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Toxic Relationship - The Age of Lead

In the short story "The Age of Lead", the protagonist Jane and her friend Vincent share a very special and close relationship. The author discusses the connection between mistakes that were made in the past and the consequences that result in the future. Jane and Vincent share the same motto of living life with, "No belt, no pins, no pads, no chafing" (Atwood, 639). They want to live their life with freedom and no consequences to their actions and no obligations. Jane starts to look back at the relationship she has with Vincent as she watches a television program about a well preserved sailor's body that has been discovered after being frozen for over a century. She thinks about the ideal and perfect relationship that they both dreamed of when Vincent was alive. They crave the carefree lifestyle where they were not judged or criticized and free from obligations. They believe that nothing could hold them back a


Why I'm a Teacher

Childhood memories persuaded me to become a teacher. Being a Mexican-American growing up in a family of ten siblings with an English speaking father and a Spanish speaking mother was the best thing that ever happened to me. I loved living in the riches of two cultures, two languages, and absolutely relished celebrating Mexican and American customs and traditions all under one roof. Little did I know that one of my worlds would be crumbled to shame by my third grade teacher, Mrs. Johnston. It happened during a reading discussion that I decided to share my thoughts about the story we had just read. Mrs. Johnston asked me to approach her desk and commanded that I place my hand on her desk. Without warning she whacked it, hard, with the dreadful "paddle" I never had feared before this day. Her comment, "Don't ever speak Spanish in my classroom ever again. Do you understand?" I replied, "Yes, Mrs. Johnston", but in my mind and heart I really could not understand how the language I l


Zach Wamp and Capital Punishment

In this paper, I will discuss Zach Wamp's view on the death penalty and see if his view will be effective in reducing crime rates. Zach Wamp supports the death penalty and thinks that Tennessee should still accept the law. Tennessee has been a long supporter of the death penalty. There have been a total of 1,188 deaths by the means of the death penalty in the United States, from 1977 to 2009 (Jones 13). Most of these deaths were by lethal injection but some criminals received electrocution, Hanging, firing squad, and even by a gas chamber. The least common of all these ways is hanging with only 2-recorded executions. The death penalty or capital punishment has many different views surrounding it. It has been the question for decades whether the decision is right for the government to have the right to take someone's life or not (Bender 56). Zach Wamp supports Capital punishment and voted against the habeas corpus law, which gives the chance for the criminal to appeal in court to be not guilty or to plead insanity. In other words when a suspect is found guilty there is no


Members of Students for Fair Tuition

Members of Students for Fair Tuition (SFT) decide to protest rising tuition costs at Gigantic State University (GSU) by taking over Dunfee Hall, the location of GSU president Dalton Chandler's office. As they storm into the reception area of Chandler's office suite, shouting "Down with fascist tuition increases," Chandler's faithful secretary, Prudence Pimply, picks up a phone to call the campus police. Steve Steel, radical leader of the SFT, slaps the phone knocking it from Prudence's hand without ever touching her. He then pulls out an amazing lifelike squirt gun and threatens to blow Prudence's head off if she so much as moves an inch toward the phone or the door. Prudence collapses in a sobbing heap on her desk. Unfortunately for their purposes, the students find the only door to Chandler's third floor office locked from the inside. After a few feeble attempts to break it down, they contend with barricading his door with filin


Online and Off-Line Ethnography

It is difficult to imagine a world without a computer or phone. For me because I grew up, the technological revolution and for my parents because they now know better. I moved last month. Since then, I find myself regularly that I can be difficult for the spirit out how a school day for me in that dorm room looked. Where the tea stood, and where my favorites book was. So obvious was my daily routine. My room was a small space of practical use hung together. I can remember that my desk was very full, filled and was busy. But what I could find, I only know when I look at old photos. Oja, a salt and pepper set in the shape of dice, I think. And Oja, a back-scratcher of that trip to Arizona. Most of the stuff I find on the photo stuff you'd find in an old kitchen drawer. Touching stuff that roam my room for years, place after place. And yet these are the things that define my person, my quality and taste and maybe even betrayed my socio-economic condition. These objects and other props wit


How We Perceive the Deaf Community

One must understand the past to understand the future when looking at disability in our society today. A century ago, deaf and blind people had been viewed as being in an animalistic state and not possess the dignity of a man. This is not radical for the time period. Up until the mid to late eighteenth century, deaf or blind people were unable to inherit property, get married, receive an education and obtain adequate work. This group was denied fundamental human rights. The deaf and blind were given no access to schooling and unable to learn to speak, (hence the term "deaf and dumb"), or to communicate through sign language. This has perpetuated a misunderstanding of how we perceive this culture. There are many different viewpoints, and the issues today are similar to groups related to race, color and sexual orientation. Some still today stereotype this community as less than, inferior and stigmatized, while others see them in having their own identity, strong, able and independent. He


Relationship Between Low Socio-Economic Areas and Obesity Rates

Over the past couple of decades, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of obesity rates in North America. Measures of socioeconomic disadvantage including neighborhood poverty and low parental/guardian education are related to family obesity rates. Poverty may impact obesity rates through lack of physical activity, inadequate sleep habits, and parental monitoring (Ludwig, 2011). The recent dramatic increase are unlikely due to biological and genetic changes at the individual level, but rather, are linked to the social and economic status among communities. The reason behind the differences in communities that have low economic status contributes to larger health disparities (Bodor, 2010). On a basic level, without community funding there is not any additional money to improve on the infrastructure of the area. For instance, lack of funds means: lack of sidewalks, bike routes and community parks where physical exercise is promoted. Or, if the community is fortunate en


Teaching English for Academic Purposes

Introduction Academic writing is often more abstract and technical than our daily writing. In academic writing, students are required to take on a different voice, tone, mannerism and attitude as well as an additional set of vocabulary. For example, among psychologists "psychologists' definitions are often abstract, highly conceptualized, academic, and technical" (Rucker, 2006). The abstract and technical language used may produce writing that may be incomprehensible to the uninitiated and the readers who are outside of the field. Technical language is necessary to convey meanings of ideas, concepts, objects, theories and phenomena of the subject that is being studied. Therefore, abstract and technical language appeals less to the common sense of readers than everyday writing. While technical and abstract language is necessary, "psychological reports are often criticized for their use of jargon, and ambiguity" (Rucker, 2006) and there has been suggestions that reports "be concise, avo



Trapshooting is a very fun activity to participate in. Some people say it is a sport and some say its a hobby. Most say hobby because there is not work ethic needed for it. In trapshooting, the gun is the most important thing because if nobody had a gun nobody would be able to participate. There is only one specific type of gun that can be used. The twelve gauge shotgun is that type of gun, there are many different brands of twelve gauges too. Sometimes the different brands of guns can affect the performance of a shooter. There are many different brands of guns too. Different guns work for different shooters. Some trap shooters like over and under guns, some prefer semi-automatic, some like single shot guns and most prefer pump shotguns which is the most popular gun that is used in trapshooting. Joining trapshooting is fairly simple. A hunter safety class must be taken in able to perform. H


When My Daughter Was Born

"A person is a person, no matter how small"- Dr.Seuss once said. Her and her husband had gotten married March 9, 2009. They moved to their new base home a few days later and got settled in. A few months after settling into a married life, she realized she wanted to try for a baby. At the time, she thought she wanted a large family so she wanted to start when she was young. She thought 18 was a perfect age. On the contrary, her husband wasn't ready to have a baby just yet, he definitely wanted children, but he wanted to wait a little while longer. She wasn't exactly the model wife and she started to beg and plead as the tears rolled down her face. Her voice was raspy as she spoke, but she told him no matter the choice she"d love him. They talked about it for a while and finally decided not to try, but not to prevent either - they were leaving it up to God. About a year later, she had taken a home pregnancy test and to her disbelief it had come out positive. She would spend the next six


Evolutionary Psychology

It has been tested that given the same emotional stimuli women tend to react only a little more physiologically than men, but tend to show a lot more facial recognition to the stimuli. For the most part, this holds true today. This can be attributed with evolutionary psychology due to a child mimicking the behavior of their parent. Also, I believe that the reasons for this occurrence attributes to labor and family roles. It is not through DNA that women tend to show more facial expression in reacting to emotional stimuli. It is from watching and living with their parents that such attributes have progressed through time. Facial reaction to emotional stimuli is not something that is given to someone like eye color or gender; it is more something that is learned. It is a gender role just like the traditional idea that women should do housekeeping and be the main caretaker of the children as the man should work and provide for the family. These ideas are as old written word. The men


The Falklands Conflict of 1982

This essay will take a broad look at the Falklands Conflict of 1982 in which the British Armed Forces re-took the islands following the Argentinean invasion. It will identify four key factors that are fundamental to the success of the operation using examples from the second world war and testimony from Admiral Woodward to reinforce the argument. The essay will look at the speed with which the British taskforce was ordered south, the use of the deception tactic as a means of achieving surprise, the crucial role played by the British forces, most notably the Royal Navy and finally the understanding of the limitations imposed by the weather and changing seasons. Main Towards the end of 1981 and early 1982, the political outlook for the conservative party in power at that time under Margaret Thatcher was fairly bleak.It could be argued that the invasion of the Falkland Islands came at a crucial time for the government, a fact that clearly did not go unnoticed and affected a rapid respo


Hafsa Bint Umar: The Wife With a Hidden Voice

The woman and life of Hafsa bint Umar encompasses some of the most challenged aspects of Islam, specifically in the assessment of the personhood of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as the authority of and content within the Qur' an. Hafsa bint Umar has been documented as a woman marked by her hot temper, intelligence and challenging personality. However, her significant influence and impact on the Islamic religion in its entirety has been often overlooked to this day. She was the daughter of the second caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, a very trusted man of the Prophet Muhammad. Arguably it was the relationship between her father and the Prophet that lead to the very interesting marriage between the Prophet and Hafsa, a marriage which led to the even more controversial divorce that followed the affair between the Prophet and the slave woman, Maria. Hafsa's fiery personality, linage, marriage to the Prophet, and prominent role in the rise of Islam is an interesting case as it relates to the imag


Infancy and Early Childhood Development

Infancy and Early Childhood Development Development of a child begins in the womb. The human fetus is defined as the unborn human during the stage of development. In this stage the fetus develops organs and grows many times its size during this time (E how Family, 2011). Once the child is born it is even more important that the environment is conducive for normal infant physical and mental growth. Infants experience the majority of its growth during the first year. The average baby doubles their birth rate by six months and in one year it triples (E how Family, 2011). During that time motor skills, cognitive and linguistic development accelerates and the child advances to more stages of development. Infancy During the first two years of an infant's life body changes take place in the body, mind, and social relationships. The brain triples in size the digestive system begins to accommodate food, which helps to nourish the brain and body so that the child will grow. It is important dur


Sustainability in Recreation Centers

With building a new recreational center, there are a lot of ways to go about making it a sustainable facility. When first thinking about the design and layout of this new rec center, Steve Najera, the Associate Director of facilities at the University of Colorado knew that sustainability would play a big role. The project cost as a whole will be $63.5 million, $2 million of which is focused on being sustainable. The new rec center will be built with LEED Gold Certification standards and requirements, meaning that it will be sustainable in water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation, and regional priority. (USGBC, 2013) By doing so, the University is focused on making the extra financial investment now to be sustainable. This is with the hope that there will be a decrease in their impact on the environment and an increase in financial savings. One of the first things that the design team did with this facility was change


Evolution of Counterterrorism Since 9/11

Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, the United States government has taken steps to reduce the threat of future terrorist attacks and also to apprehend terrorists before they have the chance to commit crimes against the United States and its citizens. Some actions that the United States government has taken since 9/11 would be creating a more effective investigation and criminal prosecution department, structural changes to the Justice Department and its component agencies, instituting legal changes to help intelligence and law enforcement officials, and partnering with domestic and international counterparts to better combat the growing threat of terrorism. Just to name a few. Terrorism has not taken a break since 9/11. Although you don't hear about it everyday, the United States has been dealing with some of the most significant terrorism threats since 9/11, over the past three years (USDOJ). Technology has introduced a who


Emancipation Proclamation and Liberation

There has been one document in America's history that has withstood the test of time and continues to "work- and serve its purpose even today in modern times. It has endured harsh criticism and, at the same time, received much praise since its conception in 1863. I am speaking, of course, about the Emancipation Proclamation. Many documents drafted during the Civil War period were stepping stones to the abolishment of slavery in America. Not all documents created during this time had a major impact on the institution of slavery; the Emancipation Proclamation, however, was the beginning of the end for slavery. It was not the first emancipation, but it was the one that worked. The proclamation had immediate and long term effects on our nation. It played an important role in the anti-slavery movement from the smallest towns of the United States all the way to the shores of Europe. The civil war did not start as a crusade to end the institution of slavery. The original intention of the


A Criminal with Good Intentions: Whitey Bulger

In the summer of 2011, the infamous James "Whitey" Bulger was arrested. The South Boston native was wanted for 19 murders along with many other crimes (Bruno). The people from South Boston all know Whitey Bulger. He was notorious for keeping South Boston "safe" by the resident, but also was known as the head of crimes. Although today Whitey Bulger is regarded as a criminal, All Souls, reveals he started out with good intentions to help improve the lives of people living in Southie in the 1990's. Whitey Bulger got into trouble in his early childhood. He was known as a troublemaker around his neighborhood. Whitey dreamed about running away and joining the circus as a young boy. He was first arrested when he was 14 for stealing. After the first criminal experience, his record grew. "He was charged for larceny, forgery, assault and battery, and armed robbery and served five years in a juvenile reformatory. Upon his release, he joined the Air Force where he served time in military jail f


Endangered and Minority Languages

Language is one of the most important choices that allows humans to develop their rights as a primary mark of identity. The violation of this right is widespread in countries where the government doesn't allow the citizens to express their ethnic identity. Language constitutes an area of potential conflict in Europe, Africa and Asia, in countries where language rights are subject to ethnic discrimination and where recognition of their identities is demanded from the state. According to Ethnologue, 473 languages are currently close to extinction. In the Americas alone, 182 are endangered by the end of the century. These figures should make all humans think about the reasons that threaten them and how these languages are treated. To analyze the role that languages play in our society we should consider questions such as "how do languages die out and why?" or "In which ways does globalization influence the marginalization of minority languages?" We have a lot of information about saving e


Contending With Reading

Teachers know how to address the issue of the struggling reader but the problem is teachers are afraid to address reading concerns because they feel that they were not credentialed to teach reading, they feel they are only expert in the area of their certification and it is the English department's job to address reading problems. Schools would be much more successful if everyone would pitch and address students' reading issues. Why is reading to learn and reading comprehension important? Can content area teachers teach reading strategies and which reading strategies are important for successful learning? Why do content area teachers feel they are not credentialed to teach reading strategies to improve students reading comprehension? Learning to read is one of the most important skills a person can acquire in his or her life. Reading is one of the most foundational bases for obtaining a successful life. Through reading, knowledge is acquired and knowledge tra


Etitquette in Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austen's greatest masterpieces. It's a sharp and witty comedy of manners played out in early 19th Century English society. Women hope to find a rich husband that can care for them; in particular are the Bennet's, a family with five daughters whose father's estate is entailed to a distant relative when he passes. The mother is desperate to see them get married and when they hear about the Bingley's (a wealthy household), and she attempts to get one of the older daughters to commit to marriage with Mr. Bingley. In this time period, a man's etiquette is supposed to be very charming and agreeable with the ladies. As for the women, they are expected to uphold the most proper manners. Yet in this novel, Austen pokes fun at the misbehavior of those lower, and even higher on the social scale. Mrs. Bennet was the definition of having bad manners. She says, "Mr. Bennet, how c


Appreance Discrimination

Whether we agree or disagree, appearance has become a huge issue in our culture. People who are physically attractive tend to take many advantages whereas those who are physical unattractive tend to experience prejudice and discrimination based on only their appearance. Maybe an average of beauty are different from all different culture, gender and age. However, in general what people consider appearance as more attractive face such as young looking, smooth-skinned, and have a pleasing expression is similar. Perception of attractiveness are not only affected by face, but also affected by body type. People with a well-built body type are stereotypically seen as more eye-catching, adventuresome, and healthful whereas overweight people are seen as lazy, sloppy, and unattractive. Thinner people are stereotypically seen as shipshape, and intellectual but tense and afraid. (Ryckman et al., 1991) Thus, preference for the attractive eventually lead people to follow lookism, which is a term use


Roman Values: Rise and Fall of the Republic

Traditional Roman values greatly helped the rise of the republic. These values gave the Roman people a foundation to build their lives off of as well as a way to guide their thoughts and actions. These values would help make the Roman republic be a successful and happy place to live. Rome's extensive expansion all started with the thought that the gods wanted them to dominate the world through military use as well as law. The Roman people were also expected to enhance the world through their social and moral values. Secondly, Romans thought that they received their values from their ancestors. This common belief was known as "mos maiorum", meaning the "way of the ancestors." Furthermore moral values such as honor, respect, faithfulness, and family all played massive roles in shaping the roman and people individually and the republic as a whole. Faithfulness to the Roman people meant to take responsibility to one's own commitments. Being faithful meant a lot of things to the Romans s


Technological Modernization

Technological modernization has dramatically increased availability of violent entertainment. The launch of television was vital; it has particularly made violent entertainment more abundant to children. More currently, video games have increased exposure. Violent video games have been a conflict in today's society. As technology advances get more sophisticated, so do the video games with more realistic graphics, sound effects and scenarios. As a result, violent video games are also becoming more realistic, cruel and offensive. With varying classifications and genres, video games are not for everyone; they are rated for specific audiences ranging from "everyone" to "mature". These ratings suggest the age appropriateness; however, there is no discipline to any people who is disobeying those games ratings. To put it differently, children start playing a game suitable for persons ages 17 and older (Mature) in which contains intense violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Under


The Myth of John F. Kennedy

Some people consider him one of the best presidents of all time. Many others say there will never be another one like him. And yet there is still so much about John F. Kennedy that is ignored. The most shocking to me were his numerous affairs with women, including one with one of the biggest cultural icons of the time, Marilyn Monroe. So, why do Americans praise a man that made such controversial decisions throughout his entire tenure as a political figure and President of the United States? I believe this is because the Kennedy Myth is so powerful that Americans choose to ignore any questionable decision the President made before his assassination in 1963. I believe that because Americans had such a strong attachment to the Kennedy family they would rather pay tribute to him in any way they can but I would rather talk about the truth and debunk the myth. The myth of John F. Kennedy has to start with his family and their connection with the American people. They were put on a pedes