment that was observed not only by three million people attending the event, but also by people around the world. The structure of the speech starts with Obama speaking about American's hardships and the important challenges they face, the wars that American's are is involved in, how they have been affected by the economic crises, and also their recovery from 9/11. Presidents for many years have been using rhetoric to show their objectives and to summarize their beliefs on extensive issues to the people. Obama used numerous forms of rhetoric and rhetorical tools throughout his inauguration speech to help the viewer's connect with Obama. Obama called upon to the viewer's emotions and made logical points, at the same time preserving his own tr |
853 |
Beauty in the Poetry of Percy ShellyA central theme in many of Shelley's poems is beauty. Shelley did not describe beauty in a typical fashion throughout his poems. He strove to express a new understanding of the word beauty. According to Shelley, beauty is not a label that can be given to some object, it is more of a feeling or idea. It brings joy into our lives. It is something to be appreciated, not the object of obsession. He expresses these views in his poetry by making connections between the human mind and how it perceives the beautiful. In "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" Shelley starts the poem by writing "The awful shadow of some unseen Power Floats, through unseen, among us, visiting This various world... It visits with inconstant glance Each human heart and countenance" This shadow represents how Shelley perceives beauty. It floats around inspiring awe in the hearts of individuals. A "shadow" is used to describe this feeling because a "shadow" is closely related to something invisible. Shelley's point is beauty is not an object you can just look at and deem as beautiful. Beauty is an Idea that comes and goes in all of us. "Sp |
746 |
Effective Pastoral LeadershipMultiple factors correlate to the advancement of a congregation but increasingly, these factors gravitate towards a common variable: leadership. Pastoral leadership can be defined as the work that pastors do to equip and motivate church members in the pursuit of the church's overall mission. Therefore, everything a pastor does from preaching, to teaching, to counseling, can be defined as leadership. Some tasks require more direct leadership than others such as administrative meetings, long range planning and financial monitoring of the church's affairs. Overall, the pastor is the key shaping influence and sets the tone of the church. Pastors are overwhelmed with a mass of ideas about what leadership is and how it should be done, leading to a scattered approach to leadership. Research shows that transformational pastoral leadership seems to best indicate the potential for significant church growth. Transformational leaders are those who articulate a vision of the future and share |
2487 |
Why Did I Get Married - Movie Synopsis"Why Did I Get Married" is a film written, directed and produced by Tyler Perry. This movie is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid relationship in modern times. Eight married couples, Mike and Sheila, Terry and Diane, Gavin and Patricia, Marcus and Angela, whom are all college friends plus one other unexpected friend, Sheila's friend Trina, go to Colorado for their annual week long reunion. But the mood changes when one couples infidelity comes to light. Secrets are exposed and each couple begins to question their own marriage. Through the course of the movie the couples deal with issues of commitment, betrayal, and forgiveness and examine their lives as individuals and as committed couples. The film explores the overall emotional impact that fidelity and love has on the constitution of marriage. The couples in the movie share many of the values as far as love and the will to work on their marriage and not just giving up on it. People get married initially perhaps for love, wit |
1279 |
The Importance of Good TranslationThe 21st century is marked by an increase in interaction between people from all parts of the globe, irrespective of race, religion, gender and nationality. Human beings seem to exhibit a great degree of enthusiasm in exchange of ideas and thoughts. While the degree of human communication shows a great increase, the only aspect which diminishes the interaction between people is the inability to understand each other's speech and writings adequately, due to the language barrier. In such a scenario, young and old alike, the politician and layperson, as well as the ordinary traveler and seasoned diplomat seek the services of people who may translate information and knowledge effectively and appropriately so as to ease human interaction. The globalization of the world, in terms of economic convergence, greater political participation between different groups and nations and greater cultural interchange has tremendously enhanced the role of translators and translation. The growth of the in |
1596 |
Greco-Roman Influences on Major World ReligionsThe first Temple period for the Jews came to an abrupt halt when the first Temple was destroyed. With the rise and spread of Hellenistic culture looming in in the shadows, the Maccabean Revolt broke out in order to preserve Jewish culture and religious practice. During the second Temple period, however, scholars proclaim fundamental changes taking place within Jewish society, which appears to begin incorporating Hellenistic cultural characteristics into everyday Jewish life. By analyzing works such as "The Nature and Origin of the Palestinian Synagogue Reconsidered " by Lee Levine, "The Pharisees"" by Joachim Schaper, "Apocalyptic: The Disclosure of Heavenly Knowledge" by Christopher Rowland, and "Scripting Jesus"" by L. Michael White, one is able to depict these changes through a scholarly perspective. "First and foremost, the synagogue served the full range of needs of a particular community, states Levine in his argument for the origin of the Synagogue. Levine also goes on to s |
1866 |
Power Struggles in The Tempest and LeviathanHuman beings always seek power. From ancient times through modern days the struggle for power always is present. It is in our nature to dominate others in order to survive. On first sight "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare and "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes are two different works, but they do have some important topics in common. "The Tempest" raises a problem of power struggle, and "Leviathan" provides the reason for this problem and the solution. William Shakespeare in "The Tempest" brings up the conflict between masters and servants that, as the story progresses, becomes perhaps the major motif of the play. Prospero seems to think that his own sense of justice and goodness is so well-honed and accurate that, if any character disagrees with him, that character is wrong simply by virtue of the disagreement. He also seems to think that his objective in restoring his political power is so important that it justifies any means he chooses to use. Perhaps the most troubling part of all |
902 |
A Career in AccountingAn accounting degree can prepare a person for a career with many options for growth and advancement ranging from a bookkeeper with a two-year associate's degree to a specialized accountant with a master's degree requiring specific courses and successful licensing. With appropriate education and successful testing, one can be certified in various areas of expertise including a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CMA (Certified Management Accountant), or an auditor. Accountants and/or auditors may choose employment in jobs that scrutinize, evaluate, and assess the internal operation and financial accountability of a company to the public for the gain or loss of stockholders or patrons or the daily profitability or loss within the company's operation system and structure, always seeking better methods for the company's profitability. An accounting degree coupled with emphasis in tax law and CPA certification can prepare one for self-employment as a tax preparer for individuals in the publi |
840 |
Barry Bonds and the Baseball Hall of FameThe famous baseball player named Barry bonds who has Hall of Fame numbers but didn't make it into the Hall of Fame due to the fact of steroid use amongst other players who were involved in the steroids era in the late 1990's. Before the use of steroids he was an all star as well as multiple gold glove winner. He was in the MLB for 22 season he played for teams such as the Pittsburgh pirates and the San Francisco Giants. During his days with the primates he wore the number 24 but when the San Francisco Giants went to the san he wore the number 25. Barry Bonds was facing a perjury charge due to his involvement in steroids . This year, Barry Bonds has been on the hall of fame ballot for the 1st time and didn't get inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame with only 36.7% of the people's vote. In order to get into the baseball hall of fame you need to reach 75% in voting. This year no player was elected to the Hall of Fame. That includes players such as Barry Bonds, Curt Schilling, and Rod |
1115 |
Lavonne Williams - Working FutureLavonne Williams, a former worker for a Chicken Empire outlet in her neighborhood, has worked part time twenty hours a week while in school and 40 hours a week during summers. She knows the operation of the place inside out has brought good knowledge and has earned a opportunity to be promoted to a higher position as a station manager. Lavonne will be a sophomore in the coming semester, she intends to major in political science in one of her major courses. She met Professor Hamilton, an authority in the field of public housing who has also offered her a big opportunity that can also change her life, an internship in the city's Housing Authority. With two big offers Lavonne has no idea what her best decision she should take, from being promoted as a station manager or taking the internship for her feature career. Lavonne knows the operations of Chicken Empire inside and out, in addition to knowing how to prepare the food and serve the public she has worked with the manager on inve |
916 |
Chimpanzee AnatomyThere are several things about the Chimpanzee anatomy that make it a remarkable animal. It has speed and agility, feature opposable large toes and thumbs. Their long arms are very powerful so they are able to swing with ease through the branches of the trees. The physical characteristics of this animal offer eyebrows that bulge and lips that stick out well over the chin. The skin on the face and ears isn't covered with the hair that is on the rest of the body. They have a very long jaw with plenty of teeth. The habitat for the Chimpanzee is one that is very diverse. The rainforests are the most common areas where they are found. However, they also live in the savannahs and in the mountain forest areas. They are very adaptable to a variety of environments. This is why their habitat continues to be one that is very spread out and diversified. They are able to live in shaded areas offered by the trees. In the savannahs they are in open areas but that have woodlands around. A lower numb |
1486 |
Angela Davis and Civil RightsLife, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness summarizes our unalienable rights given as stated in the United States Declaration of Independence. Rights given to us from our creator. However, these rights for the majority of this nation's existence appeared to only benefit a select few, mainly white males. In the United States women have fought for decades for equal rights. Despite the what's stated in the Declaration of being the nation of freedom and equality women were treated as second class citizens. It was not until the year 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed that women were even allowed to vote in this country. It was the woman's suffrage movement that fought to ensure that all women received fair and equal treatment. Despite these changed black women were practically forgotten about. Being a woman and also being black were as if already having two strikes against them. From this thrust forth a new movement and new leaders of this movement to ensure these basic rights were |
1404 |
Television and Movie Rating SystemsThere are currently five different grades associated with the movie rating system. These ratings were derived to ensure that movies are age appropriate according to society. A movie rated 'G'" for general audience speaks for its self. It can be viewed by generally anyone. This rating became known in 1968 according to Motion Picture Association of America. There may be a thing or two in the movie that one may feel is inappropriate, this one thing could be something that the person next to you feels is completely appropriate. Then there the rating 'PG'" this movie suggest that there should be some Parental Guidance. This rating sends the message that a parent may want to view this before letting their child view it. It does not necessarily mean that there is negativity or the movie is derogatory but it might be according to the critics. This term became known in 1972 according to the Motion Picture Association. Serious parental discretion is advised there maybe some things in this fil |
1532 |
Children Sentenced to LifeDo you remember your childhood? Growing up was exciting and fun. We had the terrible two's, starting school, going through puberty, etc. Life was a test and we learned from our mistakes. "Keep your hands off the stove! " If you didn't listen, you would get burned and definitely not try that again. Back in the day, kids were more conscious about what they did in fear that the neighbors or their teachers would call their parents and they would get in trouble. Times have definitely changed since I was growing up. The saying "it takes a village to raise a child " was the gospel. If your neighbors saw you doing wrong, then they would get you. Then when your parents came home and your neighbor told them, you would get it again. Nowadays, neighbors are afraid to get involved. Adults are scared of the children. Parenting has changed. Parents are not punishing their children. Some parents are even scared of their own children. Neighbors are minding their own business. Teachers are n |
2565 |
Abortion: A Social IssueMany issues facing the world today arise from philosophical views of morality and humane behavior. The debates range from giving the government power to sentence a human being to death, or use an unborn child's stem cells to further medical care. One of the rising topics today is the issue of Abortion. Advocates of giving women the choice to have an abortion (pro-Choice) and advocates of denying women the right to choose (pro-Life) are both passionate about their arguments and have received support from a variety of secular, religious, and federal groups. Abortion is one of the largest social problems facing America today. Due to its long history of being one of the most fiercely debate topics in the world, it has drawn interest from global collectives, many of whom have been reluctant to take a stand. Because of the rising pressure the public is placing on the government and corporations heavily invested in the legislative process, this issue will continue to garner attention and dema |
2000 |
Dr. Mary Pipher and Reviving OpheliaThe book I chose for this assignment is "Reviving Ophelia". This was a very interesting book. Mary Pipher, PhD. discusses the roles that society plays in shaping the self esteem of teenage and preteen age girls. The author contends that our society today is very look-obsessed and media driven. Through magazines, television, fashion, and retail the "idea" girl is formed and anyone who doesn't fit this idea is not perfect in the culture that girls live in today. Weight issues have caused conditions of anorexia and bulimia putting young girls in jeopardy of declining health. Dr. Pipher chronicles the life of adolescent girls from their carefree days of being energetic, assertive, and tomboyish to their losing themselves at the onset of puberty. Most girls lose their previous selves to fit into a norm of society, being more passive, depressed, and self-critical. The main point of this book is to help uncover the true self of adolescent girls and to give them techniques to help them comb |
841 |
Spudding Out by Barbara EhrenreichIn Barbara Ehrenreich's essay "Spudding Out" she expresses her very negative views on watching TV in present time and in the past. She is mostly saying that watching TV is making American's couch potatoes who just sit around and don't do anything. She does understand that there are some benefits to watching TV, such as being with the family and watching something other than her own life. She also sees how so many Americans engage in being a couch potato because she enjoys to just relax and watch TV on occasion too. Her overall statement in her essay is that American's enjoy watching television has much as they do because they are watching a world without television. Even though Ehreneich didn't talk about other gadgets, she did give the impression that her views on TV watching would be the same, maybe even worse on her opinion with other gadgets. From the essay it seemed that she would believe that other gadgets, especially mobile ones would encourage Americans to become even more lazy. Having a mobile gadget could be used just a TV but without the family bonding benefits. In today's time everyone is fascinated with technology and how far it has come. It al |
787 |
Stages of Natural SelectionAbstract It is thought that animals are subjected to natural selection. Animals that live in either the terrestrial or aquatic environments go through very different natural selections but it does occur for both of these groups. One way that we can look and see how natural selection works is by doing a study with gummy worms for a terrestrial and aquatic environment using utensils has our predators. Also to make it more fair there will be two of each of the utensil animals. In the study we will see what kind of utensils don't last in their environment, and we will discover this by repeating the experiment until only one utensil animal is left. Introduction Animals go through many stages and in some of the stages that they go through they experience natural selection. Natural selection is the gradual, non-random process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population. In natural selection it is the best survive, this means the ones that are able to adapt a |
668 |
Pragmatics and Gender in Orthodox JudaismKesher Israel is a Modern Orthodox synagogue located in Downtown Washington, DC. The synagogue attracts visitors from all different Jewish backgrounds. Participants in the congregation are extremely diverse in their practices and range from fully observant Chassidic Rabbis to reform professionals who live nearby. It is because of this diversity that I found myself attracted to Kesher Israel, and why I chose to attend a Saturday morning Shabbat service to conduct my research. I myself am Jewish and was brought up as a Conservative Jew. I can read and write Hebrew and for the most part understand what many prayers mean without reading the English translation in the Siddur (prayer book). However, I have not been introduced to the other sects of Judaism and thought it would be interesting to explore differences between two of the religious sects. I wanted to see how my knowledge of Hebrew and traditional practices would be challenged throughout the service. Gender and Pragmatics play a |
1712 |