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Sociology - Female Genital MutilationExamination of the reasons behind Female Genital Mutilation in the World was reviewed and looked at. A look at a Patriarchy society as the invisible hand behind the practice of female genital mutilation. These practices are carried out by women for the benefit of men. Female Genital Mutilation In global perspective, violence against women through genital mutilation has been performed in more than forty countries around the world. This practice stems from a patriarchy society where the father has primary responsibility and authority over their families. The idea of controlling sexuality is performed by women to women or children for the benefit of man. Our text book points to this as a case of violence against women. This procedure is performed by midwifes, a tribal practitioners, or a doctor and typically without any anesthesia or post-op care. This causes many harmful effects to the women or girl with medical problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological problems, loss |
803 |
The Case for Torture by Michael LevinMichael Levin's "The Case for Torture"" argues that there are various reasons for allowing torture to exist in the United States of America (1). Levin would love to see society change its negative views on torture so that, under certain circumstances, torture would be permissible. The article starts off with a very brief description of how he believes society views the subject of torture as a negative thing. He opposes that way of thinking, and provides three cases in which he believes torture must be administered with various reasons attempting to support his thoughts. The hypothetical cases Levin uses range from very extreme situations, to a situation which we may sometimes see on the news. Levin makes it clear to the audience that he does not agree with torture as a punishment, and focuses on exactly what it should be used for. He also stresses that there is an important difference between terrorists, and victims, and he believes it would stop the talk of terrorist's "rights. Lev |
2077 |
Case Study of Child "G"A study in behavior and development in relation to child G, aged 2 years, 8 months. Child G was chosen as the subject of six observational sessions after discussions with her primary care giver in relation to her aggressive behavior. Various research results in child development have indicated that cognition, physical, emotional, speech, communication skills and their knowledge of the world evolves through a process of the building of information available in the child's immediate environment. Vygotsky and Bruner, (Bruner, and Ross's (1976) idea of scaffolding parallels the work of Vygotsky(1978) agree, through this process'; that adults should play an active part in assisting a child's learning. Wood et al. (1976, p. 90) offer the following definition of scaffolding: "Those elements of the task that are initially beyond the learner's capacity, thus permitting him to concentrate upon and complete only those elements that are within his range of competence ". J. B Watson (1878-1958) |
4078 |
Subcultures and Texas PoliciesElazar, a political scientist, broke down states problem solving into three subcultures; Individualistic, Moralistic and Traditionalistic. All policies are to fall under one of these categories. Each subculture has significant differences in views on government, political leaders and duties of the average citizen. Elazar believed that each state handles their policies different based on their culture and history. These subcultures can be closely examined when looking at each policy or law passed individually. These subcultures can be taken from many viewpoints from globally all the way to locally. In most cases, they're examined from a state prospective, and how a state passes such policies and laws based on the beliefs throughout history. Individualistic cultures rely on the marketplace to thrive. The fact that the government is limited, helps keep the market fluctuating properly. Views on leadership in this culture are very self-centered and politicians run for political prowess, |
896 |
Weight Loss through Bariatric SurgeryThe advertisement campaigns for bariatric surgery done by Brandon Knowlden, showing high-calorie foods being equal to triggers for suicide, show how obesity has not just negative impacts on overweight people, but also can end up killing them. Rather than listing names of disease that comes from it, the advertisements focus on connecting obesity to the concept of committing suicide while stimulating the current social issue of obesity in United States. Viewers are induced to see obesity as an alternative and unintentional way of committing suicide. These extreme images of such concept make the viewers to realize the harmful and vital effects from obesity and the necessity of bariatric surgery for those who are having trouble self-managing their diet. These advertisements include three photographs of people who fake committed suicide: a zoomed picture of a man who hung himself with a string of sausages, a woman died by overdosing on M&Ms;, and a man tied up with suicide bombs made wit |
1265 |
Capitalism and DemocracyThe relationship between liberal democracy and capitalism has formed a successful dyad which western nations have thrived on. Yet, when one delves into this relationship it becomes clear that it is not always harmonious. In order to understand why the relationship between the two has caused such a contentious debate a deeper look into the term liberal democracy must occur. The concept of liberal democracy encompasses liberal and democratic values like limited government, individual rights, the rule of law, political equality, as well as the democratic process as a whole. Although a capitalist economy supports most of these values some like, political equality seem at first to be contradicted by capitalism. At the conclusion of this paper it will be clear, however, that a capitalist economy supports liberal democracy. Critics of the relationship between capitalism and liberal democracy consistently take aim at how capitalism undermines political equality. This is a popular target fo |
1285 |
Body Art as Visual LanguagePeople have always marked their bodies with signs of rebellion, social status and cultural identity. I am sure that we all are familiar with body art, but what different personal and social meaning can body art express; there are no cultures in which people do not or did not paint. Reshape, pierce, tattoos or simple adorn their bodies. Body art is a way of people expressing themselves. Fashions change and form of body art come and go but people everywhere do something to change their appearance. Everyone dresses or adorns some parts of their body to present to the world. There are several body art techniques but the one that people use more these day are body shaping, tattoos, and hairstyle. In "Body Art as Visual Language" by Enid Schildkrout she said that body art is a visual language. " To understand it one needs to know the vocabulary, including the shared symbols, myths, and social values that are written on the body. From tattoos to top hats, body art makes a statement about the |
910 |
Pilates and YogaThere are two different types of exercises people choose to do to stay fit or become fit. Some people choose to do Pilates when they want to concentrate on their core strength. Other people prefer to do yoga to center their body and mind. Pilates and yoga are both good exercise for the body. Pilates is an exercise developed to help sick people during World War II, and is now an exercise popular throughout the United States. The main purpose of Pilates is to gain balance and control of the bodies' muscles, and center the mind and core. Many people who prefer yoga over Pilates find it will help them gain balance in their life. Pilates is the exercise that strengthens and tones ones muscles; such as one exercise, performed in Pilates, called the teaser which strengthens the abdominal muscles through balancing on the tail bone in a "v-sit position with arms parallel to the legs up in the air, and head in natural position. When |
631 |
Olympic Wrestling - No Tapping-OutThesis The sport of wrestling has been voted out of the 2020 Olympic Games by the International Olympic Committee (IOC); however, many athletes, fans, and supporters of wrestling are upset and feel it must remain part of the Olympic tradition. I. Topic Sentence: Due to a review involving twenty-six Olympic sports, members of the IOC board elected to drop wrestling for reasons including modern relevance, international participation, television ratings, ticket sales, and many more. Claim: Declining popularity, decreasing ticket sales, and low international participation were all sufficient evidences for the IOC to remove wrestling from the 2020 Olympic Games. Evidence: The executive board of the IOC met together in Lausanne, Switzerland to discuss the future of wrestling in the Olympic Games. After analyzing nearly forty criteria and reviewing commission reports, the board decided to remove wrestling from the group of core sports, and replace it with modern pentathlon. Mark Ad |
2055 |
Jesus CampJesus Camp is about a documentary that follows several young children as they are preparing to attend a summer camp where they will get their daily dose of evangelical Christianity. The camp is called Kids on Fire. Throughout the documentary we are introduced to Becky Fischer who is currently working for the camp along with the children who are attending the camp and others. The main force of the documentary is to illustrate the belief of the faithful ones. Throughout Jesus Camp you see a housewife who is currently home schooling her child into believing that creationism is the answer to all and then seeing young children being brought to their feet in tears as they promise to stop from sinning. The film was very disturbing for me to watch. Jesus camp is basically about where children spend their summers learning and practicing their prophetic gifts and being taught that they can "take back America for Ch |
615 |
My First TattooAs my 18th birthday was approaching, I knew I wanted to remember it in a big way. Any typical 18-year-old boy dreams of the ultimate party or gift for the year he becomes an adult. Instead, I wanted a gift that I would always remember and would always be proud of. A ford raptor, the new 4G iPhone or a fake ID: any of these you would think makes a statement; however, these were not for me. I wanted a tattoo. I spent weeks researching tattoos, their meanings, their images, and how they related to me. I did not just want a cool design that would stand out to the world. I needed a design that would speak to me and show everyone who I really was. As I began my research, I was drawn to the Native American symbols and culture. I admired their respect towards nature and animals, as well as their value for dedicating a share of one's efforts to the greater good. After days and days of looking into the Native America |
616 |
Academic Dishonesty and PlagiarismTechnological advances are making access to reference material as simple as it has ever been. A few entries of key words into Google or academic databases and you receive thousands of credible sources with relevant information. However, with the ease of access, many students are making the mistake of not citing their source, claiming other's work as their own, or even falsifying a sources work. The technology to find a correct citation or detect plagiarism has also been developed and results to decipher whether a student is being academically honest could be figured in the matter of seconds. According to Jeff Karen, even most honor students respond to the confrontation of academic dishonesty as "they did so because it was easy. "[1] On the other side of the argument, students will attempt to protect themselves by saying they were not correctly informed exactly what plagiarism entitles. Expanding on this idea, "the most commonly heard explanation for accidental plagiarism is that studen |
928 |
Emerging Immigrant Rights in America1. They had expectations of religious freedom, purchase of larger farms, and search of better economic opportunities. They had heard about America and that America is a better place for them to be and that was why they wanted those expectations. They were told that America is a wonderful place and is the best place for people. They learned they could buy larger farms for the same amount equivalent to renting a small one in Germany. Many Europeans had many expectations but were surprised when they got here. Because ships sailed irregularly, they didn't have enough money to even start up a farm because they spent all their money at the waterfront slums while awaiting departure. They also faced reality in the different types of farming systems compared to the ones they were used to: The European farming system was more compact compared to U.S which practiced scattered farming. 2. Although the entire German immigrant spoke the same language, there was a great diversity among them because |
1134 |
Motivating LeadershipThe leader that has a significant presence in my life is my father, Darrel Delatte. He is the first person that I think of when the word leadership comes to mind. Leadership, to me, means much more now than just a word. I've learned that leadership is not only a word it's a process. It's the process which an individual influences others to achieve a common goal. This process develops over time and becomes stronger as it progresses. Also, leadership is all about new ways to push a group of people toward higher levels of accomplishments. Once those accomplishments are met then one should simply set higher goals and strive to achieve them. Having said this, my father is a great example of a well rounded leader and his drive has inspired me tremendously. He is the owner and head boss of a sand blasting and paint company. He started this company by his self 30 years ago. It was a one man operation in the beginning and he was only making enough to provide our bare necessities. However, t |
4659 |
Computers in the Medical FieldAre computers the new technology in the medical field? Through my research I have found that electronic medical records have many benefits outweighing the use of paper health records. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 created financial incentives for medical facilities to develop electronic medical records systems, as part of a national campaign to modernize health information management (Feigenbaum). In the year of 2013 most hospital settings are physically using computers in their practice for Electronic Medical Records. Some facilities still are using Paper Health Record to document. In this paper I will discuss the pros and cons of paper health records versus electronic medical records. I currently am working as a nurse in a hospital that only the emergency department is only computerized at this time and I find it to work well most of the times. The Pros and Cons of electronic medical records is that the start-up can be expensive due to hardware and ma |
949 |
Understanding Violence in SchoolsResearch reports are divided on the causes of school violence. Some refer to family situations. They say that when students are likely to live in poverty, witness drug abuse at home, have parents arrested and/or sent to prison, then it is not surprising how many students behave well, rather than some of them are violent. Access to weapons seems a clear cut cause or contributor to school violence. Crimes with guns and knives wouldn't take place without the students having access to those weapons. Media studies are sometimes contradictory, but some show that exposure to either real-world violence or violent live-action television shows or violent cartoons increases children's aggression. Some studies have also implicated violent movies and video games. The presence of gangs at schools is another element that is presented as a cause for violence Violence no matter where it occurs is usually a traumatic, tragic event, but when it happens in our schools to our children, it is a |
2600 |
Summary: Winter Dreams by F. Scott FitzgeraldDuring the winter in Black Bear Minnesota, there's this guy named, Dexter Green who is son of the second best grocery store. They have snowed in golf courses which Dexter was a caddy during the warmer months. He caddies to earn his pocket money. Dexter's financial resources had been stretched, so he passes school for a countless affection. Dexter then finished schooling, and then he had borrowed 1,000 dollars from his degree to buy assistance in laundry. When Dexter had turned twenty seven years old, he had already owned the greatest laundries for the upper Midwest. He then sold his business and had moved to New York. Then once he had turned twenty three, he was announced a pass for the weekend for She |
477 |
Exercise and Aging RatsThe purpose of this experiment was to inform and gather information on healthy rats and how exercise affected their longevity. They had different groups of rats which were separated into a voluntary exercise group (32 rats), sedentary freely eating (54 rats), and a paired-weight group whose food intake was monitored to maintain the same body weight as those of the runners (54 rats). The rats chosen for this experiment were males from the Charles River. Five percent of these rats were randomly selected then killed to examine their bodies to make sure there were no pathogens. The remaining rats were kept in a sterile environment until the results came back that there were no pathogens present. The rat workers were not allowed to work with any other rats during the experiment or in any other areas where the |
553 |
Gender Equality in the Classroom"Both males and females encounter gender expectations and pressures in schools from kindergarten through graduate and professional school." (Wood, 2013) We know how gender stereotyping can begin the moment parents find out the sex of their child. It is basically a cultural habit to give a boy a toy car and a girl a doll. This kick starts the gender stereotypes into gear and thus begins the thought process of what is deemed normal for girls and boys, both in their social and educational lives. Inequality, of gender, in the classroom is believed to be slowly decreasing but this is still an issue in our culture. Our laws, which were enacted many years ago, were put in place to prevent inequality in our schools, but this cannot remold culture's views on what is right for a boy or a girl. Research shows there have been changes put in place for equality, but our teachers, parents and schools need to work harder in providing an unbiased education to our children. Teacher's |
2741 |
Catnap Pet ProductsCase Study 6.2: Catnap Pet Products 1. Given its volume growth and supply chain process changes, what technology challenges will CPP face? Catnap Pet Products will be facing some new technology challenges with the new contracts developed with PETCO and Target. Primarily, being up to date with these new technology requirements is a must. Having the right software, management, transportation and production needs will be a long and meticulous challenge to deal with. However, if CPP strives to adjust and improve their technology use and practices, they can succeed. 2. As the scope of the CPP supply chain expands, which information technology capabilities will be most important for the company to pursue? Catnap Pet Products supply chain expands and gro |
510 |
Overview of the Columbian ExchangeThe Columbian Exchange is described as the division of the Old World and New World. In other words, it was the separation of North and South American from Eurasia and Africa. The Columbian Exchange was mainly caused by Christopher Columbus's voyages. Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean in 1492, helped to influence new cultures, beliefs and lifestyles; this originated the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian exchange affected almost every society on Earth. It is often called the Great Exchange because it was one of the vastest global trades in history. The great Exchange concerned both the West and the East in the exchange of goods, animals, slaves, plants, and ideas. Europeans introduced new crops, livestock, and diseases. Amongst the participating continents and countries were Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. When Europeans first grazed the borders of the Americas, Old World crops had not traveled west across the Atlantic and New World crops had not traveled e |
1436 |
Great Minds of the Scientific RevolutionDuring the 14th and 15th century, Europe was blessed with some of the greatest minds in history. Original thinkers such as Galileo Galilei, Martin Luther, and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni lead inspirational paths forever changing humanity. While their crafts were none like the other, they paralleled one another in many ways while correcting their society's traditional thinking. The ingenious cultural impacts of Michelangelo during the Renaissance are still principal to Italian as well as Western culture today. Additionally, Martin Luther's inspirational journey to disrupt the corruption of the church instilled an entirely new branch in Christianity. Alas, Galileo's studies contributing to the Scientific Revolution aided in creating the most influential movement in Europe. Those intellects with many others alike, worked to create an earth shattering movement. The influential figureheads of the Enlightenment period are cast over vastly different areas of expertise. Some |
1038 |
Psychological Aftermath of AbortionBefore abortion was legal, abortion laws were regularly and more extensively enforced on doctors, yet were never actually meant to be used against women. In 1973, the Supreme Court's decision in the Roe vs. Wade case legalized abortion in all 50 states of the United States of America. Many people seemed to believe that the legalization of abortion was needed in order to decrease the amount of women using the "back alley" routine, reduce the number of deaths from women who had an illegal abortion, and to stop people from making a mockery of the law. The number of abortions needed in order to save a women's life had substantially declined by 1960 when the medical field advanced in knowledge and technology. The amount of women that died by illegal abortions had also declined by the year 1972. Since the national legalization of abortion the amount of abortions that are performed has significantly increased. The possibility of death and injury are still great when going through with t |
2289 |
American Criminal JusticeThis essay will critically evaluate the evidence for the view that the American criminal justice system is racist, comment on the view that the Justice system is racist, with evidence gathered from both sides of the argument, and will conclude to agree with the view that the system is racist. "We cannot run society for the privileged and allow a significant proportion of the population to be marginalized. It impacts the quality of life for all of us if we have throw away' people. A justice system which tolerates injustice is doomed to collapse." Leonard Noisette, Former Director, Neighbourhood Defender Service of Harlem, NY America is the most racially diverse democratic nation in the world. Gains in economic prosperity, however, are not uniformly shared across society, with sections of American communities becoming marginalised. One aspect of this is the disparate treatment of persons of color which occurs across the entire American criminal justice system. Racial and ethnic dispari |
2307 |
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI)Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. Not every individual is cut out for the job, some people demonstrate a higher capacity to do it well while others may lack some of the key characteristics needed. To help determine my future success or possible failure in a management role I will be aided by the results of my MBTI report. The MBTI or Myers-Brigg Type Indicator was a test or "physiological instrument" administered at the beginning of the course so that I may be able to not only understand myself better but so that I can compare my personality to the qualities that define a good manager. The test also serves to help identify my strength and weaknesses, helping me to understand myself better. Through using the knowledge acquired from my Management course and taking the information provided in my MBTI report I will analyze my results to determine what area |
817 |