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What Killed Aiyana Stanley-JonesDetroit is a big city with a big history. Not too long ago, Motown was known as a city of opportunity, great music and sports. Now it is largely known for its murder rates, high crime, and poverty. Historian Ramsey Muir's depiction of Detroit in 1927 was as follows, "It regards itself as the temple of a new gospel of progress, to which I shall venture to give the name of "Detroitism."". The quote found in the essay What killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones refers to the dream Detroit represented and what the city was able to accomplish in terms of growth and progress. With Henry Ford's first automobile assembly-line plant, Detroit became a world- renowned city, envied by some of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. The lavish lifestyle that came with the image of Detroit attracted people all over the United States. Detroit, to many, was a Dollar sign that symbolized opportunity and freedom. Moreover, due to sociopolitical and economic factors and the outsourcing of resources of the automo |
998 |
Globalization and EconomicsOver the past two decades, globalization has gained prominence in the business world. In the past, most economies exercised a lot of caution in ensuring that they were safeguarded with appropriate tariffs to protect their domestic trade economies in an effort to strengthen their bargaining power regionally. Today, the protectionist practices in the global arena have been virtually abandoned by many economies to enable them transact billions of dollars worth of trade; without hindrances that come with bureaucracy in uncoordinated tariffs. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement between three North American countries, including the United States, Canada and Mexico that was reached between the countries in 1993. This agreement took effect in 1994 and since then; much has changed in the trading landscape between the three countries. Trade volumes have particularly increased tremendously between the partners. However, even though the agreement was supported strongly |
3175 |
Comparing Oedipus and AntigoneChallenging authority is a main theme which emphasizes the justifications of many actions that are made in the plays "Oedipus the king" and "Antigone" and show how both make moral choices and suffer the consequences. Oedipus assumed that by moving away from his parents there would be a less of a chance of him killing his father and marrying his mother, as it turns out that it lead to a higher chance of doing so. "These laws-I was not about to break them, not out of fear of some man's wounded pride, and face retribution of the gods. Die I must" (Antigone, page 82, lines 509-512).For Antigone her choice to bury her brother was with purposeful intentions |
443 |
Reporting Crimes on College CampusesCrime is an important issue which has been both a problem in the past and is currently a problem through out the world today. It has been noted that the crimes which take place on college campuses, have also been an issue, causing the university crime rates to increase over the past few years. After reading "Crime and Delinquency", a scholarly article written by Pamela Wilcox, Carol E. Jordan, and Adam J. Pritchard, it was addressed that several universities tend to under report campus crime causing the students to not be fully informed about the criminal events, which have taken place on and off campus. However, at the University of Georgia students are notified of several on and off campus crimes either through email, the crime report in the school newspaper, the Red and Black, or through the UGA alert system. Even though there has been an advance in technology and security over the past years, allowing for college students to be more easily notified of the surrounding criminal acts, |
1286 |
Personal Hygiene and CleanlinessPersonal hygiene and cleanliness is a very important part of life, inside and outside the military. These two traits are important to ensure; a healthy immune system, a healthy and comfortable living space, a healthy work environment, and to maintain a crisp appearance. These two essential traits complement one another, without one you cannot have the other. A healthy immune system will ensure mission readiness, as well as maintaining your sense of motivation. Within a traditional civilian environment, a healthy immune system is the key to success. If a person has a weak immune system, due to poor hygiene or cleanliness, they put others at risk of obtaining an illness. A good example of this is a person within a business setting. If they are sick, or a carrier of a sickness, they may get others sick. By just being in a close proximity of another person, they may transmit their sickness. In the event one person, or a group of people become sick, work efficiency suffers, as well a |
1036 |
Review: The Road To PerditionRoad to Perdition allows you to feel, smell, and breathe the air of 1930s Chicago. I will be completely honest here. It is very hard for some movies to capture my attention. The only one that I really do remember was Road To Perdition. This may be because it touched home for me. At its heart, Road to Perdition is a little drama about fathers, sons, and the covenants they make and break. When I was only eight years old, just around the same age as the little boy in the movie, my father was taken from me. Before I found out that the father dies in the end of the movie, I was thinking to myself, "I really wish my father and I had more adventurous memories." I would have loved to go fight crime with my dad or go running from bad guys. Even though I know that isn't very practical, it would have made one hell of a story and something great I would be able to remember my father by. When my father first started to get into drugs, I feel like he was breaking apart our family. He w |
664 |
Cultural MisunderstandingsCritical differences about cultures, beliefs, and tensions between religion have recurred throughout history. Native Americans lived on this land that we now call America for centuries following their own way of life. During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to come over to the new world, they discovered a society of Indians that was strikingly different to their own. The Europeans considered the Indians to be extremely primitive and basic, while, considering themselves civilized. The Europeans considered that they were model societies, and they thought that the Indians society and culture should be changed to be very similar to their own. Eventually their lives would be destroyed due to the Europeans colonization. This changed the Native Americans structure of society and life for the worst. These changes were caused by a number |
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Politics In The Supreme CourtEvery six years our Florida Supreme Court justices are brought up for "merit retention." Since the 1970's, Florida citizens have had the power to retain or remove judges during each election year. (Booth) Three Supreme Court justices by the name of Barbara Pariente, Peggy Quince, and Fred Lewis are being targeted for trying to use political efforts to restore the courts. I do believe that politics played a role in the decision to place the three Florida Supreme Court justices up for retention because with the judicial system politics is apart of what maintains the checks and balances of whether these justices should be removed. Governor Ric |
432 |
Force Of Muscle ContractionBody movements in many biological species are strictly under the voluntary control of skeletal muscle. Motor units within skeletal muscle consist of a single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates (UNT, 2010). All-or-nothing responses of muscle fibers are triggered autonomously at their own specific threshold creating a graded response. During excitation of skeletal muscle, acetylcholine (Ach) is released from the axon terminal of a motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) in response to an action potential (AP). The sarcolemma, or plasma membrane, of a muscle fiber is located on the opposing side of the synaptic cleft of the NMJ. Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on the sarcolemma, opening sodium channels (UNT, 2010). If the influx of sodium causes a sufficient depolarization an AP is generated in the sarcolemma. Specialized transverse tubule (T tubule) invaginations conduct the AP directly to the sarcoplasmic reticulu |
2005 |
John Hinckley Jr.Soon after his trial, Hinckley wrote that the shooting was "the greatest love offering in the history of the world" and was upset that Foster did not reciprocate his love.[15] After Hinckley was admitted, tests found that he was an "unpredictably dangerous" man who might harm himself, the target of his obsession (Foster), or any other third party. During 1983 he told Penthouse that on a typical day he will "see a therapist, answer mail, play guitar, listen to music, play pool, watch television, eat lousy food and take delicious medication."[16] He was allowed to leave the hospital for supervised visits with his parents in 1999, and longer unsupervised releases |
448 |
The US Election of 2012, Obama vs. RomneyThe candidate I would choose for President for 2012 would be Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party. Although I do not agree with all the policies that he proposes, I do believe that he is this best candidate to take America out of the economic crisis and regain its strength as a nation. Mitt Romney is an impressive articulate speaker; he definitely looks the part of presidency and carries himself well, which image is very persuasive to voters. His confidence and ability to argue his opinion with his experience in business and a family man definitely translates well across on television screens, he is able to use sympathetic language to persuade Americans to vote for him, by using a lot of examples of touring states on the campaign and using real life grievances that Americans have, especially in unemployment to place blame on current policies of Obama . However the reason why I would not vote for Romney is that it seems that he has a lot of fantastic promises and stating that he knows |
1684 |
Equality and Diversity in Contemporary SocietyIn the case study, the assignment will be looking at the notion of equality and diversity in contemporary society. The study will focus on the topic of poverty and how it affects the emotional, social and educational experiences of a child, positively and negatively. Relevant literature, as well as up to date legislation and policy involving equality and human rights will be used to look at the issue critically, by identifying the inequalities related to class and how it can have an impact upon the social, personal and educational experience of the child within school as well as parent and teacher. The case studies focal point is about a youthful girl who is singled out because of her socio-economic background, as part of the scenario the parent and teacher are involved. Christina is not a girl that everyone would characterize to be cool. She lives with a mother who is single is very poor and can't afford to by cool clothes, a mobile phone or an iPod like most of her classmates, she |
3489 |
Motivation in the WorkplaceAccording to Antony and McVicar (2011), motivation may be defined as a stimulus, workforce which can affect people's action because of a need or desire. It should be linked with people's performance and the goals of productivity. Usually, motivation plays an important role in achieving business goals in a workplace where is consist of workers. It could bring every employee enthusiasm in their work to gain the goals of productivity or the organization objectives if the managers motivate their staff well (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). So, how to motivate the employees challenges the managers of the organizations or companies. High level of motivation could lead to high level of performance, and then good performance could cause high productivity. In contrast, low motivation perhaps makes turnover happen frequently. Motivating in the workforce is complicated and difficult due to many different reasons such as work itself, work conditions, relationship between supervisors and staff (Herrera, 2 |
1510 |
Friendship and SexCan friendship survive sex? Sometimes it can be easy to fall for a friend or to have strong emotions for them. This question is significant because people need to know whether sex will benefit or hinder a friendship. They also need to know the value of themselves and their friendship. Sex brings so many different complications in one's life. I believe that sex in a relationship is acceptable as long as both parties have the same vision in mind. It cannot be one-sided. Both parties have to be willing to give or take from their relationship. On one hand, sex in a friendship can be a problem because one may want one thing that the other doesn't want. On the other hand, both may agree at the time only to have confusion later. Sex should not be included in a friendship unless it is converted into a meaningful relationship. Initially, a relationship cannot start without a friendship. A friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. Someone |
1514 |
Hardships of the Great DepressionThe 1930's were a decade of hardships and regret for people all around the world. This decade was huge in contrast to the success that the world held in the 1920's. The most significant event in the 1930's was the Great Depression. It was the worst economic disaster that the modern world had ever experienced, and it brought terrible suffering to millions of people. The Great Depression affected countries around the world, but few were impacted as severely as Canada (Mooney, E. 2006). The living conditions of many Canadians had deteriorated. Situations occurred that made the bad economic times worse. In 1929 the stock market collapsed, businesses went bankrupt, workers lost their jobs, and trade between provinces and countries had severely declined. As well, prairie farmers in western Canada experienced many hardships such as droughts and plagues of locusts, which destroyed their farms and livelihoods. These situations were made worse by Canadian politicians who did not know how to hand |
1911 |
The Birthmark and A Rose for EmilyIn every town there are always people that keep secrets although some are bigger than others. People will always be curious, but will not take the initiative to find answers until it is too late. The notion that people take secrets to their grave could never be more untrue in A Rose for Emily. Her secrets are exposed as she passes and she teaches everyone an interesting lesson. Another story where secrets are prevalent is The Birthmark. In this story a scientist is put to a moral test. If there is a need to have everything perfect, how much would one manipulate to appease his/her own desires? In The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne and William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily the main characters are in many ways similar and at the same time very different. William Faulkner is arguably one of the best authors of the twentieth century. "His short story, "A Rose for Emily" has been said to be his best work because of the well thought out and meticulous structure it is written in (Floyd C 50 |
2150 |
The Dangers of TobaccoTobacco causes many different illnesses in the world. Smoking is a very addictive substance, peers, and parents can be a negative influence on you to smoke. The most common effect is peer pressure. Smoking causes cancer. Cancer is a very deadly disease. And most cancers have no cure. If your friends and family cause you to smoke, it is a very high possibility that you will get cancer. Tobacco causes many different illnesses in the world. Four different ways of using tobacco using is Cigarette, Cigar, and Hookah smoking, and smokeless tobacco. Cigarette smoking is very dangerous to your health. Cigarettes have 599 addictive chemicals and substances in them. The first reason why you shouldn't smoke is that smoking affects your health. Compared to nonsmokers, men who smoke are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women who smoke are about 13 times more likely. Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% in women(Cancer Statistics Source 1). If you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like cancer and reduces the len |
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John Updike's 'A & P'John Updike's "A & P," is a story about a young man named Sammy and his trials at work. Three girls walk into the store and the entire time, Sammy is checking them out and critiquing their bodies. He does not seem to particularly enjoy his work or even the people he works with. At the end of the story, Sammy's frustration causes him to impulsively quit his job; what led to this decision was his hatred of work, impressing the girls, and not going back on his word. If you read this story, you can easily infer that the young man doesn't seem to enjoy his job too much. In the beginning of the story he is complaining about the old lady he is ringing up, "She's one of the cash register watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, I know it made her day to trip me up," (18). Sammy says this because she informed him that he had rang her up twice for an item. I can see why Sammy would be frustrated; he felt as if she wanted him to make a mistake. But being a cashier is not a very difficult job. Sammy's only real responsibility is to ring up the ite |
726 |
Strategies Used in the Television Show '24'Without hitting her readers over the head, Jane Mayer subtly and effectively persuades them that the television show "24" is merely conservative political propaganda intended to persuade the audience that torture is an effective means to fight against terrorism. Through personal interviews and factual statements accompanied by effective story telling methods she gives her readers the subtle notion that 24 is built on the grounds of conservative beliefs. Mayer evokes emotion throughout her essay in order to fully persuade readers of her beliefs about the show. Throughout Mayer's essay she conducts many personal interviews with producers and government officials to gather information on the shows true meaning and effect on the real world. Her first interview was conducted with Joel Surnow, an executive producer of 24, to illuminate the extent of how conservative characteristics are the foundation of the show. She discusses how he hated welfare and had lost friendships with friends who |
823 |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Movie, BrothersStressful events and tragic experiences routinely have detrimental effects on the human mind. Exposure to war with its accompanying brutality is arguably the most notable example of such a profound experience, leaving its victims in varying degrees of mental disarray. The film "Brothers" (2009), directed by Jim Sheridan, attempts to illustrate the impact of what war could have on a soldiers mind and how debilitating the affects can be when a solider returns home. Captain Sam Cahil is a United States Marine who struggles with life after being held in captivity for months by Afghani Terrorists. Undergoing relentless brutal torture, Cahil was forced to dismiss the military and deny their mission on camera then forced at gunpoint to kill his comrade with a lead pipe to save his own. This grotesque experience threw Cahil into immediate shock as well as perpetual psychological problems classified as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is defined as "an extreme |
1096 |
Internet and Freedom of SpeechAs the internet becomes one of the necessities in life, issues related to freedom of speech and hate speech are raised to discus the degree of protection to Internet users from inappropriate contents. This paper examines the difference between free speech and hates speech, and combines the two together to explain the different elements and how people might confuse the two terms. Moreover, the paper develops different alternatives to protect people from hate sites and addresses some issues that are related to each alternative. Related issues are discussed nationally (North America) and internationally to modify how we deal with hate sites from different point of view. Some possible ways are legal regulation that governments provide and the use of technology to protect us from unwanted materials in the Internet. This paper will also provide some real time example to explain the different among these alternatives in more details. The Internet is the largest most accessible form of mass |
1597 |
The Wars of the Three KingdomsEvents between 1640 and 1660 did confirm the dominance of the English state over the three kingdoms of the British Isles, both by means of political and military involvement. The state went through periods of being dominant as well as being absent from dominance during this period in time. Absent due to the English Civil war, which for a time allowed Scotland to have influence over parliament and for the Catholic Irish to rebel in Ireland. These events were extinguished with the eventual execution of King Charles I, and the formation of the Republican parliament in 1649. The new parliament used the New Model Army to claw back its dominance with invasions into Scotland and Ireland. The new parliament then was able to dominate Scotland and Ireland politically through the eventual Commonwealth government. Events between 1640 and 1660 (it could be argued) wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Charles I tampering of religion. His role before 1640 was important to the events played with |
1237 |
The Dangers of Social NetworkingPeople use social networks for different purposes. Some of them prefer to use social networks to communicate with people they need to. Other people use social networks with the purpose of getting information. It is extremely comfortable when people are free to get everything they need using only one site. Every coin has the reverse side; in this case the use of social networks brings not only positive consequences to people. There are many dangers when it comes to the use of social networks. The first danger of social networks is that the information represented online by users can be used by anyone, and not always in the appropriate way. Moreover, not all information represented online is true and valid. Both issues create danger for users of social networks; they should mind them in order to prevent unpleasant consequences of social networking. It is not difficult at all to learn something about someone using social networks. It reminds one of the FBI data base; each profile co |
886 |
Social Media - Tool or Trouble?"You gotta love Facebook", I muttered as my daughter harassed me about messaging my husband while we were both in the same room. I have become increasingly aware of the adverse affects of social media on myself and society. Giving up my iPhone has become a number one priority due to the fact that it is monopolizing my time and life. The use of social media is dramatically on the rise. Facebook alone has an estimated 550 million visitors per month (Das & Sahoo, 2011). Social networking sites are a convenient way to keep in touch with each other, and they have transformed our lives socially. However, communication skills are deteriorating, attention spans narrowing, and sadly, the insatiable desire to become a part of technological advances in social media mania is undermining common sense and behavior in society. Although the use of social media has rapidly become a valuable tool in society, few users take any thought of what adverse affects the excessive time spent on these s |
1381 |
Postpartum Depression - Often UndiagnosedThe arrival of a brand new baby is like no other experience in life. No matter whether a pregnancy is planned and long-anticipated, or virtually unexpected, parents are often overwhelmed with a myriad of powerful emotions. The intensity of these emotions cannot be compared with any other life changing event. It is not uncommon in the initial period following childbirth for a new mother to experience what has traditionally been referred to as the "baby blues," and for new fathers to experience emotional upheavals of their own as well. Historically parents felt it necessary to suppress feelings of overwhelming sadness, or inability to cope due to fear of being viewed as week, or neurotic. In recent years however much attention has been given to a more serious condition known as postpartum depression. This paper will define postpartum depression, the pathology and origins of the disorder, as well as presenting symptoms and the criteria used for diagnosis. It will identify those at |
1449 |